theTramper: gather can now switch continents, store stuff in your bank and auction it on AH - learn how: look at theTramper What does theTramper do? this plugin makes it easy to farm (almost) any zone you like. just start the plugin from the zone you like to farm and let it do the rest. How is this different from any custom/commercial/free Profile? this Plugin does not need any profiles, so you can not be detected by lcp that easy What are the requirements for theTramper? you'll have to have Gatherbuddy2 available, and a direct connection to the internet as well. there will come another version of theTramper, that will use its own botbase, but for now we're relying on gatherbuddy (main reason: to not infract german court sentence) How does theTramper differs from rndbdudy? rndbuddys concept is to provide a complete profile together with many monitoring and remote control features, aiming to supply a complete profile for one zone. theTramper is about bulk-farming, for those of you that just want to farm 24/7 and have at least some kind of safety. Is multi-zones zupported? yes! that can be either enabled or disabled in plugin settings What about SLA Uptime theTramper relies on a sophisticated server structure - while we try to make it as reliable as possible we can not guarantee that there will be no issues - we try to keep a uptime of at least 95% How are pathes generated theTramper will search for a Hotspot within a circle of the characters current position; the outer and inner radius are defined by the step distances you can set inside of your plugins settings. Look at this example and you'll understand. Any recommendations? I highly recommend that you run this plugin on a toon which is capable of flying; the lack of flying skills might result in non-reachable destinations. So far i tested every zone within Pandaria, working fine. Dont play with the track bars if you dont know what you're doing, predefined settings are usally fine, if you want to farm a zone with a low amount of hotspots it might be a wise idea to increase max step distance! Any more screenshots? Sure, here's a screenshot of the settings interface Product Links Gatherbuddy2 based GrindBot based (includes more advanced features, harvests timber) Help me keep my products free by buying me a beer Your donations help to keep my products free.
Feedbacks Code: [16:36:26.292 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 115 nodes in 0h 39m 45s. [16:36:26.292 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Geistereisenvorkommen: 45 [16:36:26.292 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Teepflanze: 43 [16:36:26.292 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Reiches Geistereisenvorkommen: 3 [16:36:26.292 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Regenmohn: 24 Known Issues maybe strange behaviour with localized hb clients (chinese, taiwan) state: won't be fixed. use english client. FAQ After a few Minutes, I get a "critical SSL Error" when using this plugin. make sure you are running an up to date windows installation. make sure your root certificate store is up to date Known Bans related to theTramper as of 2014-09-24: none Knowing the difference - product matrix [SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE] The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for: Feature requests Constructive criticism with specific details Bug reports with a log attached Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to: Price discussions Comparisons to other products Theory crafting General chit-chat etc We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.
possible to force a dismount if toon is in fight? sometimes my druid stay in fly form and fly left and right and still get attacked by the mob. and dont go on, or even blacklist anything. when i dismount him by hand, he will kill the mobs and go on.
I know you said you tested this in Pandaria. I was wondering how well this profile would work in other zones like Vanilla, Burning Crusade, or Northrend. I plan on playing with this profile for about 5 days. If this works well I will keep it. Thank you in advance.
I just did a quick test. I found a place where the mining nodes are underground. theTramper seems to get stuck trying to find a way to these nodes instead of moving on.
send me the blackspot corrdinates (inlcuding map and zoneID), i will add a blackspot you can also use rndbuddys blackspot helper to submit
Great plugin, just one question. Is there a way to change how long my char farms a certain area like rnd? Guy has been in one zone now for quite a while now, bags are just about full, without changing. Have multizone enabled.
Differences about thetramper(gatherbuddy2) and thetramper(botbase)? I say this because I would like to reward your work, but do not want to pay twice. Used translator.
There's a mine entrance in the northern area of Jade Forest. I went back there, but the nodes were already gone except one. I wanted to reproduce the bug. The mining nodes underwater are ignored which is awesome.
I want to tramp around winter spring but it keeps walking to felwood where do i get the zoneID from to black list? i have multi zone turned off. Can i use this with random buddy? and i know its the wrong thread for this questtion How do i use random buddy. will it work with 1-300 1-600 profiles that come with HB?
rndbuddy is free and ment for people who want to farm from time to time, beeing as "safe" as possible. theTramper is for those who want to bulk-farm, no matter what happens
A few queries. Is this purely for Pandaria at present? it doesnt seem to do anything I tell it to in Azeroth/Outland, though the Northrend toon is working okay. It will fully ignores the nultizone setting, keeps gravitating to Zangarmarsh when Im trying to find ore, which isn't great. I put the bad zones as 3521;467 as didnt know which ids you spoke of. Is this feature working? No matter where I started it it went gunning straight for Zangar... It also went to mail using the Thrallmar and other horde mailboxes when it's bags were full, as alliance toon this is not ideal. Is there a faction check or blacklisting implemented yet? EDIT: now its not even starting up, Gatherbuddy now asking for a profile. Fresh Hbuddy install, no other plugins/CRs installed, caches cleared. [11:10:45.141 D] Plugin theTramper threw an exception in Initialize [11:10:45.141 D] System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Timer'. at System.Timers.Timer.set_Enabled(Boolean value) at System.Timers.Timer.Start() at zonefarmer.zonefarmer.Initialize() at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.Initialize()