I useTuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience tried the free version liked it so I got the full version.
Is there a guide on how to make combat routines to work? I have no idea how to do this and make it work..?
i see that you are new to honorbuddy so im going to give you some advice. this forum is not like other forums where threads string out for days, we use these forums to get quick answers to quick questions. with this in mind, next time you will want to open your own thread and title it appropriately. for example 'requesting help installing combat routines'. here is a quick guide 1 find a combat routine you are interested in using. 2 read the first couple posts on the thread associated with that combat routine 3 download the zip. or use the svn to autodownload the files. [you will need a third party software for this, tortoiseSVN works well 4 restart HB and when the time comes during startup, hb will recognize an alternate cr, and give you the option to load it instead. 5 click advanced options on the gui, and choose the class tab 6 go through the options one at a time and click or unclick boxes so the cr will adapt to your playstyle/talents/raid 7 win
The Official TuanHA Combat Routine - Home has the best CRs on the market. My friend and i was on 2400rating with his CRs.
yes of course, 2k + both 2c2 and 3c3.... but you have to use yourself your cc and macro )) (DK UH of course)
Hello , i want buy “Gladiator Suite Death Knight » but , I miss click and I calling u for a refund. Now I cant buy this routine because i have this “refounded” Sorry for my English im French. Bonjour , Je veux acheter « Gladiator Suite Death Knight » mais quand je l’ais acheter je me suis tromper et j’ai mis une demande de remboursement. Maintenant je veux l’acheter mais je ne peux pas car il y’a nulle part ou cliqué pour lacheter. J’ai la mention « refounded »