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  • [PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Warlock' started by Millz, Jul 10, 2013.

    1. Kasamaka

      Kasamaka New Member

      Aug 14, 2013
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      Zeldrak what do u think about what i said earlier ?
      i have a small suggestion to make , Why we are doing the soul swap based on HP , why we don't have it based on %, so we can make the CR SS when the HP % >20 "just an example" cause one of the main things that effect the Affli is how fast is ur group killing adds etc , so when we make it by % we don't really care , cause of ppl are slow in killing adds then my SS will still roll, and if ppl are fast in killing those adds my condition will be to stop the SS @ a that percentage so maby we wont lose all these dots and add dies.
      i also start thinking that this might be good also for destro and all , like immolate , CB, so then wont be need to to keep changing HP and its also based in how fast ur raid killing adds or not ,ist 10 or 25 , N or HC and so on. i really wanna find a way to help this and get affli good , so maby this is one way, what do u think ?
    2. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      A boss HP% is different to trash mobs of players. Fixed values gives better results.

      MG is a last resort spell, it'll only cast it if it can't soul swap first. I'll add a cancel cast to MG so that it can get back to swapping faster.

      Does anything work from the store for you? Could be antivirus or firewall blocking it?

      I've got to about rank 9 or 10 with it. Need to handle stuff manually and just activate the routine when you want to deal the damage.

      Hey - I'll need a log for this, but you can change the pet to a specific setting to get around it, or disable to handle it manually.

      You can't adjust the size of the text/font. It breaks the GUI. An unfortunate downside to having a pretty interface.
    3. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can you post a log please? That message is nothing to worry about.

      It does when you have MF talented. Activates when there's enough units in range to trigger the 'High AoE' value. I tend to set this to 3 or 4 for PvP.

      Post a log please

      Post a log please
    4. lawrence131

      lawrence131 New Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Does anything work from the store for you? Could be antivirus or firewall blocking it?

      nothing works, we've pretty much concluded it's a problem with my account - either the store and auth accounts are not the same account/linked although they have the same login and email, or when i asked them to merge 3 keys i purchased on separate dates this screwed up the sync. i've tried everything a "normal" techie would try, fresh installs on 3 different computers, one of which has never had HB on it. turned off AV and FW. brought my laptop to connect to entirely different networks. the best the HB staff has come up with is "your Auth and Store accounts must not be the same account or it would stream," without telling me how to fix this.

      other than making sure the accounts have the same name and email what else can a USER do to make sure the accounts are the same and linked?? pretty frustrated about the sudden transition to streaming when everyone in the tech business knows there will be kinks so the backup system should be left running (SVN updates) like you and Tuanha have done. When you have thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of accounts, there are going to be kinks, I get it. That's why you leave the old system partially intact until these are fixed. In my previous life I was a sys-admin for a small ~100 employee corporation and even on that small of a scale, shit just happens when you migrate to new systems no matter how good you are or how perfectly you followed all your plans. i'm not displeased about that part, it's just how you deal with the backup plan when the shit does happen that I'm not happy with other than with Millz and Tuanha products.

      I doubt there's anything anyone can do outside of the actual HB staff, but thanks for the additional support from you and Tuanha and the feedback.
    5. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The key issue we've been seeing is people redeeming gift keys against buddy auth accounts that don't have the honorbuddy keys attached.

      I.e. username 'millz' has the HB keys attached, and username 'millznew' has been used to redeem the products. The same e-mail address doesn't help in this case, it must be the same username for both the HB key and the 3rd party products. You also need to ensure the products are enabled (green background with the link saying 'disable') under 'My Purchases'

      Have you had a read of the user guides to make sure you've not missed anything?

      Frayman likes this.
    6. Karold

      Karold New Member

      Feb 19, 2012
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      yea and this is the point it should work when mf on cd it does not
      need f fakecast and antitap
      when manualy cast seed it work only when high unit set to 1.2.3 and then it only aeo 1=2 2=4 3=6 this horrible
      need dseed when i cast seed manualy f fake
      why all leads cry f more seed??!

      when the routine make this other interupt me 100%
      need a HOTKEY
      Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
    7. Ronkan

      Ronkan New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi Millz.

      I just realised that my lock doesn't cast incinerate when i'm strafing.
      but i can manually cast it. so it seems to be something with your strafe angle.

    8. Bedwyr

      Bedwyr Member

      Mar 8, 2012
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      Is there a reason that your routine does not use Conflagrate before Chaos bolt to reduse the cast time?
    9. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can you post a log please? It should be casting it when moving.

      It's considered better where possible to avoid using 3x backdraft charges for 1x chaos bolt, when they can be used to reduce the cast time of 3x incinerates instead. However, it's better to use the Chaos Bolt with procs than to wait until you drop below 3 charges.

      Don't steal my products, and then come here to ask me for help.
      Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
    10. Kasamaka

      Kasamaka New Member

      Aug 14, 2013
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      am just playing affli atm , my ilvl is 588 , and doing good damage yes , but way far from all other locks , am still miss targets without dotting , and still do MG on them, and in protectors i start high and end up very low not compared to other classes but compared to all other locks that are 5 ilvl lower than me , so i dont know
    11. mafiav2

      mafiav2 Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      Hey Millz, I love your profiles but for some reason my affliction is not doing as much damage compared to another profile where one of the warlocks is pulling 70-80k DPS and im sitting at probably 43k dps. I'll finish at 30-40 million damage done compared to one that is at 60 million. Anything you can do?

      PS: I found out which profile does it, if you would like to know please PM me.
    12. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Small question. I've been getting used to destro after being comfortable with demo spec, and was hoping to gear up and tackle the kanrehad fight with lfr gear this week, as I haven't really caught up on the lock.

      I'll dig through the thread for pointers if they're around, but I did notice that with grim of sacrifice when I switched to destruction, it didn't summon a pet and rebuff sac. Possibly related to the earlier post,

      Pet was set to auto, then to imp, but I might have missed a setting because it did not summon or choose a pet in combat or out of combat. Manually summoning, would cause it to dismiss instead of sacrifice.

      Otherwise, it seemed fine,
    13. superman93

      superman93 Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      I've noticed something a few times on Garrosh. When you get MC'd with the routine in action, when you get broke out of MC's, the routine just stops.. I've had to start pausing the routine just before MCs.. Don't have a recent log of it, just letting you know.
    14. Madmax81

      Madmax81 New Member

      May 5, 2014
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    15. papatoast

      papatoast Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm finding that it is not casting health funnel at all, which leads to my demon dying (and then me dying). I logged a single attack on a mob, and subsequent demon death and resummon, then my death (see attachment).

      Attached Files:

    16. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey - Putting a fix in soon to help with this.

      Hey - I'd need a log file, not really sure what you mean. Better off selecting a pet yourself instead of auto.

      I put a fix in a couple of days back to resolve this. Need a log if it's still happening.

      Try enabling the anti lag settings (both) on the advanced tab.

      What happens if you increase the threshold for your pet to fall below HP value? Try changing it from pet below 40% HP to 80% and see if it works? I think Drain Life is just taking priority here.
    17. papatoast

      papatoast Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The settings you see are what I changed it to after the default settings not working for me, but I understand what you're saying about drain life taking over. I'll give it a try tomorrow and bottom out drain life as well so it shouldn't want to cast it at all. Will come post again with results.
    18. Moboken

      Moboken New Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      -------- Bummer about changing the font size from the small 8pt to at least 10, lots of padding within the window frames and on my 24" HD monitor it is really small text.

      I am trying not to use specific pet as mentioned already, that is why i wanted to use the auto select. I have been doing it manually. However the routine is supposed do the selection for ya.

      Here is a log file View attachment 7544 2014-09-06 18.12.txt

    19. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Auto summon pet is disabled throughout that full log file? I need one showing the issues with dismissing and resummoning in a loop.
    20. Moboken

      Moboken New Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      [23:12:25.581 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDemon: True
      [23:12:25.581 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonSelection: 5

      it is in line 257 and 258

      pet= demon (yea)

      as soon as wow comes back online and i get in, i will make a log just for the demon (pet) summon error section..

      (got a file showing the dismissing of the pet) Here it is. Hope this helps,

      View attachment 5568 2014-09-06 15.10.txt
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014

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