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  • [Quest] Ultimate Skyshards - Valley of Eternal Blossoms | by Zoomland

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Zoomland, Jun 27, 2014.


    Premium Edition or Light Edition

    1. Premium Edition - Still Privat Please

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    2. Light Edition - pls i dont have money

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    1. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      What the fuck, I am not complaining about the lack of gold for christs sake. I am not even complaining about anything, I was just calling bs on 13k every 4 hours. But I suppose after doing the math it kinda adds up. If you need to be a tailor and etc. then faaaaaair enough. If being a tailor means that you get a good chance at other mats that are worth a fortune then faaaaair enough again. But from the average joe, comparing this to Gundrak/Botanica farming, and then saying LEL I MADE LIKE 100K IN A DAY DOING THIS PROFILE LOLOLOLO... I mean any average person when they think of other farming profiles (eg. Gundrak etc.) they're thinking.. how the F do you make that kind of gold? Because we aren't factoring in 500 other steps that you have to do in order to process everything into every perfect thing that makes you your max profit. We're thinking of just vendoring everything.

      Seesh, one fucking idiot says "OMG YOU'RE BASHING THE PROFILE!!" and everyone else follows suit. I called bs on making 13k in 4 hours (as a non-tailor) without ANY explanation what-so-ever, when ALL other people had suggested was "Vendor/AH greens, sell greys and whites, put Spirits into Lotus and sell on AH". <--- Yeah doing that, no way in heck you can make 13k every four hours. But okay.. now you're all talking about the KEYS and that if you're a tailor there's also IMPERIAL SILK. Well that could make a BIG DIFFERENCE.

      So don't go ripping into someone when if you go back looking at the thread, you won't see anyone else mentioning those 2 things at all. Then BAM! someone says "I made 13k in 4 hours"

      Excuse me, I think that's going to raise a bit of a discussion if there's no explanation. So....my initial assumption, based on the performance of other profiles and what was previously explained in the thread is totally justified? Yeah I definitely think so.
      I'll say it again, not bashing the profile and so far I haven't sold anything on the AH/Vendored anything. I've just banked and mailed it all because I got the idea that people were doing other stuff with the cloths and etc. they just weren't saying what, until now.
      Last edited: Aug 10, 2014
    2. Thejaru

      Thejaru New Member

      Aug 21, 2011
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      The keys don't sell on the AH, the keys are used to open chests which equate to mats and 30 raw gold on average. On my server, the mats from Treasures of the Vale, equate to about 80g/key. Those relics are Account bound so that you can get Exalted on Golden Lotus on other chars as well. I have opened over 2000 keys, and I can say on my realm, which has a HORRIBLE economy, each key averages out to around 80g/key. and most of the money I make, is before i actually use the keys. I sell alani kills for 30k/each and I sell one every day. That's before any keys. I also am 570+ so I kill a lot more, and a lot faster than most people. On top of this, you don't NEED potions for this at all. I have ran this profile without using potions tons. I actually didn't start using potions until I had 100k gold so that if I wasted any potions it didn't matter. Just have KBA active all the time, and it will negate the profile's need for Potion of Luck. You just need to do some experimenting. And no problem, I hope you can take what I explained and in time you'll be able to make just as much as I have :)
    3. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Hey thanks for being understanding and explaining. I really appreciate it and I am sure that hundreds others are also going to. I never meant to show any sort of disrespect to the community or the author of this profile or anyone else doing hard work botting (lol yeah right :p) and/or explaining for other people who don't understand.

      The only question left to ask is that, is there some sort of bot that opens the caches for you with the keys or something? Or does that have to be done manually. I thought those caches have a low spawn timer and that you basically have to mess around for hours trying to look for them to spawn so you can open them. What about the rest of the competition with people trying to open them then?

      I'm going for my own Alani and then well I think after that I will sell the kills for 25k or so as well, (if I don't get banned farming this all the time but whatever I don't care). I also have exactly 570ilvl and I average about 500 or so kills an hour which I think is pretty good. Sometimes with some of the areas already farmed it drops to about 400 or so. The worst I ever saw it go down to was about 250 when I found the area totally packed.

      I still don't understand how this profile works without the potions. If I don't have them in my inventory. Even with KeepBuffsActive or whatever set to disregard the Luck buff at all. The profile just kicks a single mob, runs to halfhill, dismounts and repairs, runs back to kill 1 more mob and just repeats the process. But if it's worth using the potions then sure, why not. Especially if I make more money. I should hope so, or then those would be useless.

      Once again thanks for not flying off the handle. Though I'll say it one more time, given what had been previously explained + the other circumstances. It's not hard to believe that at first glance, you can't make much with this profile.
    4. Thejaru

      Thejaru New Member

      Aug 21, 2011
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      Add me on skype, and I can help you out. J.sumel96
    5. Pittolo

      Pittolo New Member

      Jun 18, 2014
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      It's the same question for me. I'm not really getting how this profile can be usefull. The questing bot just kills a mob than go repair or sell and then go again to kill a mob.. o_O This is just a waste time(?) is there something i need to know?
    6. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      For it to do anything more than that, it seems that you need 'Potion of Luck' whilst you have those, then the profile does it's job. You can try and remove traces of the potion from the profile but then it breaks functionality. In that when the bags get full it will freak out and stop. Or somehow (I am not sure how) you can use KBA to make the profile work even without the potion. Go buy some from the AH, you seem to make a lot more gold with them anyway so they pay for themselves easily.

      EDIT: At this point it seems that no matter what. When bags get full it freaks out and stops, usually at a dangerous spot and that causes you to die. After dying the bot auto logs you out.
      Last edited: Aug 11, 2014
    7. Instinktas

      Instinktas New Member

      Feb 5, 2012
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      Don't Forget, that the Guo-Lai caches also have a 50% chance to contain a Treasure of Vale(which is seriously OP, cuz it may have Sha crystals, Magnificient hides, golden lotuses, trilliums, but it will 100% at least contain a full stack of random MoP mats), so this makes a chest worth around 62g on average
    8. Pittolo

      Pittolo New Member

      Jun 18, 2014
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      So i don't need to use them i just need to put them in my bags and the profile do all? How many potions of luck i should buy?
    9. Instinktas

      Instinktas New Member

      Feb 5, 2012
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      I just wanted to say, that opening caches take just a bit of time, because there is no need to wait for the respawn - as soon as last cache is oppened a new one or two appears, there is ALWAYS a chest available to be open. Also, im always transfering myself to other low population server with a lvl1 toon to farm without competition or reports. Btw it should be easy enough to make a profile for chest oppening if you are really lazy or dont have time.
    10. primalexile

      primalexile New Member

      Aug 11, 2014
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      Has anyone figured out the fix to him flying back and forth from the grind spot to the vendor?
    11. blakeruopp

      blakeruopp New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      idk how you guys are having problems, this works just fine for me.
    12. SpeedySaky

      SpeedySaky Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      ok guys i hope this helps you and creator please repair the profile and upload new one

      SO the BUG is in the following line

      LowestDurabilityPercent &gt; 0.4

      find it in your profile and change from 20.0 to 0.4 or something like that,it is in 4 lines i think in the profile

      so this set to 20.0 sends char to infinite loop repair/sell/mail then go to grind area,check durability and go back for repair/sell/mail

      btw nice profile but this is a minor mistake

    13. DarkGuess

      DarkGuess New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      i Did this, thats fine now.. but now he just stands there waiting for a mob to spawn next to him to kill..
      I did chance pulldistance which also won't work.
      any1 know how to fix this ?
    14. SpeedySaky

      SpeedySaky Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      i dont know,mine works fine now,what routine you using,i am on tuanha
    15. DarkGuess

      DarkGuess New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      it's fixed when you have potion of luck, any1 know what to chance in the profile so it also works without?
      for example for long sessions and you dont have enoug potions and time to get enough, so it wont stay afking there for 3H orso
    16. madbrah

      madbrah New Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      Okay, so I am using the questing one. It doesn't say quest bot. My character is moving to every mailbox in the game by foot.Looting Summit Bonestripper Guid:0xF130E9180013DA22Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Mounting: Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Mounting: Armored Snowy Gryphon
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : Questing
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-211.6319, 496.4479, 187.1416>, Name:
      and that's all it's doing. Idk what I ma doing wrong. I just loaded questing clicked the profile and nothing
    17. DarkGuess

      DarkGuess New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      any1 know what is the best class for such farms as this1? i'm running it with my feral druid atm bq he has highest Ilvl of my toons...
      But well druid obvisouly isnt good for like 300K/H
    18. toestand

      toestand New Member

      Apr 30, 2012
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      can you still farm the skyshards iám wondering becouse i did not loot it for a long time now and still got 6 shards in my bags ?
    19. MrB

      MrB Member

      Jun 29, 2010
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      lol was thinking the same, got 5 fairly quickly I suppose but it's been ages since I last got one.
    20. DarkGuess

      DarkGuess New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Still bugged when he needs to sell/repair.. he runs in to the door and than keeps humping it
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