Any time but I would advise only botting when you're at the computer and watching. I have three monitors so I can play other games while having wow on a monitor so if anyone whispers me "You a bot?" I can reply "No?". Done this for years
In my opinion, it would be generally safer to bot during the afternoon and evening, when more people are playing. My assumption is based on the thought that it looks more natural and thus draws less attention. That said, many factors play in here, what kind of botting etc..
obviously the less people who see you, the less reports... but there are hotspots where you should avoid during the day (I find these between 4PM and 7PM+)
I think that night is safer. Especially if you're not going to be by your computer. Going AFK while botting during the day or around peak time is a terrible idea (unless it's a sunday afternoon).
In my experience its safer to bot at night. I say that because I have 2 machines, one running on US servers and one running on EU. As of now I've had 7 bans, 2 for exploiting the economy and 5 (all at once) for botting. These were all on EU servers. Because of the time difference here, when I bot it's night time in the US and early morning in the EU. No bans on my US accounts as of yet. (Although I did start farming on EU like a year before starting on US).
Hello Many people play in night also and the Gms work at night also. So for me I use on the day. I thinkits look normal then in the night. regards Spider
There's nothing normal looking about a character flying a set pattern in a circle, the less players to see you and report you, the safer you are. So obviously late night to early morning.
Doesnt matter when u bot. If its at night you got a chance other botters report you for competition. If its during the day it could be someone that reports you cause your stuck. Either way it makes no difference, bot smart or dont bot at all.
I do my thing on my current computer and have it run on old rig with the settings cranked down and a CRT monitor. One of the benefits of being able to run WoW on a toaster.
It depends a lot, both have their pros and cons which should be fairly obvious. I personally prefer to farm at night since I avoid areas where players are likely to be speaking to each other which would warrant reports (All major cities + Goldshire, fucking RPers.) During the day no one would care if they saw you walking around SW using click to move but at night people are bored and probably talking in /2 about anal, so they're looking for anything that sparks their attention. For this reason, if you care about your account, avoid profiles which mail from cities during night. Just a line of thought from me anyway. Use your head, think it through, if it's your main you know the risks.
My next rig will be a toaster that I can take to LAN parties and plug in. I bot during the day because I can sorta keep an eye on them. If I bot during the night there's no telling if they'll be banned by time I wake up. Or stuck for hours doing something stupid. Makes me wake up a lot to check on them which makes me tired and cranky