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  • ExilebuddyBeta #903/#905/#906 Feedback and Discussion

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pushedx, Sep 10, 2014.

    1. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Download - Please download a clean copy of Beta for each version. Do not "update", because the changes will break other versions. Before reporting issues, please make sure you are using a clean copy.

      Please attach a full log if you have any problems. I've made sure as much debugging information is logged as possible to track down various issues that might happen. I need the full log though, and not partial snippets. If you do not feel comfortable posting a full log, you can PM me it instead with a link to your thread.

      1. Please place the "Move only" skill on your skillbar, but not in Left Mouse Button (unless you have a second copy elsewhere in your skillbar).
      2. Make sure "Always Highlight" is enabled (PoE Options-> Ui or press Z)
      3. Make sure "Key Pickup" is enabled (PoE Options-> Ui)
      4. For a rough guide to Beta, please see the ExilebuddyBeta User's Guide. It's not fully updated yet for post 1.2, but the core stuff is still mostly the same.
      5. A new guide for understanding and dealing with ExampleRoutine will be added 'soon", but the priority still is identifying core issues and fixing them so a Release can be made asap.
      6. Please do not minimize the game while the bot is running, or as you attach the bot. Exilebuddy requires the game rendering to properly work.

      Beta #906

      This is quick update to fix an API issue.

      • Users may safely update from 905 -> 906 without downloading a clean copy.
      • Fixed a bug where OpenWaypoint assumed you were in town.
      • Fixed a bug where TalkToNpc used the wrong position to walk to the NPC.

      Beta #905

      This is quick update to fix an API issue. If you updated to #904, please update to #905 as there was a second API issue that had to be resolved.

      • DefaultItemEvaluator now takes a path to use for the default item filter.
      • NativeModsComponent updated to handle the new stats format.
      • InventoryExplorerWindow now casts stat types to StatTypeGGG.

      Beta #903

      This version makes changes to a few core interfaces to address various internal issues. As a result, plugins need to implement the new IEnableable interface. This is just a matter of making a bool _isEnabled member variable, properly assigning it in Enable/Disable, and returning it though the new IsEnabled property. Please refer to the include plugins if you need further examples.

      Various issues have been resolved as per the changelog. The biggest feature addition, is generic withdraw logic. The bot will now withdraw id/tp scrolls based on your settings. The WithdrawItemsCoroutine only supports withdrawing full stacks of items currently though, so please read the API documentation carefully if you plan on using it.

      The way bound keys are detected for skills has been expanded to account for the possibility of multiple copies of the same skill being on the skill bar. You can now have the Move skill bound to LMB, as long as you have it bound to another slot as well. If you do not, the bot will now stop on startup with an error message, as unexpected behaviors will result otherwise.

      The last thing to mention is you should not have your inventory shards placed in the upper left corner of the main inventory. The logic for placing items works from the top-left, so it's possible to create an infinite loop of placing an item in the wrong location, and then trying to move it over and over unsuccessfully because of the inventory slots being in that corner. The various reported bugs with the slots not being changed in the GUI should be fixed now as well.

      The StuckDetection and Scheduler plugins are back in with some changes that should avoid the exception issues in the future. These plugins have not changed logic wise since the last Beta, so it's possible the default implementation might not work great as-is and requires some changes by users. The plugins are provided as examples to how various things can be done, so please use them as an example, and not as something that will do everything you want.

      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
      Known Issues

      There are the biggest known issues right now. The highest priority issue is to fix the object/component system right now. From there, various changes will be made to address the other issues, as they mostly require specialized code per-area.

      • Exceptions thrown from the CR due to memory going bad.
      • Area transition issues with Catacombs.
      • Various chest opening issues in Docks.
      • Movement issues in City of Sarn.
      • Sell logic only uses non-accessory NPC.
      • Slow movement/skill casting on low CPU/FPS (users need to increase resources in VMs)


      The "Dev" Tab: Runtime Development Using CodeDOM - Updated with instructions on how users can dump the game data for things like BaseItemTypes and BuffDefinitions.
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    2. ishimura

      ishimura New Member

      Oct 8, 2012
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    3. TurboNerd

      TurboNerd New Member

      Sep 15, 2013
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      so far so good, going to run it for a few hour stretch with the timer set see if it properly stops and what not. one question i did have is any ETA on utility flask support? i remember seeing that the old release had support for them but it was commented out, however went thru every auto-flask file i could think of and didn't see any scripting for flasks beyond hp/mp.

      regardless though pushed you're a bloody machine... keep up the good work
    4. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      If i am not mistaken, there is support already for all kind of flasks, it is just a matter of the community coding it, and i believe in the case of flasks, not even hard at all, it is just a case of figuring out in what conditions you should be using x/y/z flask and code it, probably a 2 line of code for each flask.

      This build is looking good, a few requests thou:

      - Rarity check for strongboxes.

      - reset instance based on condition, like: If we are near (within X-meters) an area transition (so a reset by area transition is possible) and we have at least X% of the current zone cleared -> reset current zone! This will avoid a lot of backtracking due that last 2% on the other side of the map must be cleared and avoid further bot detection due we clearing 99% of the zone every time.

      - TP out options for resetting if zone transition is too far away to reset current zone. Again, i much prefer the zone transition reset, bcse doing so, we avoid town and further reduce "detection" due we going town too often. Going town once we are full and resetting instances thru zones transition is a much better approach, thou sometimes TP out resets should be done to avoid those huge backtracking we get sometimes.
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    5. alter5

      alter5 Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      nvm works
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    6. seankim

      seankim Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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      Thanks for your hard work and bug fix, get some sleep~!
    7. strikedogg

      strikedogg New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      Awesome work with this pushedx! thank you for all of your work!

      havnt had a chance to check but does this have quest completion in it now as well?

      also who do we contact about getting our keys extended for the duration of the beta-release versions

      lastly does the item filter work exactly like it did before? like can i just copy/paste my old comfigurations into the bot file and let it run?

      only asking because i seem to be just stashing all yellows and after a night of botting my stash is going to be full lol
    8. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      Strikedogg > From what I've experienced copying the old release itemfilter works fine.

      Bug Report for .903:

      Finally the bot killed Peity.... after the collection of loot and running to town doing what it supposed to do, the bot returns through the portal - and it has reset the exploration, so now the bot starts over exploring the entire area from 0% (don't know if this is only Lunaris 3/Piety related or if it does elsewhere) will post log later if needed, sitting at a different computer ;)

      Yeah and the GemLeveler Plugin doesn't work for the new .903 but i guess thats not your problem ;)

    9. tijul

      tijul New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      I'm using the basic item filter It's supposed to ID all Rare under level 59, but he doesn't id rare he stash them. Any fix to that problem? I had to disable pick of rare for now..
    10. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      just remove the itemlevel req. in the itemfilter and he will ID everything
    11. tijul

      tijul New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      yea but im grinding normal atm, you think the the 59 max is the problem?
    12. cyberbot

      cyberbot Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Bot doesn't seem to ignore Urns in Catatombs even its "GlobalChestsToIgnore" flag is checked.

      Bot also has trouble restarting in Catatombs after leaving the zone. It would try to enter the zone again by clicking the entrance, but it would fail. Eventually, it would portal out after a while.
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    13. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Is you id rares under the id category enabled?

    14. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      It ignores for me, i think he just breaks it when they are too close to you, so you dont get stuck when there are urns "blocking" a path from a to b . . .
    15. tijul

      tijul New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Yep tried also Id all rare without the the 59 max
      can you give me you filter leU to see if it works
    16. cyberbot

      cyberbot Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      My bot goes out of its way to break urns, so it is not doing this for getting out. I may have to reset the bot later.
    17. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      For the bot breaking the chests, you can throw this line in your CR or make a new plugin that runs it via Start:
      That will remove that entire bot task, and it'll no longer try to prevent getting stuck around those objects.

      There was a reported issue with stats on items, so the next version coming soon will fix issues related to the bot not keeping/selling rares that should be matched.

      The "Id all rares under ilvl 60." filter does just that for rares. If you are using custom filters, please check all the settings if you're seeing issues. Otherwise, you'll need to remove the ilvl setting in the filter if you don't want the bot keeping those rares, which a lot of people do for the Chaos recipe.

      Quest stuff is not added to BasicGrindBot, and there's no plans to add that logic to it.

      Lastly, the exploration complete behaviors will be added in soon. The bot will re-explore it's way out of boss areas by design right now, since the exploration data is "reset" after each local area transition taken.
    18. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Beta #906 was just built to fix two additional API issues. The bot would get stuck in an infinite loop in the first area of an act if it needed to go to town and no waypoint was in view. In addition, another bug from a copy/paste error was found.
    19. tijul

      tijul New Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Nah Pushed i'm using the item filter that you provide with the bot, I tried to remove the level 59, and he out all the rare in the stash still unid, and sell item for chrome recipe. The only problem is with rare I'll try 906 if it fix it.
    20. thab0mb

      thab0mb New Member

      Mar 30, 2014
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      could somebody put in speed flask support again in??

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