I've heard tons of people eating the ban hammer. Should I not use it at all? I don't use it for farming just combat routines mostly.
I knew that but after reading the announcement area I think I will hold off using it at all until they figure out what he deal is with the new warden.
me 2, people are just morons and get themselves banned for being morons. Not gb's fault theyre MORONS, hb can't protect you from being a moron.
Would you mind expanding on this a little? Is it because they are not randomizing their routes or are they just mailing tons of ore/herbs to an alt and go back to fill bags for days on end? I use it every now and then, I used to use to every day. Once my bags were full of ore though my toon would sign off until I could smelt them and make use of them. Did this for months and never had an issue.
It's pretty simple, don't make GB2 do anything you would not do. I tend to let gathered items sit in gbank for a little while to "cool off", idk why, I just do it because I know for a fact that once and item goes into the guild bank it is the property on the guild, not the individual. So I have 6 tabs full to the brim at all times and I sell those items to make room from other random toons, so it looks like they just need a little gold And I never undercut... cause thats what everyone who wants a quick buck from the bot does. (Guild taken from me while inactive with over 300K blizz told me they had every right.). I also make a new profile every time for gb2, just a couple hotspots in the zone (less than 10), with a randomization factor of 2, or even 3 if your hotspots are not on the edge of the zone (herbs). I've only been banned once, for selling gold.
I hear that the banhammer is transmitted by Gophers. That is why in Caddy Shack they kept trying to kill the rodent. Maybe we should be on the lookout for those pesky rodents.
You're semi playing safe, i randomise my routes, i dont farm same area for 6 hours over and over, i dont bounce between ores, with the merging of servers its a must to randomise imo and to be smart about what you're doign and to keep the nph at something human like. does it look human, or does it look bottish, thats what you need to ask and thats what people fail on and thus become MORONS
Well I'm about to hit 90 for the 2nd time after the "event". I'm still here, for now anyways. I've been avoiding GB but I generally do that anyways.