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  • [PLUGIN] Pokebuddy - Gotto kill em all!

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by maybe, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. michaelr8

      michaelr8 Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      So I have a tonne of level 25 pets, and some level 15s etc to level up, wheres the best profile to do so? I used a pandaria gathering one but it didnt work out to well..
    2. Atomatom

      Atomatom New Member

      May 16, 2013
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      Hello. How to configure a pvp battle,please tell me. Can give the link.
    3. michaelr8

      michaelr8 Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      I have pet area and have it set to the first option, I put my guy in Shat, and he goes right to netherstorm, but he is getting stuck the odd time in netherstorm..
    4. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Gb2 has terrible continent/zone detection, and the coordinates don't align when you try to use a bc profile in vanilla continent/zone areas.

      If you load up the kalimdor profile while in outland, it just keeps flying North, until you die, or hit the invisible wall.

      Petarea is glitchy.
    5. Atomatom

      Atomatom New Member

      May 16, 2013
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      Hello. How to configure a pvp battle,please tell me.
    6. michaelr8

      michaelr8 Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      So whats my best bet, to put a level min and take off petarea, and just do it manually?

      Like now he gets stuck constantly in stonetalon mountain, I took off stonetalon completely, still flies there to get stuck. Fucking frustrating piece of shit.
    7. shadetree

      shadetree New Member

      Jul 18, 2014
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      I'm using pokehbuddy to level my toon!

      I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere in the 138 pages of text contained here.

      I'm using this plugin for leveling toons and pets in one shot. What a great way to ding a toon and get some battle pets out of the deal at the same time! thank you pohehbuddy!

      As an example in sholazar basin as a mid 70 toon, I'm getting 20-30,000 xp per pet battle. that's roughly a new level in 40 battles. I'm averaging around 100 pet battles per toon level for MOP!

      for people considering doing this in MOP. a good place to farm pet battles/quest is the jade forest or valley of the four winds because critter battles are easiest. just click on your pokehbuddy! you might not do much questing, but you'll get a TON of xp battling pets.

      (fighting critters are good for my little team)

      pet 1 - leveling pet
      pet 2 - 25 spider with strike/brittle webbing/leech life
      pet 3 - 25 spider with strike/brittle web/leech life or a 25 cricket.

      if you are just starting out and need to build a team quick, there is a guide on wowhead. I believe it works by going out in front of karazhan and farming the lvl 17 arcane eyes. They do not bring any friends into the fight so they're pretty easy to take down and build a lvl 17 team. from there you can get your spiders, etc. and level them to 25. I was lucky enough to already have some lvl 25 pets before I figured out it was easy to level with pet battles.

      oh.. almost forgot.

      I used pokehbuddy
      battle pet swapper
      and gudahs profiles
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    8. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Yep. They work great.

      If you use GB2 and / or gathering plugins that change your profile; like rndbuddy or tramp, on the buddy store, (petarea doesn't work well, avoid using it).

      The combination will also move to newer or different locations to gather, kill mobs and provide a variety of non questing and non grind gameplay. Ie "faffing" around.

      The issue people have recently, sometimes,

      is that the auto swapping of the low level pets does tend to suck with the current PB, but it is not so broken as to be unusable, just a little bit unusable.

      It requires supervision of the bot for when it's going into combat with 3 dead pets, sic. Other than the implementation of battle pet swapper into PB being a little bit buggy, it should work out.
    9. Atomatom

      Atomatom New Member

      May 16, 2013
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      Hello. How to configure a pvp battle?
    10. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Check the option to queue for battles. That's about it. It will requeue every minute or so after a battle with the default setting.

      Remember to set up a sufficient waiting time to repair, or set up the swap settings to alternate pets between battles.
    11. phasechange

      phasechange Member

      Sep 6, 2010
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      Plugin works great. I'm powerleveling pets in Valley using Ringerx2 mode (battle pet swapper & pokebuddy). The problem I'm having is once my leveling pet reaches level 22 or so it will stop swapping it out after the first attack. How can I change this so it will swap out the pet in slot 1 after 1 attack, regardless?
    12. hassand

      hassand New Member

      Aug 22, 2014
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      The plugin worked for me for over a year or so, but for the last 12 hours battle pet swapper just doesnt work. It will not swap the pet out when it reaches level 25 in the ringer mode to level other pets from the favorites list.
      I repeat, this used to work, it just stopped working today.

      Anybody else has a problem like this or a fix for it?
    13. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      You can delete the wall of text, the problem is that you need to set up a logic database before you start honorbuddy.

      Editing pet logic while the bot has started, can cause problems with the plugin not reading the new logic for the pet. (among others)

      And, it is possible that the database is missing or corrupted, or was never set up. The SVN download includes a default petlogic. db that you can download, but it doesn't have many logic files, as they use your individual pet ids info from your bnet account, this helps with managing 3 of the same pet for instance.

      Eg You can take a short cut and import the logic from the old 2012 pet logic xml files, then customize problem pets in the editor (and apply/save the loadouts)
      You may need to go through several menu options to get the logic database working properly for each pet slot, but saving briefly once will do for the ringer levelling, and then you can edit later on.

      If you want to prep with a brand new lvl25 purchased pet,, manually change pet layouts, save the empty logic and then edit. You may need to start a few pet battles by hand to get the correct buff and debuff values.

      Of course, doing this for 100+ pets is consuming. 600 is worse.

      As for the pet swapper, I don't know. Sometimes it stops due to frequent polling while in a battle and never resumes when the Battle has finished. The code is not integrated well.

      It probably needs a timer code to execute every 15 seconds to check for battles or pet health changes, and start the swap then, or delay 30 while in a battle. This avoids using the same LUA checks that PB uses
    14. Winio

      Winio Member Legendary

      Nov 24, 2013
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      Works pretty well using the blank bot base. Just put your toon where you want it to do the pet battles and start the bot. The only issue is down times due to waiting for the pet heal skill to come off cooldown. It would be incredibly helpful if the plugin would go to the stable master to heal. There are plenty of spots where the stable master is literally next to the spot you farm (Dragonblight for example). At least in theory it should be relatively easy for the plugin to go there, heal, and run back to where it started.
    15. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      It would need to navigate to, talk to the stable npc, Then, use the gossip option and confirm the payment. And move back to the previous area.

      First part, is the challenge as the plugin does not navigate well. It can do so, but it requires being able to override and choose the npc object, and navigate in cities or towns.

      Second part is easy. As long as we don't have to check too much, like current money on character, glitches, etc.

      /script SelectGossipOption(2)
      /click StaticPopup1Button1

      Third part, may be ignored if the first works.
    16. Aryte

      Aryte New Member

      Sep 1, 2011
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      I tried to create my own pet logic for my Corefire Imp (cause the default logic only spams Spell 1).
      I added the xml file as instructed to the PetSettings folder called "Corefire Imp.xml" but it run it :O.
      I also tried to create a logic with the GUI and set it to default and stuff... Still the Bot keeps spamming Spell 1 only.
      It seams to not load my logics at all. Any suggestions?
      Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
    17. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Editing logic is done via the edit screen. You may have to save the new version and or delete the old version depending on how you added the logic.

      From memory,

      Double entries can come up, or multiple logic entries in the db. The latter part was intended for applying to multiple pets or switching between logic for situations or layout changes (heal vs stun loadouts, levelling vs 25 pvp logic)

      If it's choosing the 'wrong' logic, you may need to rearrange the order of appearance (recreating/deleting the first logic)

      I'll come back and provide a small step by step guide for if needed/requested.

      If you want to use the xml files from the original version, you will need to import them into the database, which is a one time process (can be repeated, but expect duplicates, iirc ) , and, you still need to save and edit each entry eventually.
      maybe likes this.
    18. ramptar

      ramptar New Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      I can't get it to run, got logics set and petarea, but when I try to run it, it just shutdown (boost pet in slot 1 mode)
    19. gunsandunicorns

      gunsandunicorns New Member

      Apr 23, 2014
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      i don't know, but it seems leveling pets isn't really an option... it lets at least one, most of the time 2 of my pets die during EVERY fight and afterwards has to wait ages for the cooldown to revive them. it doesn't even switch a pet when it has like 2 health, lol... how is this supposed to work??

      (the pets have the default logic to swapout at 30%, but that just doesnt happen... they die all the time, the profile never swaps them.)
    20. Thaelm

      Thaelm New Member

      Sep 9, 2012
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      Pokebuddy throws an exception when I view settings

      Hello, I just installed Pokebuddy and it is throwing an exception when I try and view the settings. It also doesn't seem to save the settings nor can I choose any number other than 11 for the second option in "PvP Pet Battle every X to X". Log and picture attached.

      Edit1: I realized it was creating a folder in the Plugins folder named "Pokehbuddy" regardless of the fact I had named the folder "Pokebuddy". I moved the data from "Pokebuddy" to "Pokehbuddy" and it started working properly.

      Last edited: Sep 7, 2014

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