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  • A bit frustrated with this bot

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nixon233, Aug 27, 2014.

    1. iargue

      iargue Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      To answer your questions since you refuse to accept anything else.

      Boss farming will be added, and so will map farming.

      Anything else you need to know?
    2. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      We both know the one we are talking about, and previous to this being released I have been running it mapping and no issue's with a third part re-logger, I feel the security is better on this bot as I have been banned before on that one. Hence, why I want to know if this is going to be a waste of time waiting for this thing to developed by a community that's really non existent. Lets face it, the beta of the last API was out for what 1-2 months ? and we had how many plugins made ? hmm a handful ?
    3. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      LOL YES! by the community or by him! holy fuck do you guys read what I am asking or are you just interested in flaming lol
    4. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Yea, but did you notice the issues It was having? Try it with this new one, the issues are gone. It does have optimization issues, which can be fixed with pure logic from a CR.
    5. iargue

      iargue Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      Boss farming was previously made by him. It might be made by me this time around.

      I'm already working on writing my own grindbot so I can add mapping support. I'm going to put between 15-20 hours of work into content every week, and I will be adding everything that improves my QoL first (Aka, mapping, boss farming, master farming, questing)

      Most likely, after Map farming has been added, I will put everything into questing though, as I want to get the level 65 achievement and the questing bot would be the easiest.
    6. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      No, it can be by him. I had boss farming working with release for a very long time. And third party relogger.. doesn't that defeat the purpose? Like you are arguing that buddy is lacking features, comparing it to other bots, the other bots have lacking features too, yet you don't mention it at all. Kinda redundant ranting on your part. Like seriously.if you are to compare products and rant about it, please take into account the flaws of other products, weight it against what this has and what something else has, then have a decision. Clearly more people are against your logic.

      You do realize that this bot makes me more money(and can for you) then any other bot combined right? Like if you are so tired of this bot, why are you still here?
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
    7. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      That's good to hear dude, i'll keep mine private until we see more appreciation lol ( i'm just being greedy XD).

      I bet when the bot does what release did, people will just forget and then rant about other things the bot doesn't have. Gotta keep the savages feed i guess.
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
    8. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Awesome, This is great news to here and settles me quite a bit,

      [/QUOTE]No, it can be by him. I had boss farming working with release for a very long time. And third party relogger.. doesn't that defeat the purpose? Like you are arguing that buddy is lacking features, comparing it to other bots, the other bots have lacking features too, yet you don't mention it at all. Kinda redundant ranting on your part. Like seriously.if you are to compare products and rant about it, please take into account the flaws of other products, weight it against what this has and what something else has, then have a decision. Clearly more people are against your logic.

      You do realize that this bot makes me more money(and can for you) then any other bot combined right? Like if you are so tired of this bot, why are you still here?[/QUOTE]

      Firstly, I'm glad that this bot makes you more money than blah blah blah, this isn't the first time you have tried to flex how much money this bot makes for you, frankly I give zero fucks. The reason why I made this thread was I wanted to know if this product was going to be supported as it was ADVERTISED when I made the purchase, regardless if I have to wait another 3 months or not. Secondly, your the one being a "superhero" whenever anyone has something bad to say about this bot, its pathetic really. Anyone who has a different opinion than how you feel about your "money maker" you blatantly attack them. You barely answered any of my questions in this thread yet you are trying to come off like some genius*claps* your ego can grow a bit from winning this one bud!

      [/QUOTE]That's good to hear dude, i'll keep mine private until we see more appreciation lol ( i'm just being greedy XD)[/QUOTE]

      This is my EXACT reason why I'd like to see this all be developed by Pushed, I understand people want to keep stuff private but if this is the attitude of most of the community ( piss poor ) than I can see this project dying pretty quickly. It is nice on the flip side to see someone such as Iargue step up to the plate and ANSWER my question by saying he will be putting in work, it puts my mind at ease.
    9. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      I did answer your questions. Please tell me where I did not, I will gladly answer it. I don't mind being called a superhero, justice needs to be served.
      Most of the attacks on the bot and it's developer are uncalled for. Anyone with any logical sense, will not post about it, because they can think and can understand. You are entitled to your opinions and whatnot, just as much as I am entitled to my onions, whether it be mainly be about how better the bot is then others. What you don't seem to get is that.

      Where does it say that?

      Means farming and clearing, ie grinding.

      Please correct me.
    10. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      ahah okay super hero, don't you have some more money to make ? or another thread to flame ? I'm done arguing with you :) you won another flame war ;)
    11. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Wining on the internet is like running in the special Olympics, even if you win, you are still retarded.
      I'm not in it to win, I'm in it to explain so people can move on with whatever they are doing, it's not great for a small community, when the dev has to spend time reading and answering questions that have already been answered. Like 80% of posts here are the same thing, but nothing can really be done of that, people have short attention spans.
    12. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Guess your a winner at the special Olympics then ;). My question hasn't been asked before :) did a search!
    13. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Yea, I kinda work in a grocery store packing bags all day. No brains required. Meh, keeps my bills paid, my kid gets a gift once in a while. Shoulda stayed in school.
    14. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Whatever, you seem to be claiming your doing well with the bots etc. Listen, no hard feelings. If the question was answered previously by Pushed than my bad for not finding it or even understanding what he meant when he was saying "it will be included with the API etc etc." I am a fan of these products and wish / be hopeful that it will be able to map and maybe quest. I wasn't expect CR's or Master farming etc ( have to play the game a bit, or what would be the point lol).
    15. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      I'm not going to read this entire thread and all the comments, since I still have a ton of stuff to do for Beta, but I'll say this, this one time.

      Exilebuddy is my full time time job for which I'm paid by Bossland GmbH. This project has also been my life for over the past year since I joined the Buddy team to help out back when Apoc was the main dev and the only one working on it. I'm quite literally working a dream job right now, all things aside from the specifics of the project.

      The amount of time and effort I put into Exilebuddy, you guys will never really know or understand, because you guys just get to see the end results. One of the most unfortunate things about this project to date, has been how the amount of time and work put in is not reflected in the actual results. On average, I spend 14-16 hours a day on EB, 7 days a week. Since realizing how much was needed to be changed at the start of August, my average for the past 3 weeks is more along the lines of 16-18 hours a day, 7 days a week. After the patch, I was up at 2:30 am - 4:am and working until I couldn't anymore around 7-9 pm, no exaggerations (I don't want sympathies though, I work the way I do because I'm a very dedicated person).

      Now, taking that into consideration, that this project has been getting well over 100 hours/week since around the start of this year, which was marked with a rewrite of the old input system if you remember (and if you don't, people were getting banned/flagged like crazy using our first system, so I rewrote it to the system that has been used up until the new 1.2 system), the issue here has never been the time, effort, or commitment to the project.

      It's literally the game, and the model we're trying to make work with it. It's a real challenge, but one I have been willing to partake in, because the guys here at Buddy are amazing, I love this game, I love GGG and what they are doing (living their dreams), and I love programming/reverse engineering/bots.

      The API driven design Buddy bots use has been a proven success in the other games we have bots for. Some of the best stuff for WoW/D3 was made by the community. I'm not going to get into the differences between PoE and all the other games Buddy has products for, but once we're able to get a solid API for the game and find a way to have things work as they should without requiring rewrites all the time (which this pretty much has to be it now), the sky is literally the limit (cliche, but true) for what can be done bot wise.

      However, the reality is, there's no way I myself could ever do all the things people want, just because I'm one person, and if you look at how PoE has changed itself over really short periods of time, it's just impossible, especially when all your time has to go into fixing and updating the API, or finding new ways to go about things that break each big update. As a result, my job here is to get something basic provided for people to use, and then have a good API for people in the community to build around, and that's the current goal for this new Beta release.

      I'd love to be able to work on actual bot/CR logic more, do complete quest play-throughs, maps, make standard boss farming stuff, but that's not my job here (not that it matters, as there's not been a time where I could focus on that stuff even if I wanted to), and I can't spend work time on that stuff when there's always API issues to take care of, or the means in which we interact with the client is having issues. The bot we provide, will always be generic, rather limited, and not do a lot of things because users can do them. That's the Buddy model though, and not my decision (as I just had this discussion with Hawker yesterday as I was informing him of Beta progress).

      So, if you judge EB as a whole by the bot implementation we provide, and how we go about providing features and stuff, then you'll always be disappointed in the project. That aspect will never change, because what we do here, is more than that. I'm not leaving this project or giving up on it. However, the Buddy model is for the project to take a course that it currently is, in terms of having a good API for people to use, and a basic bot, and maintain it. That leaves very little time or opportunity to focus on a bot that does all the things people would love, including myself.
    16. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Perfect, Thanks for all your time. So, it looks like the community (if one picks up) Looking your way Iargue! will have to pick up the slack. Guess it's time for me to start figuring out reverse engineering in my little spare time lol
    17. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      That was beautiful, I cried. Now when do we get a working bot?
      (Joke reply post btw)

      Good job with what you are doing, keep it up. You have supporters behind you.
    18. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Pushed no one is debating the amount of work you put in, and if anyone is, well they're either clueless or mean spirited.

      With that aside, I think that what most people here are expressing is the idea that the buddy team could assign 1 PERSON, to work (not as much as you but something like a few days a week) to develop the things that most of the community is after, quest logic and all those things, it would go a long way and would make a lot of people happy and I guarantee that it would also mean more customers since most people don't know how to code this bot.

      So perhaps you could have a conversation with your employers and suggest this, and even though it wouldn't happen right away, sometime in the near future would be great. I think that this is the way to go, and everyone, the users and the buddy team would profit from it.
    19. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      EB turned out to be an exception in terms of the development strategy used compared to just about every other project we have.

      Most projects only need a few core devs (Apoc, and then Apoc and myself, and now myself) to do all the heavy lifting in terms of programming/RE and setting up the API and getting things like pathfinding working, and then the actual bot gui designed and stuff. Most of that work is done only once, and then you do some maintenance time to time for patches and the occasional expansion.

      PoE never followed a traditional development strategy, and as a result, the way we did things turned out how they have so far; constant rewrites to keep up, and never really being able to build up a dev community due to all the changes.

      Better bots, CRs, and plugins are not possible if the API itself keeps changing, so that's pretty much why things are still as basic as they are, even though we're one year past Release.

      However, as I've mentioned in other replies, this is all directly due to the way the game has progressed, and is not related to us not doing what needs to be done to get things setup how they need to be. Getting people to write better bots/CRs/plugins has always been an option, but one that hasn't been possible for the reason just mentioned about the API changing. The year long struggle has been finding something that works, and keeps on working, and doesn't break on the next big game patch.

      Since PoE is not a Blizzard game, and no other Buddy project has ever had to be done in the way EB currently has to, adding more people to the core dev group hasn't been a possibility. Buddy has done all they can to help this project be successful, which is why I'm still working away on it, and not giving up. It's just an unfortunate case of a ton of trial and error, and a huge time investment required to have something that can last the way we want it to in this game.

      TL;DR - people need to give GGG a ton of credit for having a setup that makes the way we do bots an insanely hard, and time consuming challenge. That's literally the only reason why things are the way they are, and we've been doing everything possible to try and keep up.

      Hopefully though, this new setup is finally the breakthrough we've been after for so long now. :)
    20. Pattycake

      Pattycake New Member

      Aug 30, 2014
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      Made an account to say that I own and have owned quite a few botting programs and it is very hard to make people happy in general, but that I am happy I can come to the forums and see that someone is actually working on it. But if a community is supposed to develop a bot why are we paying money for the bot? Well either way i get it and hope others do. Looking forward to the new changes

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