So I recently finished putting together my first pro deck, the HandLock deck (picture below) and I'm using SilverFish AI, but I'm winning absolutely no games. I've been using SilverFishControl... should I be using SilverFishRush with my deck? I don't know why I'm losing when I have this good of a deck.
Dude this is bot. It wont win with decks that require such strategy like handlock or miracle rogue. You'd have to make special custom deck with c# for that. If you want to win just use warlock deck from here: Or make any that looks the same. Just throw in bunch of murlocks, some spells and you'r ready to go.
u want simple deck with just powerful cards on their own, not cards that are weak on their own and are only strong when they have synergy. The handlock deck has not much value in the hands of the bot because it just plays without a game plan. The owls, BGH , all has low toughness and will trade negatively and get low value. And the watchers are totally useless if the bot doesnt know how to play them first then sunfury/argus/owl silence it later U should use cards that are strong on their own ie. dont require any brainpower to make them work like scarlet crusader, harvest golem, chillwind yeti,senjin shieldmasta, argent commander, boulderfist ogre, ragnaros, ysaera etc. that guarantees 2 for 1 value. I recommend a murloc rush deck for warlock, i just got my golden portrait with it and highest rank i got was rank 8 with silverfish rush. Win rates hovers around 40%-60% 2x grimscale oracle 2x leper gnome 2x murloc raider 2x murloc tidecaller 2x voidwalker 2x young priestess 2x bluegill warrior 2x knife juggler 2x murloc tidehunter 2x coldlight seer 2x murloc warleader 2x raid leader 1x defender of argus 2x doomguard 1x old Murk-eye 2x hellfire
Ah okay, I see. What about Face Hunter, would that work well? The deck is pretty simple: 2x Starving Buzzard 2x Stonetusk Boar 2x Abusive Sergeant 2x Leper Gnome 2x Wolfrider 1x Arcane Golem 1x Leeroy Jenkins 2x Hunter's Mark 1x Flare 2x Tracking 1x Arcane Shot 1x Misdirection 2x Freezing Trap 1x Explosive Trap 2x Unleash the Hounds 2x Kill Command 2x Animal Companion 2x Eaglehorn Bow
It would work better than handlock but still this deck contains combos that bot will be unable to use. Like Hunter's Mark + Boar. He does not recognize it yet. Also I am not sure if bot uses secrets properly now. He had problems with them some time ago. Fredfredfred wrote you what you should do. Just make a deck from only strong minions. There are lots of decks already posted in Guides section of the forum.
Yeah that's a strong deck but it's useless in terms of how the bot plays cards. Stick to a lower mana curve distribution and, like fredfredfred said, pick cards that are powerful on their own and don't require sequencing
^, If you want a golden lock, I suggest low income cards with alot of draw potential. This is a bot overall and you need to Zoo it. When making a deck, Think like a 5 yearold.