Well you should care. Escorts are a very complicated target for bots to handle. As humans we can see where they are heading and infer information for that with our brains. Bots have a much harder time doing this.
Heh, maybe that came out wrong. I say i don't care how you do it meaning what method you use so long as it works I have very few complaints about the fate bot overall and while i fully accept i could lose the account at anytime by using the bot. I'd prefer i get caught by a new security update on SE side as opposed to players recognizing my character as a shutter stepping bot while following a target. Overall the bot works very well and i look forward to your updates...just quick question i made a thread about this in the support forums but figured i'd ask you while you're online looking at threads. any idea why the bot stops attacking mid fate fight it just shows idle in the log. despite being in range and the target still being very far from dead.
If I could take away rep instead of giving it, I would for this reply. Really, answers like yours are akin to saying "Oh, your leg's broken? You should amputate it". Yeah, the leg won't be broken any more but that's hardly a useful response; you want to set it and heal it (fix it), not just remove it. Unchecking the option is a temporary solution to persistent problem. Problems like these need to be brought to Mastahg's attention so they can be fixed, and while I have no expectation that it will be done quickly (reading Mastahg's posts above), without bringing the problem into the light so he (she? I've no idea, don't like to make assumptions) can be aware of the problem, it would never be fixed at all. If we were looking for a stop-gap solution to it, we would be asking for that instead of reporting a legitimate bug.
I actually didn't mean for that to sound as stand-offish as it should, but I still stand by the gist of it. It is a problem, but overall affects very little. Escort quests give the same amount of Exp and Seals as any FATE of the same level, and only one of them per map compared to the relative abundance of BOSS and BATTLE FATEs. It would also be hard to make Escort quests look like a natural human being due to the fact that it moves and how the bot currently operates, and the little gains in fixing it would be better off set to newer BotBases and such. Another problem is that they mention it being a bug, when it in fact working normally. Some parts of the bot looks like a bot no matter how you slice it, Gathering without a mesh takes the same path over and over, ReturntoAetheryte returns to the Aetheryte and takes no jumping paths whatsoever, Escort FATE Botting just falls under the same category, and if you don't want to look like a bot, don't use it. Hell, even normal FATE botting looks like a bot because you stand in one spot and try to kill things without moving or dodging AoEs, it's just readily apparent in Escorts because everyone else is moving while you're stutter stepping. But they're still not bugs, because they are working as intended. The only thing that it might really affect in the long run is if you need an Escort FATE for your Relic books and the said Escort FATE is particularly rare, and even that seems really far-fetched. Plus I take offensive to your erroneous analogy, why compare turning it off to amputation. Heads up, dude: If your leg is broken, DON'T USE IT. It isn't even broken, it's working properly; just not in the way you want it to. Which makes the analogy even sadder.
Version 155 Code: Kupo: Lots of refactoring done. Api: RemoteWindows.SelectString has three new functions added: Lines,ClickLineContains, and ClickLineEquals. -This is the window used when interacting with a vendor to choose to buy stuff or repair items etc, and the retainer windows. Fishbot: -Behavor tree reworked -Now with 5000% more mooching TeleportTag: Will now dismount before teleporting Orderbot: Will now propely dispose of network connection on botstop Gathertag: Will now buff Truth of Mountains/Forests Fixed issue blacklisting targets that could not be navigated to. AllOrNone attribute added. When this is set to true skills will not be used until player has enough GP to use all the skills in the list. <GatheringSkillOrder AllOrNone="true"> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Unearth" TimesToCast="1"/> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Solid Reason" TimesToCast="1" /> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Deep Vigor" TimesToCast="1" /> </GatheringSkillOrder> Other: Networking library has changed. Now will handle disconnects much better. GlobalSettings window returns, now you can control the post processing that is done to paths returned by the server. -Raw:Nothing is done -FixEdgeHugging: Path is cleaned up a bit (This was what happened to all paths on the previous versions) -FixEdgeHuggingNeo: Same as above, but with a different algorithm -PathRandomization: Path points are tweaked randomly to create a unique path each time. -Random: Server will randomly choose FixEdgeHugging,FixEdgeHuggingNeo,or PathRandomization and apply that. This gives everyone a better chance at having aunique path each time.
Been working on OrderBot profiles. Every time I try to start a profile it is throwing an error and automatically closing down. Is the Nav server down? Log attached View attachment 15316 2014-08-06 00.02.txt
View attachment 15856 2014-08-06 00.45.txt Still having the same problem. Is it supposed to crash the bot? ****Looks like shes running now. TY
hello....it was working awesome until just now, now it just refuse to work. has this error, is the bot offline? [01:00:28.856 N] Connection closed! [TCP-E-S] ->
Is the problem your host (OVH) or is it a glitch in the software (I haven't used RebornBuddy long but it seems like most of the time people's logs/reports reflect issues with the nav server)?
Version 157 Code: GatherTag: Fix issue when using multiple gathertags in one profile Fix issue with AllOrNone being forced on. Should now look for targets to mine while entering a hotspot.
Fatebot still isn't going to this fate (Harder, Bigger, Faster, Stronger in Southern Thanalan). Is this intended (is this a problem fate?) or just a bug that hasn't been addressed? Also a quick question. Is there a mob blacklist somewhere in RebornBuddy? The bot keeps attempting to attack Stoneskin Peiste when running through that area (Stoneskin Peistes aren't meant to be attacked unless you're on the quest with the item that makes them reasonable to kill). I was going to simply add it to the mob blacklist so the bot would ignore it but I don't see one anywhere? Or is that the job of the combat routine (Kupo/Magitek)?
In Kupo routine for Smn is it just supposed to spam Bio II, Miasma, and Bio over and over again on the same target?
the kupo routine is basically an 'as is' routine that is there for people to develop upon. I highly recommend using Exmortem's Magitek all in one routines.