Is this the right section? (copy paste inc.) Yo guys. Just got a 72h ban because of botting two or three weeks ago. Now I want back to busines and need to know if there's something notable when I bot BGs? Something that lowers my changes of being caught in any way? Or let's say in being "noticed". What are your ways of doing it? Just throwing BGbuddy in with Singular and go 30 hours straight? Ciao!
Hi San, I use BGFarmer which is made by Millz. It's far superior than the normal BGBuddy as it actually wants to win the game rather than try and kill in the middle. Have a look at Millz website and you can buy it from there.
Hey man, many thanks so far for this suggestion. I guess if there's nothing else to say I will try this out, looks really promising.
Don't bot for extremely long periods of time on the same characters doing the same exact things. It will seem way too persistent. Try buying a premium BG farmer like BGFarmer by Millz, which uses more human-like techniques and isn't as easily spotted.
Not tested myself but I heard/read on these forums that changing the coordinates in the bg files helps a lot as you dont follow the bot train Also, use a CC that doesn't interrupt instantly