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  • [PAID] Oracle II - Premium [All in One]

    Discussion in 'All in One' started by wulf, Aug 22, 2014.

    1. Kabman

      Kabman New Member

      Oct 2, 2012
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      Couple things so far. It seems like fistweaving isnt working even when i turn the setting on. THe only thing it does is continue to heal and white dmg. (thats with the mana setting at 50%)
      second thing is when on immer it seems to cast life Cacoon every phase 2. is it supposed to do that?
      third. do you need a log?
    2. aizet

      aizet Member

      Dec 31, 2011
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      So I took the trial version to check how it performs on my priest in pvp, but the routing isn't performing very well (for pvp at least)

      For a priest:

      I have loaded the pvp setting in oracle for holy and went directly in battlegrounds with BGFarmer

      It is casting "heal" when there are 4 enemies arround me and I am under 40% health -> silanced -> dead. (no need to cast heal at all, unless under 50% mana)
      When I die and I am in spirit form it casts binding heal or simple heal instead of flash heal (binding heal in spirit form is bad)
      It is not fearing with 4+ enemies in fear range. - I saw it fearing, but it looks like it only fears if someone is targeting me (can't confirm for now)
    3. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hey wulf can i dungeon bot also with this lets say my 5 man team and i have a priest or druid wil it auto move?
    4. Bounty

      Bounty Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      Tested this on part 4 Garrosh, I have to say I'm very impressed. I NEVER went out of mana, but if I use Tuanha (special) I usually do (with less HPS).

      Only problem I encountered is that if I use continuous healing with Tyrael, it will use a Healthstone out of combat. Any way to fix that?

      I know it's a SUPER small problem, but using that out of combat is not necessary.
    5. Neli

      Neli New Member

      Mar 21, 2012
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      Hi, just a quick question; how well does the damage prediction ability work with the general concept of whoring absorbs as a disc priest through things like t90 talent spam / spirit shells?
    6. xtreme3881

      xtreme3881 Member

      Apr 4, 2010
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      Trial in a 5 man dungeon with my Pally and have all the right settings setup with Dungeon buddy but doesnt heal anyone. I see it the logs that it finds the Tank, but standing right behind everyone it doesnt heal at all. Everyone died twice. Any particular setting I should look for?
    7. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      We found another issue with the Cluster portion of the routine and believe this is causing the issue, should be fixed in next build

      There were some mana cooldown issues that we discovered in one of the builds in beta and I believe it has been corrected. Also, some cluster issues which is what the lvl 90 talents fall under. Should be corrected in next build.

      Can you submit me a log so I can make sure you do not have some goofy settings? This is usually the case.

      Can you submit me a log, there are a few settings that have to be turned off for it to fistweave properly. There is a setting in class config for soothing override, you need to set that to false. Also, you should set soothing mist in the dynamic section in class config to false as well.
      The settings for pvp are less than optimal as wulf and I made them before Oracle II even went to a beta phase. Make sure to set heal to a lower value in the dynamic section of class settings, if you want you can actually completely disable it as most people do not use it.

      To everyone, please post logs when you are submitting a bug. Here soon I will stop responding to posts that have no logfile and just have them archived as it is a waste of mine and Wulf's time to attempt to diagnose a problem when you may just have some simple setting not set correctly.

      All's well that Heals well,
    8. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Yes you can, we are still working on how well Oracle performs with DB. If you look a few pages back I made a post on how DB controls routines. I advise you read that.

      I will submit a ticket for this as yes that is a waste of the lock rock.

      I myself have not tried it this way, Give it a whirl and see how it does

      Can you submit me a log file? One thing is if you are low level, there is a mana cache setting in general settings set this to something extremely low like 50 and it should allow the bot to heal. Also what botbase are you using? If you are using tyrael you should select the continous healing mode option as oracle does not fire off until you put yourself in combat.

      All's well that Heals well,
    9. xtreme3881

      xtreme3881 Member

      Apr 4, 2010
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      Thanks I will try to lower the Cache setting. For information for you this is what I have

      1. DungeonBuddy
      2. 32 Holy Paladin
      3. It entered two different instances and would sorta follow the tank like DB always does, but would just stand next to people without ever healing.

      Is there an explanation on the Cache things so I know on my other 90 Holy paladin for Raids? Thanks in advance really testing this out because I have every healing class both horde and alliance and want to use it in my raids.

      Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    10. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      The mana cache setting was intended to be a % of total man to keep on reserve if you need to blow a cooldown manually or toss out that extra heal at low mana to keep someone from dieing. The problem is it is a set value of mana so most toons lower than level i think 70 or do not even have 18k mana. Thus preventing the routine from working. Another thing with DungeonBuddy is, oracle does not heal on its own out of combat and dungeonbuddy has a tendency to not force a healer into combat. We are working on a way for this to happen though.

      All's well that Heals well,
    11. xtreme3881

      xtreme3881 Member

      Apr 4, 2010
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      Thanks for the info! Just a silly question how does Tuanha, Signular, and various other healing routines work around engaging in combat and Oracle can't? Or is your Routine that much different then anyone else? Thanks for all the hard work, and LOVE LOVE LOVE Tyrle
    12. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Ha, As i do not know the inner workings of Tuanha's stuff I am not certain. I do know that Oracle is different than anything else well Hermit is close but no other routine uses a dynamic healing engine like Oracle has.

      I do know that Tuanha's stuff and Singular have been coded for more afk style stuff. While we have intentions to get have oracle better at this it just has not been high on the priority list as catching bugs and making sure the routine is efficient at what it does best and that is lazyraider style healing. PUMP OUT THEM HEALS! LOL

      All's well that Heals well,
      xtreme3881 likes this.
    13. amazingdps

      amazingdps New Member

      May 30, 2014
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      Hey, I've tried the Rotation as a disc priest, and got 14/14 norm with 551 ilvl, But at some bosses Holy is better, and I can only find 10 man disc preset, not 10 man holy, is this intended, and can I use disc preset as holy?
    14. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      No I would not use the disc settings as holy, I have not had time to get a decent baseline for holy yet. I plan on getting something in the next day or two and we can get that in for the next release.

      All's well that Heals well,
    15. blazinsheath

      blazinsheath New Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      hey routine looks like it could have lots of potential, but from a disc priest prospective it seems to be lacking in a few ways. some may remember my disc profile for PE, with it i got 14/14h with ease. HB really needs a good disc profile, While using this routine it has me a bit confused on its spell priority tanks vs single target vs aoe healing vs atonement. Here is my opinion on how spell priority should work as disc

      1. Mana / Survival check

      mindbender - shadowfiend - power word: solace - healthstone - desperate prayer - fade

      2. Dispels check

      check for priority dispels

      3. Tier6 CD's / Spirit Shell / Barrier / Mass Dispel check/use

      allowing the bot to use these for you is great for novice but if you are/plan on running heroic its best to use these manually, now adding a option to bind this to a key so where not having to fight the rotation to use would be prefect (lalt, ralt, lshift, rshift, ect...)
      When spirit shell active to spam PoH while buff exists
      also a mouseover key bind for Barrier and Mass Dispel

      4. Tank check

      1.Power Word: shield check only for rapture - any more is a waist of mana
      2.Void Shift
      3.Binding Heal
      4.Flash Heal
      6.Prayer of Mending

      5. Meta Gem Lucidity proc check

      for this personally I like to use Prayer of Healing to cheese out free divine aegis, others prefer pws spam - either or works

      6. raid aoe healing check

      prayer of healing

      7. raid single target healing check

      1.PWS - normally set around 20-30%
      3.Binding Heal
      4.Flash Heal
      5.Greater Healing

      8. Atonement

      1.Holy fire

      that is my 2 cents on how disc priority should be, as the routine currently is it does not seem to do enough atonement that could be the way i have settings i will work on adjusting and testing more.

      Thok rotation

      again what i think priority should be

      Prayer of Mending - keep up 100%
      Prayer of Healing - until debuff wont allow or we have casting buff
      Divine Star - Manual use is best
      Power Word: Shield - cast on every player that does not have weekend soul debuff
      Renew - on who you can before PWS spam again

      so far i have been running Thok Manually because no routine seems to get it right, atm with this priority i am able to pull anywhere from 300-600k hps during screeching phase

      think i will end it there for now, i will continue to test while my 7 day trial lasts
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    16. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      First, great post there is so much for me to reply to in this but one thing. May I get a log to see your settings? Will be much easier for me to break down what is happening and not happening then.

      1. all of these are already in
      2. Same this is already in
      3. You can turn all of these off if you would like in the settings. I am not 100% certain but Hotkeys and pause keys are not high on the priority list ATM.
      4. It should already maintain pws on the tank for rapture. Also has settings for void shift as well for tank.
      5. this is already in it should shield as many targets as it can. But does not currently stop cast.
      6. Already does a check for AOE healing and there is a setting
      7. Once again all of this is in and handled by the Dynamic healing engine.
      8. does this as well

      In reference to Thok, yes we have been working on that already on the beta and Have not gotten to its logic just yet. it does the stop casting and we need to get class specific stuff polished for it.

      All's well that Heals well,
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    17. atlacoya

      atlacoya New Member

      Jul 17, 2014
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      hmmm...its only me or the routine doesn't channel mana tea ?
    18. blazinsheath

      blazinsheath New Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      here you go

      im sure all that is in it already i was just not positive on its priority and my above posit is listed in the order which i believe is priority

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      Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    19. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      we are aware of a current Issue with this and will have a fix in next release.

      All's well that Heals well,
    20. Fruckiwacki

      Fruckiwacki New Member

      Mar 2, 2012
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      Is there a ETA for the next release?

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