Hello, So i just got ban on my main account (100% my fault, gladly only 3 day suspend). I don't want to risk even running bot on this account so i decided to buy new one. I want to buy licence to same bnet account, so i can send hierlooms and start leveling new farm character as soon and fast as possible. But i hear that recently banned accounts are tracked for some times and i don't know if it's a good idea. Can u guys share some good advices ? Greetings.
Hi there, I understand that you don't want to risk your account but follow my thoughts for a minute. Your BNet account can store multiple WoW accounts. For Example: WoW1 WoW2 If you decide not to bot on WoW1 but only on WoW2, you might think to yourself "WoW1 is safe". But this is what I think: people who don't bot their main (WoW1) but only bot their second WoW account (WoW2) and get caught on WoW2 for botting, they actually also get banned on their main account. Even if there separate BNet accounts. (IP-Adresses get linked together) My advice is bot on a separate BNet account and only bot on it using a different External IP-Adress (Ex. Virtual Private Networks) so they can't trace your IP-Adress back to your main Account.
But what about tracking, i didn't mean suicide botting, just 4-5 hours per day to have some gold and slowly lvl some alts so i can farm more old raids for mounts. Just don't like lvling by myself, was wondering if they gonna suspend my new licence after few hours lvling on kick profiles cuz account is under tracking.
I got 3 accounts triple banned at the same time. I have bought 3 new accounts on different battle.net accounts for the past 3 weeks. I have been using mixed mode vs just farming and have been trying really hard to limit the amount of time i let them farm in one session. So far so good for the past 3 weeks.
no one here knows the answer to your question. they can only tell you what they themselves have experienced. *your online game experience may vary*
Very true. Everything you will learn here is just theories so take it all with a grain of salt. The less you act like a bot, The lower your chances are. IMO. Every time I have gotten banned I was running gatherbots straight with no brakes for like 10-16 hours.
Dont think that they can ban WoW Licenses on different Bnet Accounts, even if they use the same IP, e.g. if my brother also plays on my pc wow, with his own bnet acc, without third party programs, they would also ban him if you're right. And they cant ban people on suspicion. ofc its something different if you have interaction between these accounts.
Okay, I've been banned loads of times. Haven't sold a single gold. When I get banned, they ban every single account running at the time from my ip. My cousin came over for summer and we were both raiding while I had a bot running a program I was testing for someone. We both got our mains banned seconds after the bot dc'd. So no, you don't have to sell millions of gold lol
I have three Battle.net accounts. The oldest one was created when WoW started and has four accounts inside. Of those, two of them are banned, the other one is a simple "wow1" trial that I opened and never used and the other is a new one I created after the bans (which happened one year ago, actually). I still can use all the mounts and titles, shared with the old accounts. That doesn't mean that Blizzard has a policy of not banning entire Battle.net accounts, of course.
If my wow1 licence was already banned (3days), and after botting on wow2 i would get ban on both account is that mean wow1 would be permabanned ?