On this fight we were around turn 8 or 9 and he has a Orge Magi (Ogre Magi - Hearthstone Cards). Now I had 2 Earth Shock's (Earth Shock - Card - Hearthstone) since it's so late in the game and I had I think 6 minions/totems out there shouldn't he have silenced him just incase the priest had a holy nova, because that extra +1 would have took out all my guys. Then later on at the end the priest summoned the legendary (Sylvanas Windrunner - Card - Hearthstone) now I had the other earth shock shouldn't it have silenced her to because she could have easily traded with me and then controlled one of my minions. I also understand these cards wouldn't have killed them as they only deal one damage I was just more worried about silencing them.
He had Bloodmage Thalnos (Bloodmage Thalnos - Hearthstone Cards) and he took out something else I think it was a totem instead of Bloodmage
Gotta say, been working awesome since .91!! Thanks! Problem I'm having is it can't select which buff it wants with Ancient of War card. I could not get a log because it would not finish the fight
Great job on the silverfish AI, although i notice it doesn't always attack with all minions when it has the perfect opportunity to, ie: it will summon the argent commander which has charge, and then it doesn't attack, it just summons it and ends turn. any advise or reasoning why it does this? (it was a free hit on the enemy, no trading involved)
For some reason the last few turns he stopped using his hero ability to cast a totem and I had crystals both turns
Idk whats going on or if it's toward the end of matches but now I noticed I had a 3/2 acidic ooze and a 1/1 totem and he ended turn without attacking
I would like to thank the OP. Props man, first time HB got me to rank 10+ Very impressive logic upgrade from the standalone bot. I will have to provide a log, but sometimes there is a discrepancy on how the bot will trade with a weapon equipped. (i will try to keep an eye out so i can provide a log to you.) Once again man, i am guessing this was a huge investment of time on your part, i want to thank you. As someone who has only about 1-3 hrs of free time avg a day to sit down and enjoy some games, it is a great feeling not having to deal with bs daily quests.
He should have attacked first with the chillwind yeti since it was buffed buy the totem instead he summoned another card next to the totem and then only attacking for 4 instead of 6
update v94: - fixed hero-power usage - new option in advanced settings: (HrtBuddy users have to edit the .cs-files to get "play-around-aoe-spells" working) set the minimum probability for using the play-around-aoe-spells-feature: simulation uses the enemy aoe-spells only, if the probability to have this aoe-spell in hand is higher, than the given border (a value from 0-100) (default 40)
what is the compilation error? (please post the hrtbuddy log) @paperc07 the minion was placed wrong (should be placed on the other side) Edit: fixed placement with 4 minions on board
jeah, BaliOne, please reload the zip, delete the old silverfish folder and take the new one from the zipfile
im doing something wrong right now. i just redownload the zip from https://github.com/noHero123/HRCusto...h.zip?raw=true and copy this to CustomDecks folder and unzipped and i still have the same erro. Dunno what im doing wrong. new log: