By that logic, nothing gives loremaster then This project is approximately 16-17 months in the works. It's not something Joe Shmoe can churn out in a weekend.
Brodie....I was not dissing you on this only trying to help achieve the answer that Gink REALLY asked. He wanted to know if in the end whether the software geared towards Loremaster was in fact going to be able to achieve Loremaster for him/her and I was only asking you to confirm my belief in that it was not yet 100% complete in this regard.
The way his question was worded, it sounded like he was asking "which should I get to do loremaster". The Animus is a long running work in progress, to which I hope can be complete sometime in the coming 12-18 months. I wasn't interpreting your message as a "diss". I've had many people word questions much worse in the past: "why isn't this done yet? I could do this faster." "Why isn't this free?" "Aren't you done yet?" So I'm used to people not understanding that questing profiles in general take a bit to do, this one...much more so. compared to other versions though, this one already has more progress than most if not all.
Have you done a full cache clear since starting Loremaster? That would include deleting HB\Cache, WoW\Cache and WoW\Data\Cache. It should result in WoW doing a "patch" or "download". Try again after that. This is the first quest in the area its trying to do, so unless its one of those "only available once" quests, which the comments have not confirmed for me, then it should be grabbable or you should have already done it.
Nono brodies answer was exactly what i was asking for. was confused that clicking the link in the Description of the Compendium leads me to an site where the Animus is an subpoint (or was cause theres now an link). So i asked myself several times if it's part of the Compendium or not. now i know it isn't. And i'm not hesitating about time, a compendium that contains so many quests, grinds, waypoints, questbehaves etc. takes a whole bunch of time. but since my native lang isn't englisch my sentences may be missunderstood, cause i'm not familliar with local understanding of word-combinations.
Long ago I had it in there.'s huge. Would almost double the size of my Compendium, and in this case, smaller is better, load times and complexity and such.
Opps: Quoted the wrong thing. I am having an issue with the toon trying to pick up a quest for Western Plaguelands... I do believe ive already done the quest and picked up quests after it.. but it will log come off of this guy. [18:08:25.387 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 26952, QuestName: The Menders' Stead]. [18:08:25.405 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Menders' Stead ( : From - Argent Officer Garush ( [18:08:25.412 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp I am receiving the same issue as him. Here is my log file. View attachment 3504 2014-09-08 11.07.txt
This was my original post. I just got the LOG View attachment The Bulwark LOG.txt And I'm now having the same problem on the Kalimdor chain. It stands in front of the NPC waiting for "an object to appear.." View attachment Emerald Sanctuary LOG.txt Thanks in advance
Looking into Menders' Stead now, but most likely it's an issue of when people originally went through questing and skipped certain kickers and are now no longer available. Each of these quests will need proper tagging to skip when it detects the next quest was already done.
is it possible to specify a specific area where to quest? Since Account Wide Achievements, would it mb be a good idea?
A fix is coming in the next patch or two to counteract "account achievement" status, and complete the zone based on if the character itself needs the achieve.
Sooooo many quests failing as its mounted and trying to use a quest object, any fix for this? never really had this issue to this extent while using kicks quest pack which leads me to belive that its not a HB issue. will attach a log later as im at work now.
Quest: [Waiting to Exsanguinate] Issue: Waits outside cottage instead of going upstairs and hiding in wardrobe Log: View attachment 1828 2014-09-10 19.23.txt Quest: [Steel Thunder] Issue: Does not dismount before trying to use quest item. "you are mounted" error ingame. Log: View attachment 1828 2014-09-10 19.23.txt
was uploaded straight from my logs folder, didnt even open it to read it. EDIT: i did stop bot once i found problem, deleted log then restarted bot. and that is that i sent you
It's missing pertinent information on startup. Need all information from the log. Resend it again perhaps there was a send error, but no startup info was present.