Would love to donate, but your paypal only accept creditcard. It keeps asking to link a creditcard, while the amount on my paypal is high enough to donate 25$...... Any solution here?
I am looking into Amazon Payments as a donation solution. Feel free to PM me and see if we can figure out something for you.
Phelon, I donated in the past and my login/pw never worked. The SVN you PM'd me back at the end of April doesn't work. How do I go about getting the correct SVN?
I have sent multiple PM's since June 2, 2014 trying to get an update for Ultimate PVP suite as a donator and have yet to get any reply or information from you. Could you please respond. Thank you.
I responded to every PM today. So if you were waiting to hear back from me about what ever, you should have a PM.
Right! after eventually getting this addon to work this afternoon, all was going well.Tonight i cant get it to log in. Anyone please tell me WTF is going on with this plugin?.
OMFG! To whoever created this 'Intelligent' PoS, please do me a favor and diaf or stop trying. I mean seriously....this retarded plugin prioritizes player pets with low hp pools over players >.> And how convenient that only donors can see the config menu for this PoS. This guy expects people to donate for some crap that knows absolutely nothing about pvp. I mean if your that freaking cheap that you INTENTIONALLY have it set that way then I hope noone ever donates to your sorry butt. But if this is just a taste of your actual skill, you have no business developing shit for a bot.
Hi Phelons, I have a problem, I enter my username and password (obtained on paypal after purchasing your license), I click login and nothing happens ..... I can not access the tabs "setting "" targetting "" interrupt "etc [Ultimate PvP Suite] Please verify your Username. TY in advance PS : I followed the instructions from this address : Phelons Plugins: Installation Instructions for Ultimate PvP Suite
When I try to configure Ulitimate PvP Suite I just get a message saying "Configuration Form is available for Donators Only." It doesn't even pop up anything for me to log in so I can adjust the setting for the plugin.
You have to be smarter than the program you are using friend. If you read the code, it has no ability to target pets. I apologize you are unable to read code or even adjust the bot settings that are in the Main Loader File for this plugin. For those wondering, this plugin will be available from the Buddy Store hopefully some time this week. I completely re wrote the targeting code for my BG Bot Base, which I will be implementing into this. So as soon as I get some time, I will be releasing v2.0 Edit Clark: PM me a log in Diagnostic mode so I can check it out.
Hello Phelons, I wanted to know if it was for me that message, and if so, I do not understand how to make in Diagnostic mode?? Are you talking folder log in HonorBuddy ??