Like the girls and their cup, if I bot on one wow account attached to my bnet account and get caught, will the other account I don't bot on attached to my bnet account also eat shit?
Hey Buddy, you already know the right answer. Btw same prob on my 2 chained account, under a single BNET username. After 4 year, 1 banned (the one i Bot on) and 1 (the Main i care of) still up & Running.
if 1 of the accounts get banned your bnet account is flag, so you won't get a 72 hour suspension just perm ban on all the other acc's on that bnet account, but that's it...
I agree with aizet from personal experience...I personally have 6 accounts all on the same bnet. when the first got perma ban, all the others were perfectly fine for ages before i caught another ban. Only reason i even caught other bans on that bnet was from irresponsible botting. The main account i play (No botting ever) right now is linked to the same account i have 4 permabans and another active daily botting account on....No issues ever.
i know that's what i meant .. your bnet account gets flagged so you won't receive a suspension if you get caught botting, but get instant perm ban .. i probably had to write in my previous post: bot = permban, no suspension cause it's flagged..
That's not true as well. I have 2 accounts linked on 1 bnet. Both of the accounts are botted and after irresponsble botting of 4 days in a row to full PvP gear, I received 72h suspension on 1 of the accounts (my main account). The other one was untouched (botted aswell).
I've got many battle.nets - but two 'main battle.nets' which always have my 'active' accounts in them. When an account gets banned, i move it to my ' cata+mop graveyard' So far, it has 5 banned accounts and I tell you what - IF they ever open them back up, It's going to have some serious achievements/mounts/pets/collectables. -- To answer the OP directly, if you get flagged and banned on one account, other accounts on that are NOT automatically banned. However, there is a logical increase that they'll be checking for injection/suspicious behavior on those other accounts too. People here (as they always have on pirox, glider, etc) will spout all sorts of garbage about IPs,Hardware IDs, etc. When there has never been any solid evidence to support it.
From my expierience - If several accounts from the same battlenet are all botting, once one is flagged and investigated - they will check into your other accounts aswell, do they find em botting ? --> banned.
Thanks all. Appreciate the feedback. I also didn't realise how OP it was merging account in to the same Bnet for things like achieves/ pets / mounts.
what he is trying to say.... new accounts get a strong chance of a 72 hr ban for first offense. offenses are counted battlenet wide. second and third offense results in a permaban for the botting account. regardless if it a brand new account. to make that jumbled mess of text a little more clear EXAMPLE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i start a battlenet account with 2 accounts linked. first offense-72hr ban for botted account, no ban for non botted account second offense- all previous offenses battlenet-wide(both accounts are considered) results in a ban, maybe overturned third offense on botted account results in a permaban only for the botted account. i get slick and link a third account(brand new) to my bnet and start botting. the offense count does not reset, you are still considered to have 3 offenses tied to that battlenet account. i get caught botting on WOW3 for the first time and i get a permaban because ive already had 3 warnings. /end EXAMPLE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this is why the botting community suggests one account per battlenet. new accounts get their own bnet so the offense counter resets.