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  • A bit frustrated with this bot

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nixon233, Aug 27, 2014.

    1. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      Hehe actually good point :)

      All I actually want to know at this point is, when can the average joe user use the bot again ? My 1 month key ran out yesterday which means i've lost 30% of my one month key, that being said i don't give a rats ass about losing the 7-8 days worth of botting.

      But the current usability, I KNOW ITS EARLY BETA, is not for average joes or the used car salesman that have no idea how coding is working. I appreciate your effort Pushed, but us regular people with no coding skills at all also would like to get back in the game, it sucks being the poor one :)

      Are we talking 1-2 days or a week a month before we can use the bot like pre-masters ?
    2. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      We'll get people a few weeks if not maybe a little more for the downtime after the update and this painful period of a Beta. I'll talk to Hawker again soon about this, so people who have expired keys can actually test the current beta and contribute feedback. It's just going to be another really rough time period for the project, but we're not out of it yet. The goal is to get basic grinding and town stuff back asap, but some things have come up after 1.2 that are currently being addressed in the project itself. Hopefully, you guys have something in less than a week, but that's assuming the best case nothing else comes up and the game doesn't do any more radical changes. All the old features will not be making it back, as what we had before was months and months worth of work, and redoing all that in a matter of weeks isn't possible.

      As for the quote, the community isn't expected to develop the bot we provide; they are expected to develop a better bot, if that's what they want. Our focus is a providing a really simple grind bot, and then providing a very feature rich game API that supports community development for bots, plugins, and routines. Most bot makers, focus on the actual bot they provide itself, but users have no API, and a very limited means to customize said bot for the most part.

      The model we use here at Buddy is not the standard model a lot of people are used to, which is why a lot of people are confused about why our bot implementations "suck" compared to others, so to speak. Our model is not for everyone though, but that is why it's up to users to decide if they want to go with the style of product we provide or a competitor based on their needs. A lot of people here don't need an API and don't care, and when that's the case, the bot we provide will never even come close to anyone else's when it comes to specialized functionality. However, we have a plan, so we stick to it, and that does frustrate some users because we're not doing the things they think we should be doing (gotta follow the plan).

      For me personally, I love the Buddy approach to bot development, which is why I'm here working on this project. I do want to use the API we provide to make awesome things, but for me, it's been impossible due to all the things I've previously mentioned with how this game has turned out. If this new setup turns out to be exactly what is needed, and I no longer have to spend all my time on back end stuff, I certainly would love to make better implementations of the basic stuff we provide in my spare time for the community. However, until we get to that point, I cannot as the main developer here, so it's up to the community to progress things we aren't providing in our implementation.
    3. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      I'll be happy with

      "go here, kill everything, pick up stuff, ID, sell crap and start over" I don't need it to run bosses, maps or whatever (but ofc i will use it when available thats obvious) - i just use it to do the boring stuff i dont wanna do my self - grinding for 12h in lunaris i would hang my self :)

      But I guess many like me a looking forward for a somewhat working noob friendly version of the EB ;)
    4. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      This is exactly what we will provide. :)

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