I am using Naxafari Midrange Hunter (results coming later tonight or tomorrow) Bot statistics summary : Wins : 35 Looses : 11 Total games : 46 Started at : 8/29/2014 - 7:25:37 AM Total running time : 7:46:42 AM THE CARD "TRACKING" doesn't seem to be working. ( I believe obtmaker is working on this) SO PLEASE USE WEBSPINNER INSTEAD (Webspinner - Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Wiki) PLEASE ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THESE ARE MY RESULTS YOURS MY VARY DEPENDING ON WHAT CARDS COME OUT At first I was wondering how people got these high percentages, well this is for the "Golden Portrait". Which means you have to have CONCEDE AFTER WIN checked. This is not for ladder grinding REQUIREMENTS (If you would like to use this deck) 1) You must have SilverFish API https://github.com/noHero123/HRCustomClasses/blob/master/HrtBddy/Silverfish.zip?raw=true 2) Place the Silverfish folder under Hearthbuddy/CustomDecks/ 3) Open HearthBuddy and Select SilverfishControlNewFixSilverControlNP under the Custom Deck Option 4) Hit Start (Remember to hit play and select your deck first then back out and hit start on HearthBuddy)
Hello I have trouble when I install the silverfish folder and I run the bot there an error message and I can not seletionner the deck in the bot
you don't select the deck you only need to select silverfishcontrol, the deck is something you have to make that's why there is a picture in the opening post and you just pick silverfishcontrol and then make sure concede after win is checked and also make sure you select ranked not casual and you should be good to go