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  • ExilebuddyBeta #893/#894 Feedback and Discussion

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pushedx, Sep 5, 2014.

    1. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Download - Please download a clean copy of Beta for each version. Do not "update", because the changes will break other versions. Before reporting issues, please make sure you are using a clean copy.

      Please attach a full log if you have any problems. I've made sure as much debugging information is logged as possible to track down various issues that might happen. I need the full log though, and not partial snippets. If you do not feel comfortable posting a full log, you can PM me it instead with a link to your thread.

      Beta #894
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
      Beta #893
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
      Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
    2. Nexic

      Nexic Member

      Aug 30, 2013
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      I'm so far having a jolly good time with the beta. Everything is working out great and must say good work.

      Could I get a basic timeline of some quality of life improvements?

      1) How far off is selling?
      2) I noticed you installed brutus quest through, are other bosses in the works or will it be plugin required?
      3) Will quest handling eventually be brought in or will it done through plugins?
      4) When will chests be openable?
      5) Will master quests be in the works?

      Again, thanks for your hard work.
      Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
    3. thunder

      thunder Member Legendary

      Jul 8, 2012
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      Selling is the most needed function right now to make the bot 100% working.

      PS. The area transition from town to upper sceptre god problem still exist?

      PPS. Found another interesting bug only appears in .893, when I set grindzone to be Lunaris 3, the bot takes the waypoint of barracks although I have lunaris 2 waypoint.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
    4. asdrubal

      asdrubal New Member

      Jun 6, 2013
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      I loved the AlertPlugin. Simply genious for those that Alt-tab bot.

      Any chance I can configure it a little so it doesn't tell me everytime an Armourer's Scrap drops?
      Also, it might be worth mentioning that the bot completely stops until the girl stops talking, dunno if that's intended.
      Thanks for the quick updates!
    5. maths

      maths New Member

      Jan 11, 2014
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      yes i cant wait for the bot to sell stuff, thats all i need before i start testing it
    6. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      my bot won't even take a waypoint, it tries to take the waypoint 3 times then stops EB.
      If I manually enter lunaris the bot runs smooth - and when it is done exploring all the way to Piety, then runs all the way back to Lunaris 2 checkpoint before running the stairs to lunaris for ressetting lunaris 3.
    7. kostaspel

      kostaspel New Member

      Jun 10, 2013
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      I want to say thanks for the good work, every patch is work great to me.

      I saw an error when i run the bot, i set BasicGrindBot to move at Lunaris Temple 2, it move to the waypoint start a new instance join the instance after that the bot trying to select the waypoint and doing that for 3 times and then start farming...when the bot clean the instance and have waypoint near its trying to reset the instance but when select the waypoint it s trying again 3 times and then running away to find another exit point for reset the instance.

    8. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      I do not know what are all these issues people are having. I practically downloaded, modified like 2 settings in the GUI and had it running already.

      (Fireball (Witch starter reward) + Zombie (reward for killing the boss in Strand) + Raging Skull (reward for mud flats) running Brutus with crappy gear in Beyond for 10+ hours. I just had to set the pickit so that it wont fill up of useless rares and i have a chicken ahk script running together with EB to kick me on low hp, once kicked, EB will relog again and start from town, take WP to lower prison and start looking for upper prison and then killing Brutus . . . That all without any interaction from me.

      The only thing i got report is the "stop n go, stop n go" movement.

      Sure, filtering stashing and selling can not come soon enough, but hopefully very soon, we will have it.


      forgot Animate Weapon is working okish, has some issues . . .
      Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
    9. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      How are you running brutus ?
    10. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Read the first post?

    11. WhereIsMyMind

      WhereIsMyMind Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Big Tents. Their 'hit box' is slightly bigger than the bot thinks... so this happens often, trying to shoot through the tent to a spawn on the other side.
      View attachment 141087

      Seems to be all tents, regardless of size, in the wetlands do this.

      Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
    12. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      1. The goal is 'soon", but there's no estimate. It just depends how fast the last issues can be worked out.
      2. The API concept being tested for that was the local area transition support needed to make it though boss areas. The goal is to have the bot at least able to traverse the boss areas properly, if all quest states are unlocked.
      3. Plugins. The API supports working with quests, and our basic grind bot will not have that functionality.
      4. Strongboxes? A configuration will be added back, but it's low priority right now.
      5. No, these will have to be handled though plugins by the community as well.

      Basically, the focus is getting everything in the API working as it should, and the basic grind bot setup in a way where people have something basic that works. That's the current scope of what has to be done right now.

      Quality of Life things are just low priority for the time being.

      I'll check waypoint data again, since the previous fixes didn't seem to work. I'm pretty sure it's just a gui related issue, since before, we weren't using the gui data, and now we are.

      I've not checked the quest object for Sceptre of God yet.

      You just have to change the code. :) Right now it does:
      if (item.Rarity == Rarity.Currency && item.Name != "Portal Scroll" &&
                              item.Name != "Scroll of Wisdom")
      You'd add additional names in the same matter. The delay is known, and mentioned in the thread. To fix that, you'd just create a worker thread that called the Say function instead.

      I'll check the waypoint issue today. The bot running though the instance to restart the area is working as intended. The logic is setup for most areas where you have a way to easily get out and reset the instance. Lunaris 3 is an exception area, so more specific logic is needed (via support for boss areas). It will be looked into in the near future, but for now, only the waypoint issue is a bug.

      Sounds like waypoint data is still wrong. I'll check this again today.

      Tents are not handled at all currently. The fix for that is to reload the pathfinding data and remesh the area, but that can cause some issues with the bot stopping and doing nothing. Instead, I think we'll just have to try and add in some area specific obstacles to try and get the bot to avoid them, but then there'll be an issue with raycasting not using the same data. Fixing this issue will be along the same lines of fixing the new pathfinding issues in City of Sarn; for now those areas will just have known issues until something can be done to try and avoid the issue.
    13. thunder

      thunder Member Legendary

      Jul 8, 2012
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      Hi, i didnt mean the quest object for sceptre of god, it work well in .893. I mean the bot cant use waypoint or portal to the upper god. Seems they are all the same issue
    14. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      I know what the waypoint issue is now; the API has to be changed to account for how the GUI is setup for certain areas.
    15. tijul

      tijul New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Pushedx I still have problem with melee range of skill like Infernal blow with facebreaker cannot reach long range target
    16. imdivesmaintank

      imdivesmaintank New Member

      Oct 30, 2013
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      It's been prioritizing urns in Catacombs over monsters. I had 3 or 4 skeletons right next to me and it was sitting there kicking urns before it attacked them. It didn't do it with chests though...just the urns.
    17. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nice to see that we can kinda "farm" brutus now, too bad we still don't have Sell feature to work on pair with it.

      Pushedx, the fix that you posted for the Dual Totem Routine Resurrect bug fixed it on the #892. Using the same CR with the #893 the bot is stopping a lot and log mentions "Waiting for the current action to finish" did the last build change anything that doesn't require the extra code?
    18. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Please post your ExampleRoutine settings and tell me the skills in each slots. :) I don't think I've seen them yet, but if you have posted it, just link me it.

      HandleBlockingChestsTask was added to solve the issue of certain chest clusters getting in the way of the bot, and it being stuck behind them. In areas like Catacombs, which are filled with those exact same chest clusters, the the task is going to trigger frequently. Making it execute less, won't really help because it'll still execute often just due to the number of chests there. The only other option currently is to disable it completely. You can do this in a plugin, or even the CR in the Start function by calling:
      Executing it after combat is not an option, because the bot has gotten stuck in the past behind chests when trying to move towards a target. The current task is setup to be a generic catch all case. A slightly better way to implement it, would be to require all movement calls though a common interface, like PlayerMover, and implement the logic there so it can do a little better checking to see if any chests lie along the path it's trying to move though. Changing all the current code to that model isn't doable at this time, and it doesn't really solve the issue when you get paths that are close to the walls, which you pretty much always will with shortest path calcs in smaller areas, on random terrain. So, you have to choose between ignoring them out right, and have better stuck detection kick in time to time, or try to avoid the case in the first place by breaking things by your feet. Due to the unpredictable nature of this game's pathfinding, and a lot of issues I've seen over time with the client, for BasicGrindBot, the default behavior is to break things at the feet.

      Nope. The model that you have to choose for casting skills and making sure they cast how you need them to is either:
      1. Try and detect the client casting them (which is entirely dependent on the current client performance and how fast the bot is able to keep reading memory)
      2. Add hard delays, so things are slower, but the chances of them not working is greatly lowered.

      The casting method in that CR is not recommended, because it relies on a client behavior that is not consistent when working out of process. Ideally, you need some timeouts added to avoid the infinite loop, as otherwise, if you get stunned when casting the action, the CR will keep waiting for an action that will never come. That's most likely what you're seeing, but the purpose of that CR was to show the 'sandwich" effect of casting totems, and bringing about the awareness that you can't cast them without waiting some time before.
      Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
    19. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Okay, I will switch back to the example routine with the edit. Another question, is there any way to see the effective range on my Shockwave Totem? The range of the AoE it does? Tooltip says 100 range but that value isn't the radius of the Shockwaves, I'm trying to set a good value for minimum distance, if there's none I'll just try-error until I get a good value.
    20. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It is trying to go to chests through unwalkable places, and apparently it keeps reseting the timer to go for it so it doesn't think it is stuck

      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 152.2563 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:12.8166278 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:13.2327024 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:13.7323676 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 154.2542 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:14.2315419 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:14.6493015 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2588 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:15.0785260 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2588 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:15.4717983 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:15.9534995 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2588 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:16.4472505 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:16.9393767 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 149.2602 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:17.3589876 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:17.8403286 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 149.2602 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:18.3364539 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 149.2602 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:18.8170966 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 154.2542 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:19.3154934 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 152.2563 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:19.7990902 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 153.2552 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:20.2131277 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 149.2602 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:20.6247836 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2588 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:21.1204245 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2588 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:21.5329042 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 152.2563 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:22.0203416 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 149.2602 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:22.5102094 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 148.2619 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:22.9832409 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 152.2563 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:23.3971668 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 149.2602 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:23.7818711 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:24.2587494 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 153.2552 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:24.7411077 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2588 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:25.1558289 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 152.2563 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:25.5585640 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:25.9568699 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 151.2575 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:26.3769768 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2325 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:26.7448783 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 152.2563 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:27.2154480 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 152.2563 away (can't see).
      [OpenChestTask] The current chest to open is [1419] Boulder at {703, 1427}. We have been on this task for 00:01:27.7170978 and have been attempting to interact for 00:00:00.
      [OpenChestTask] Now moving towards the chest 1419 because it is 150.2588 away (can't see).

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