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  • Kupo Rotations

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Support' started by lordofthereef, Sep 7, 2014.

    1. lordofthereef

      lordofthereef New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      I have asked this a few times in multiple threads and it's either getting glossed over, or simply not answered since the thread topic isn't specifically a Kupo topic. As such I will ask here:

      I have seen multiple responses to not use Magitek when havng issues since it is not supported. I would like to know if there are any intentions to make a more robust rotation in kupo for any/all classes. I ask because kupo, while manageable, will not use a good 2-3 (sometimes more) abilities on every class I have tried that it should be using to drastically decrease kill times. Since the rotations are already present within magitek, I don't imagine they would be terribly difficult to add into kupo.

      So, definite yes? Definite no? Sort of, kind of, maybe?

      As I have said before, I can respect that this bot is being maintained by a single person. But it would be nice to have my question acknowledged too. :)
    2. Hydro

      Hydro New Member

      Oct 24, 2011
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      From what I've gathered, Kupo is just there as a stepping stone for other developers to create their own CR's using Kupo as a reference. If you want something more complex your answer won't be from Mastahg. It will most likely come from someone that attempts to create their own.
    3. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      IMO RebornBuddy has a long ways to go to be a full-fledged bot (although it's still better than some of the competitors).

      It's just now getting decent Gathering profiles (now that Order Bot has been revamped and Gather Bot ditched) although Crafting hasn't made much progress.

      As far as combat goes (now that Magitek is discontinued) there aren't any options. At first it was promised that bug fixes would be released to keep it functioning(with no improvements) but it seems completely abandoned now.

      As for Kupo, it's basically just a base for other Combat Routines as Hydro mentioned. It has too many issues to be used itself.

      IMO RebornBuddy is mostly unusable (for combat/grinding) until the next CR is developed (which could be a while).


      RebornBuddy is a gathering bot until a new CR is released IMO.
      Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
    4. lordofthereef

      lordofthereef New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      I gathered that too. It's a shame this isn't clear when buying the actual bot. The actual good functionality comes from people giving their time away for free while some other group profits from it.
    5. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      Once the BuddyStore has been implemented for RebornBuddy, I plan on releasing the CR I've been working on through it.

      For more details about the Store and when it will be implemented into RB..... https://www.thebuddyforum.com/thebuddystore/174199-project-store-15.html#post1627331
    6. lordofthereef

      lordofthereef New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      Interesting. I would definitely be interested, assuming the prices are reasonable.

      I suppose we run the same risk as we did with Magitek though. The dev (not saying you in particular, but any) may end up calling it quits, even if for just a short time. This leaves people now paying for something that may break a single patch a day from now, two months from now, etc.

      Anyway, looking forward to a better CR. And hell, maybe we will actually see some crafting (one can only wish).
    7. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      I'd love to add improved rotations, I just don't have time to research,implement, and test each class. I'm more then willing to add any user submitted code to kupo.
    8. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Technically all of these CRs and Plugins are open to other devs (anyone could pick it up and continue development on it). The problem is there aren't enough active devs in the community to do so (no one is around to pick up Magitek and those who are capable are working on their own projects or future ones for the Buddy Store).

      A lot of devs want to be paid for their work (I know I used a few paid CRs for HonorBuddy). The Buddy Store might bring those devs out of hiding. We'll see in time.

      The only issue is, the Buddy team works at their own pace. The Buddy Store was just revealed for HonorBuddy. I doubt the other bots will be seeing it for a long time (I'm talking a year). Hopefully we won't have to go that long without more devs on RebornBuddy.
      Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
    9. Hydro

      Hydro New Member

      Oct 24, 2011
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      Look into the code for Magitek Mastahg. Magitek would be a great stock CR that is already setup with a basic rotation. If you give proper credit, I'm sure you could borrow the rotation from Magitek to implement into Kupo. I've tried doing it myself, but I haven't the slightest clue as to what I'm doing. I've just managed to make Kupo do a proper basic rotation without any CD's being used.

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