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  • ExilebuddyBeta Developers Testing/Feedback Thread

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pushedx, May 22, 2014.

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    1. Farsight9

      Farsight9 New Member

      Jun 5, 2014
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      For the most part, I agree with you.

      It seems as if there is a huge difference in the people in this bot community.

      There are those who understand the programming logic very well. These people make huge profits off the bot.

      Then there are those who don't have the time or understanding to program all the API's and other stuff. These people don't get nearly the same mileage as people mentioned above.

      It seems to me that the new BETA may still benefit the commercial botters over the average Joe botters.



      What could the dev team do to change this? Perhaps you shoot for a new plugin/feature every month or every other month that would help those that are not as nearly programming savvy to do boss farm, maps, etc...

      I've been told this bot has great logic, but what is logic in the hands of a dummy? :D
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    2. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Dude, cry me a river.
      I want this, I want that, please.
      Compare this bot to the other trash bots and tell me to read your post again.
      I'm a commercial botter, I've been for a while, have more keys worth then your mortgage.
      Why would i buy so many keys? Well, fuck, maybe the bot does what I deem worth the money, and the bot does make me money. You're just pissed because you want to be like a human and it really can't. Piss off please.
      1 - currency flag? Idiot, you are doing something wrong and I know what is it. Try not chickening so much scrub.
      2 - i'll continue this tonight, I'll be sure to rip you a new hole. All your complaints, are childish and I'll provide the proof.
      Be prepared scrub.
    3. Farsight9

      Farsight9 New Member

      Jun 5, 2014
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      Dude, he's voicing his concerns. He is a paying customer just like you.

      I think he raises some fair concerns. He's not hurting anyone or anything by saying this, and honestly, I think it needed to be said.

      The POETNT bot does stuff that this bot doesn't do without the proper programming knowledge.

      Sooner or later the people of this community that don't want to spend their time programming new functions/plugins/etc will go to different bots for easier mapping capabilities/boss farming/etc...

      I've made a few suggestions that would cater to both casuals/non-programmers and commercial botters.

      When you come on these forums and call the person out that is trying to make things better, it makes you look slightly foolish. We don't have the programming knowledge you do. Don't expect the same level of bot sophistication from us. As I said above, there is a big difference of people involved in this community. You have to consider this. When you say you're making awesome profits while the rest of the people don't make much gains because of the default capabilities, then do you see a problem? This isn't a good business model and/or way to grow the community.

      It's good to raise concerns. It's just a matter of doing so in a calm and collected way. We CAN work together without insulting people. We can make the majority of the community happy, but it's a matter of priorities.
    4. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      The only point that really matters, that a lot of people are missing, which is why I made the post about the type of work we do, is that everything that needs to be done to make the bot better, more dev friendly, and accessible to people that don't code is already being done; it just takes time.

      The whole point of this Beta thread, and the new Beta rewrite, was solely for that purpose, as explained many times. If this thread never existed, and Beta never came about to being what it currently was as presented in this thread, then yea, I think people should have a lot of concerns of the project and what is being done.

      However, that's just not the case. If you guys read the change logs, look though the progression of things added to the Beta, then you should feel confident the project is moving in the right direction, as long as you're willing to read though all the information.

      I'm not going to go on this spiel again, but look at Release then look at what Beta was (it's currently down for the new API integration, but you can check change log):
      - Release: People had to make their own auto-relogs, and we had no API support outside of already being logged into the game.
      - Beta: Auto-log functionality is provided by default, and comes with easy to use configuration settings. We have API support for doing stuff at the login/character selection screens.

      - Release: The gui/setting system was not user friendly at all and not very organized.
      - Beta: A new gui has been done that uses dynamic controls to provide consistent settings access. The gui is very user friendly. The settings system is a lot more dev friendly now as well, as everything is tied into the bot.

      - Release: The default CR we provide, Exile, was a code only approach CR.
      - Beta: The new experimental CR was setup to use GUI skill selection to address peoples issues with editing code. Now, it wasn't perfect, but the problems of trying to use a GUI driven CR can be seen (very limited in terms of logic)

      - Release: Lacking in API support for various things like item information, and a lot of other little stuff.
      - Beta: Almost complete API support for things now. Just read the change logs. We finally have things like weapon DPS and elemental damage. For armors, we have the total values of things liek ES/EV/AR.

      - Release: Very lacking in plugins since dev is really hard under that design.
      - Beta: Dev is way easier now, and a lot of example plugins have been provided to show how to do things. I even added example bots, such as the BossFarm and PickitBot bot, with source.

      As I said before, if all the current work on Beta that has been accessible for the past few months and is still being worked on, and all the content in this thread didn't exist, then yea, I think people should be worried about the project given the state of Release. However, Beta progresses every day, as I work on this full time. You guys don't get to always see the changes, because a lot of it is core stuff. Core stuff doesn't make sense if you're not a dev, but it's vital in getting a bot project like this in a place where external devs can come to it, do the things they want, and grow the community.

      As far as I see, there's nothing to really change with the project. We've been hit with flags and bans before, which set us back. The way we interact wit the client has broken several times already and has caused a lot of rewrites, whihc sets us back. The current Beta rewrite is to hopefully avoid those issues from happening again, as the 1.2 patch will change more stuff in the client.

      At no point has development ever stopped on EB, ever. I've been here for over a year now and I'm always working on things to improve the project. However, when you have changes and rewrites at the core level, you end up seeing what you currently do in terms of higher level logic not really progressing, because it literally can't. Typically, bot APIs are not supposed to change as much as EBs have, but PoE is an exception with how the core game is changing very frequently. It's unfortunate, but just the way things are when trying to provide the things we do for such a volatile game.

      And to just reiterate one last time, the goal was for get some quest/map logic using the new API into your guys hands before the 1.2 update. However, that didn't happen, because right now, the entirety of how we interact with the client is changing in preparation for 1.2. So, there's no real need for ideas on bots and plugins and stuff we should provide. Once time doesn't have to be spent on core stuff all the time, that part is easy, but before it can happen, this aspect of things has to be taken care of.
    5. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Probably going to end up getting banned, but aw well, the people need to know.

      First compare this bot to OTHER POE BOTS, not OTHER GAMES, it’s like comparing your mom and your dad. Human yes, totally different features, where did you grow up with these expectations??? You can’t be wealthy, why would you bot if you were….
      It is so easy for GGG to detect this bot because of the non-human behavior, no one drops loot randomly on stash like bot does, no one drops every single rare+ item on stash, no one is level 75+ and the only thing it does is Library/Merveil/Docks. It is a group of specific behaviors that all together flag us as botters.
      You are fucking stupid. If they “detected” the bot fully, wouldn’t it mean no one would be able to bot? GGG would ban the moment they detected the bot, idiot. It doesn’t drop shit randomly into stash. You can define which stash to drop things into, there are 5 instances in this forum stating that. You really are a fucking idiot, post your pickit file, I’ll tell you why it’s doing that, use the fucking search button scrub, 9 people posted about this and 9 have gotten fixes, the same fix. It doesn’t just do those, dumbass, check the plugins, someone has a working plugin that switches zones(might need updating, but small changes, I’ll check it latter) I have 9 89’s doing docks 24/7, still here for the past 3 months. Like you know how they are flaggin botters MR.Iknowitall but can’t code my own shit, get your head out of your ass.
      You are expecting community to develop core features of a bot.

      Community should develop things like:
      -CC's for specific builds
      -vendor specific recipes like chaos,chance, glassblowers bauble,
      -Craft/Roll maps,
      -Auto equip gear
      -Auto craft sockets so when you upgrade your gear you can use all the gems again
      -Plugin that makes multibot viable as party
      -A plugin that "burns" a specific currency until you want the specific mod.

      Are your seriously?? Fucking dense? The community CAN do all of these, look at the fucking API, it’s all there, just no one is doing it. Look at PoE community size compared to your D3(rip rmt) community size, why are you expecting mountains from mole hills?

      Where is the map support? That should be a feature that should be on a bot that enters the market if >80% of PoE players are actually doing that.
      Where is the questing support?This game has 26 quests. Twenty Six, Forsaken Masters is coming in 12 days and will introduce random missions, we have 26 static quests ingame and after 1 year the bot doesn't fully support them.
      Where is the passive skill tree point alocation? We can't afk or we will just get a bunch of passive points to allocate making us looking botish.

      I stay without using the bot for a while, 2 months I use it again and I still face the same bad performance of it.

      Seriously, some cock smack this kid, map support is END game END fucking GAME content. If you can get past the level 25,35, 45, 55 bans then make it past the 60-75 Ban checks,, then you can map, Oh wait.. No community CR, how are we suppose to do maps when the bot is running DEFAULT CR. Great, we are building the cart before the horse. Where are you getting these numbers for 80% of poe players doing maps? Are you GGG? What the fuck are you doing with a bot if you are GGG. Questing takes fucking time, like fucktons of time, help if you are so desperate, stop with your expectations. The fuck are you talking about, are you going to be afk for 2 days and have 1 skillpoint unallocated? Last time mapping, I don’t seem to get that many skill levels =.=. Wait are we still talking about mapping here?? Unallocated skill points do not make you look more bottish then the next streamer who hasn’t allocated his skill for the past 4 days. I have no proof of this, but logically, it’s not a flag I’d worry about, I’ll run test latter with fucktons of unallocated skills points so we’ll see if this is the case. If you knew what the fuck you are talking about and not pulling facts out of your ass, you would know.
      Bad performance? The bot fucking runs 30% less memory, I’m doing 20 bots per machine, what sour milk are you drinking??? Stop making up shit, the beta was completely re-written, I hope you at least have brain cells to know what that means without me telling you.

      Walks around to areas that have no monsters making the xp/h look like shit.
      If I use it on a magic find character, 2 hours later stops botting due to being full.
      Poorly decides when to fight and when to group a bunch of monsters, fights every lonely monster that there is.

      Wait, let me get you on this.
      So normal players don’t walk to areas that do not have monsters? Every player has ESP and know exactly where monsters are to kill making their xp/h look not like shit? I’m re-iterating myself here, are you a fucktard? It does not stop after 2 hours from being full, it stops because it’s crying the user is so fucking stupid he can’t configure one option on the bot, wait, he can’t read the fucking pickit description on the gui. Well I agree with the fighting every monster there is, that can be fixed and I’ve seen the fix in action, just needs a little tweaking. Monsters are never lonely, they always have their baddie friends with them, don’t make them sad thinking they are like you, loner.
      In terms of performance an amazing bot plays better than a human, a good bot plays as good as a good player, and an average bot plays as good as an average player, this bot plays worse and slowly than a bad player, I can choose a friend of mine who has never played PoE before and he will clear areas faster than this bot if I explain him how to do it for 1 minute.

      It’s a fucking bot set on grind, what are you expecting?? Are you expecting mirrors to drop off every monster you kill?? Seriously?? The fuck you think CRs are for??? Bot uses flasks better the humans, chickens faster, picksup look faster. Combat, that can be re-worked, not an issue, since it’s using a GRIND profile, and not a OMGBBQSAUCE PWN BOOM EVERYTHING CR. Your friend can’t auto flask like this bot baby.

      pushedx is an amazing coder, and he really knows what to do in terms of PoE.
      I know him since 0x33 and Silkroad times.
      So you know him, yet you criticize his work? How do you not know how to code?? If you know to code, how do you not contribute at all aside from this long and one sided post? Srly…
      But I don't know who is taking decisions about what to develop next and where to spend resources, whoever that guy is, he has no idea what this game is about. I suggest you play it because it is not as easy as D3, you have a lot of knowledge to acquire in terms of farming/wealth generating/combat mechanics.
      Does it matter who makes the decision? The coder ultimately decides what can and cannot be done, and prioritize things according to their knowledge.. You really are making up shit, push plays it and knows dam well the mechanics, he can probably beat your ass in pvp using a level 1 char against your level 10. Keep your d3 mindset on d3, use a different one with PoE. Fuck, I seriously hate people who are like the fucker who posted. Long ass post all whining, making up random shit facts, thinking people don’t know.

      All I have to say after that is that if Buddyteam doesn't have anyone doing the second type of work, and they can't expect community to do it, all your first work just looks ungrateful.

      ExileBuddy needs to be valuble for both costumer only and costumer/developer. I wouldn't mind paying an extra 25€ if I had someone from the BuddyTeam doing the second type of work, because that is what allows costumers to choose this bot VS others.

      Beside the "Buddy" there is still no reason to choose this bot over the others.

      Imagine someone who has no idea what Buddy is, he just plays Path of Exile and he wants to buy a bot, he looks on the market, he looks on the current ability of the bot and the bans and he won't pick ExileBuddy unfortunely.

      Dude again.. seriously.
      What other bot, show me how the other bots ARE better, please do. Don’t talk shit without proof. Tnt shit is scrubcore. Bot is valuable as hell, I know jack shit about programming, I work at a fucking grocery store, the only difference between you and me, I try to learn and don’t expect to be given everything for a one time buy. Bot would be worth 200$ a license and I would still buy if it had all you wanted, but guess what, You probably won’t buy. Don’t tell me you will, because you won’t. How do I know? I made that shit up, see how it works??
      Please please, prove to me another bot is better, can make me more money then buddy, please do. I’ll eat my words, but you know what? You can’t. GG.
      And the ban and flag, every bot has that, show me a bot that doesn't, it's the fucking bot users who need to learn how to evade it, i'm doing fine, so you are doing something wrong. It's not a fact, I have proof.

      Hey dude, I hear ya, TNT does things that buddy doesn't? Does it do all the things that buddy can? He can voice his concerns, I can call him out, sounds fair? Best to have both sides of the coin no? I'm not a programmer, I work at a grocery store 12 hour a day, 7 days a week. Single dad, yet I can still do all of these and still have time for my kid, I see no reason you cannot. The size of the PoE community is David vs Goliath. He is not making anything better, he is actually making it worse, you see the long post Push made? That took time, guess what? that time could have been used for the bot, are we on the same page now? It's a great business model for me, I'm profiting because i'm actually attempting to do things on my own, those in the public with their hands open are the ones complaining, use that time to do something. Call me out on any point, If I'm not banned, i'll call you back if I see your point invalid, if it's valid, I will agree.

      Edit of edits, just did a quick peek again at t and other bot(s) if you can call them that.
      They are pretty broken... updates on patches takes days.. EB takes literally 2 mins to a couple of hours.
      I have no clue why people keep saying this bot isn't the best, really..

      Oh also, no time atm, selling to suppliers, I'll do quote brackets latter.
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    6. Gentoo

      Gentoo Active Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      I guess if i bagged groceries for a living i would have a bad attitude too.
    7. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Yea pretty much, except making 4 digits on a game per month livens up the mood.

      edit * still waiting for him to post his picket so I can call him out for making a big deal over a little thing. still waiting....
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    8. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      K, your paycheck from PoE and whatever game is huge and you've ranted and flamed and gained nothing. Can we get back on the point of this thread now ? I also would like to see Mapping, but I will wait and hold my complaints until after the mini expansion as stated by pushed, I'd like to do most of this stuff myself but I don't have a clue how to code and believe me I have been looking.
    9. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      That's a good way to phrase things, at least you read what push has been trying to say the whole time.
    10. maths

      maths New Member

      Jan 11, 2014
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      does beta auto update itself or i need to redownload it again? sorry to break the fun :)
    11. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      it's being updated I believe.
    12. OneStopMMO

      OneStopMMO New Member

      Jul 29, 2013
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      lol the dude brags but betcha he doesn't have the paypal bank or the PA / Epicnpc/ownedcore credibility or his own website. People who make money don't try to talk about it every single thread.
    13. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      guys, cut it out. you all made your points, if trolling continues mutes will be handed out. so everyone just relax.
    14. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      The actual beta is currently down for the new API integration. The old beta will not be returning, because the new API needs to be tested as soon as possible before the 1.2 update. The API is almost complete now, and I'll start updating the previous plugins and examples for the new system. There's no ETA yet, but the goal is to get it back as soon as possible.

      The technical reason why I don't just update the beta for the new client version while you wait, is that the we have 2 build server slots for EB. One for Release, one for Beta. With all the changes that I am making in beta right now, I need to be able to build unlisted builds and test to make sure the new stuff still works after protection, and double check the auth data the bot gets. This can only be done though having an active project configuration used on the build server, so there's not any other way right now. I was hoping we'd not see a client patch for some time later, but, this is just how PoE is.
    15. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm not even comment your whole attitude because you are clearly salty, but as it is a global KNOWLEDGE they don't ban instantly, if they do botters just create a new account, thats why there is currency flag. So people who are caught if they are AFK botting they don't notice they have been shut down.

      You talk about TNT bot who said I was talking about TNT?

      As I am reading this I just think there is no point in arguing with you because you just bot for profit and you have 0 idea how this game works in terms of playing it.
    16. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Go ahead, mute the ones you need to mute, i'm pretty sure we were all having a constructive discussion until someone showed up.
    17. iargue

      iargue Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      I just finished moving, and getting everything setup. I am now ready to work full time (20 hours a week at least) on getting a questing bot ready.

      Do you have an ETA on when you will have the build up for the developers again?
    18. krone6

      krone6 Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Sweet!!! This is the #1 thing I have been waiting for and can't wait to see it. I'll be following your progress once you begin working on it.
    19. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Make a new character, set the time on map to 1 second, set logout to character screen or login screen, come back 4 hours latter, tell me what you find.
      Please, use proven facts and stop making things up.

      No one knows how GGG bans, or if it's instantly or after a while.
      Logically, why would they keep a bot in game for a "while" when they can just ban? Make a new account? Good luck with the IP ban.
      It is LOGICALLY assumed, that any company, even GGG, will flag accounts with flags(duh), IE, 5 flags ban or w/e.
      You do things wrong, flags get turned on, one you hit threshold for flags ban. With New accounts you start with 0 flags an accumulate them based on how GGG detects bots, hence why there is no "instant ban", because they can't 100% detect the bot.

      I have no idea how the game works in terms of playing it? Are you dense, I bot for profit, I would HAVE to know how the game works to maximize my profits. Seriously, do you even think bro?

      TNT was meant to be directed at Farsight9.

      There was nothing constructive about your post, you didn't read anything on the forums, made up a bunch of complains which was easily fixed, but you didn't read any posts of problems from other peoples, which would fix your problem. Please don't categorize left field complaints with constructive criticism, they are different.

      Long story short, stop bashing the buddy bot, even though it has faults that take time to fix, it's better then the other 2 on the market, please prove me wrong. You started saying it wasn't meant to sound rude, but the reply towards identifying, was rude, and i'm not going to put up with that shit, especially when I can call you out on all your incorrect, made up assumptions. Your short coming does not make it right to make up facts to prove a point.
      Bro i'm still waiting for you to post your picket, and call me out for whatever points is wrong, unless of course I'm correct.

      I might get muted.
      Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
    20. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      The ETA is literally as soon as its possible. I'm not sure how many more days it'll be, but basically I'm adding in new client interactions for everything in the game to cover what the old API supported, and some new stuff that wasn't possible before. The new approach that is being taken gives us access to a lot more information than before, and once all the backend stuff is done for updates, it should greatly simplify keeping up with patches (but that's a different issue).

      Also, I mentioned to someone who asked me in a PM, the only aspect of the API that is undergoing the huge changes is anything that involves interacting with the client. So, for example, any existing APIs that simply read data from memory are still the same, but things like inventory interactions, waypoint, movement, etc... are being changed. I'll be starting a new thread soon with a list of the new APIs and what can be done.
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