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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Zeldrak, Thank you very much for the post! I'm glad to hear it is performing well for you. Please advise on any issues you encounter so I can be sure to get them resolved. Happy Thanksgiving to you (if thats in your list of holidays as well) and thanks again for the post, Bobby53
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      el3ment, My apologies for your issue, however I am not getting the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [link--click here] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. As a general rule of thumb, I will look into your concern with as much care as you spend preparing your post. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      raybee, My apologies for your issue, however I am not getting the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [link--click here] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. As a general rule of thumb, I will look into your concern with as much care as you spend preparing your post. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nah... issue with not changing specs would be a bot or plugin issue.ShamWOW doesn't initiate a spec change, but if User, Bot, or Plugin changes the spec ShamWOW correctly recognizes the new build, glyphs, etc. on your Shaman so the CC reinitializes spells, abilities used, etc.
      Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I haven't noticed anything that needs improving on the CC, but there are other things that could be improved on in IB and HB, but I know those aren't your departments and they should be posted elsewhere, so I will do that. However, really, I'd just like to know if you had an estimated time as to when you'd be putting out your newest release? I know you always make it better with each release, so the next one can only be that much better.
    6. Gunmetal

      Gunmetal New Member

      Nov 10, 2010
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      Bobby thanks for the clarification. I'm usually running elem or resto, still only 60 so don't even have any of the totems you mentioned. I just recently started grinding BGs and it just seemed like he hardly ever used totems.

      I guess one of the totems I'd like to see more often is earthbind...that seems to be the most all around useful totem and grounding totem when mages are nearby.
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It depends on when I complete my final testing, but hopefully by Tuesday night (GMT -5). Changes in the next release are primarily in RaF Healing. Since that is an area that has received a lot of positive feedback, I will be doing a lot of testing in that area with InstanceBuddy, the RAF Bot, and Mr. AutoFight prior to release to make sure that at its worst it performs as well. I'll add tests for the Combat / Duel Bot at the point it doesn't prevent user selection of a tank with the SetTheLeader plugin [link--click here] in raids. It's close, so next version may cover it.
    8. tvsian

      tvsian Member

      May 8, 2010
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      When doing BGs as resto (for me, at least), the handiest ones would be:
      Tremor totem if recently hit by a fear/target is a class that can fear
      Grounding totem if target is a caster (resummon if totem is down)
      Magma totem whenever in combat or not navigating (for finding rogues, mostly)

      Honestly, it would be handy to have a "drop totems when idle" feature. Squire will periodically have the bot hang out and defend a flag in AB or WSG, and it looks weird to not be prepared with totems to fend off a stealth ambush, to the point where I've been asked to drop totems when I watch it.
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      PVP fights in Battlegrounds almost always have a sense of urgency. In my opinion, even more so than arena because there is no planned coordination amongst group members. While totems provide some useful buffs/situational abilities, delaying even 1 second to begin your Elemental DPS burst or a Resto casting a needed heal on an attacked party member often results in one or more deaths. The current implementation favors reacting a GCD sooner and having the advantage of timing over the buffed abilities totems would bring. At level 58 you can train Stoneclaw Totem and equip the Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem [link--click here]. I recommend it to increase survivability in PVP and even PVE if that is an issue for your character (either because of gear, pvp realm, or aggresive profile.) As for dropping Earthbind, you can do that now by selecting it as your Earth Totem on the PVP tab of CC Configuration (although for Resto you'll need to wait for next release due to bug mentioned below.) For it to be effective however, the CC will need to add movement away from it so you can kite the enemy. My preference for the Earth Totem slot in generic PVP is the Tremor Totem and to use Frost Shock for slowing unless I am sure there are no classes nearby with a fear ability and then cast Stoneclaw when needed. That's a personal preference however. Thanks for the post, Bobby53

      Tremor and Grounding are defaults. Agree with casting during idle state. Right now there is a bug in Resto. It was intended to cast totems when there is combat in the area but no healing needed (idle state) but currently not occurring. As for other specs in idle state, Enhancement should be doing that already. More opportunity there due to white swings. With Elemental, I'll revise the PVP cast priority to: FS_0 > EM > LvB > CL > (totems) > LB and then collect user feedback on whether another approach to initial totem cast is needed unless someone has a strong opinion regarding this now.

      Good suggestion regarding defending a PVP objective, however rather than just dropping them everytime its idle I was planning on having ShamWOW recognize idel near a PVP objective. That's a special PvP case since nobody nearby is necessarily in combat at the moment, so need to add some handling for this. Someone in the Squire thread had proposed that too so its on the books for an upcoming release of ShamWOW. Let me know if you truly want a Drop Totems Whenever Idle option. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
    10. highend

      highend Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Not in all cases but it would be a great addition when you're standing at a flag :) Deffing a base against 4 hordlers that don't get you down looks so terrific (and more than that: like a pvp skilled human player). If only all ccs would be just as good as ShamWOW :)
    11. FinnLOL

      FinnLOL New Member

      Oct 11, 2010
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      first sorry for my bad english im from germany, but I try it.
      Im running InstanceBuddy + your Shaman class, Im a healer (lvl 68), I join the instance and the bot heals, but he will also cast "Laverruptation, Lightbold" etcetc, but he NOT MUST cast DMG things, he must only heal :S
      How to?

      Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
    12. Kuku

      Kuku Member

      Jan 27, 2010
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      Happy to hear that you can fix it :)
    13. gonemental

      gonemental Member

      Nov 14, 2010
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      If you die while eating/drinking during PVP the bot does not understand what to do. (rogues love to do this) It will just sit there waiting on your hp/mana to reach a certain point which never happens. You eventually get kicked out for inactivity.
    14. MegatoN

      MegatoN New Member

      Aug 11, 2010
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      HB -> General Settings -> CC Configuration -> RaF/Instances -> Combat Style: Healing only
    15. FinnLOL

      FinnLOL New Member

      Oct 11, 2010
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      He cast Lightbold etc against :/


      >>> ADD: Unbekannt[70] at 36,0 yds
      *Earth Shock
      *Earth Shock
      *Call of the Elements
      *Flame Shock
      *Lava Burst
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
    16. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I don't know about the other spells' significance, but I know that Lightning Bolt is used to regain mana. When I use "Heal Only" I notice LB being used a lot, but I know it's being used to regen my mana. I watched, and for each cast of LB that actually hit I gained back between 200 and 400 mana. If I'm not mistaken it's either from a glyph being used, or the build that was used. "Heal Only" is NOT going to just cast healing spells and nothing else. It's going to cast MOSTLY healing spells, whereas "Healing over Combat" casts a mixture of heals and damage, and of course "Combat Only" is just that. It will only heal itself or others when absolutely necessary.
    17. FinnLOL

      FinnLOL New Member

      Oct 11, 2010
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      You see: he use Lava Burst and Earth/Flame Shock also :<
    18. mymegabot

      mymegabot Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just a couple of questions regarding the mechanics ...

      1. It seems to "double heal" often ... and it does it with Healing Surge, which is quite expensive, mana-wise. It almost seems it doesn't realize the first heal fully healed the target, so it throws up another expensive heal on the same target, which is a complete waste. Is this "configurable" or something I'm missing?

      2. Chain heals ... I'm level 49, and in PVP, I can tell you chain healing happens way too often ... especially when I'm taking damage. Is it possible, #1, to configure it so it won't use chain heal at all, if not, can I limit it's use somehow? Secondly, is it possible to get the bot to interrupt long spells, like chain healing, when I suddenly begin to take a ton of damage and need to immediately try and toss a big heal on myself?

    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      FinnLOL , My apologies for your issue, however I am not getting the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [link--click here] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. As a general rule of thumb, I will look into your concern with as much care as you spend preparing your post. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My response [link--click here] to another user on this issue. If you would like me to look into your specific occurrence further, please see the Frequently Asked Questions [link--click here] for the information I need to be able to respond to your issue/criticism in an accurate and specific manner.

      One of the primary design goals of ShamWOW is to assess the combat scenario and make the best selections given the Shamans role, spec, and trained abilities automatically. Simply put, it should know what to do without you having to tell it. I would be happy to make any needed adjustments to the fight analysis and healing spell selection logic, but would need a complete debug log file so that I can analyze the fight/healing mechanics pertaining to the encounters you experienced. If you do provide a log, please be sure to identify the approximate time frame of the fight so I can focus on that specific area as the log files get incredibly large.

      ShamWOW already supports Wind Shear and the War Stomp racial to interrupt spells. If you observe this isn't being done or I have misunderstood your issue, please be sure to visit the FAQ and post with the detail as described above so I can look into it and hopefully resolve in the next release for you.

      Thanks for your post,
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