1 pm - 20.07.2014 2 pm - 24.07.2014 and deleted post by moder in this topic. But maybe dev have vacation.
Dude, you just flood here with silly objections, I do not want to debate with you, I just want response from the developer. I do not think that ignoring it is the best way to support.
Plague Leech bug Hey, TUanHa, I was wondering if you could fix a problem whereby the CC just keeps trying to cast Plague Leech even when we have no fully depleted runes? It just gets caught in a loop, and doesn't do anything else. Log is attached below. Also, can you make it so that it casts Death and Decay during AoE rotations? Thanks! View attachment 6424 2014-08-03 18.49.txt
Id have to search through the thread, but is it possible to add dancing rune weapon, DRW to the burst phase of blood tanking, it would be optimal before or after soul reaper, or gaining threat using rune strike as burst, or as a mirror for most abilities. Preferably after raise dead is called and rp is high enough for the 12 second DPS utility. The only other thing that might improve blood is trying to keep blood shield on the tank, ideally also when scent of blood is above 2 stacks. The trouble is, death strike is going to change for wod, and the filler spell is also going to change for blood tanking, as they change the active mitigation model and add different defensive cd options. It used to be easier to tinker with the cc rotation, heh.
1) I'm curious if it would ever be possible to allow for LOSing when a enemy uses their bursts like shammys ascendance? 2) does it improve performance to uncheck talents that arent used? i am using 100tick performance.
please add an option to disable the cr from controlling your pet because when im in an rbg i cant gorfiends grasp people off the edge becuz cr is orveriding my move to command on my pet and it just goes back to attacking people even in passive
Build 5.4.5331 Import feature from Druid: - Add Better Hotkey to Pause, Burst (try it, it very user friendly and awesome) - Add option Pause Combat Routine on Key Hold Minor bug fix and improvement.
Build 5.4.5332 Now you can set hotkey to use a spell on 4 target For example shift+1 on target, control+1 on focus, alt+1 on mouseposition, 1(without shift/control/alt) on you
I've been attempting to get a DW set literally the entire expansion and have finally gotten one 1h so I'm hoping within the next few weeks I can swag the other and was just wondering...does the routine know how to handle the difference between the 2H and 1H rotation? or is there atleast a way to change or does it know to use KS procs on FS rather than OB as DW? I've used the CR forever and have just recently gotten the extra cash to start donating for premium's. I don't have the premium DK yet but intend on buying it if not just buying them all soon.
If someone hasn't answered this already, save your custom settings (move them), delete everything in the folder, and then do an update. AKA start fresh.