I have been working on making the bot harvest any and all nodes no matter what routine I run. I worked on this issue this afternoon and I found that <LootProfessionHarvestables>true</LootProfessionHarvestables> was set to false. I changed this to true and it worked but whenever I would take a break and restart the bot it would change back to false. Is there anyway to make this stay true all the time? Please any help would be fantastic. Any way I can make this so all my bots harvest nodes full time. You all rock if you can help me
The only routine I use is Joes. Its a great routine. I just don't understand why the <LootProfessionHarvestables>true</LootProfessionHarvestables> changes from true to false. I know it may be something in the routine but I haven't found it yet. I am using C++ to write in what I want the routine to do and right now it is super smooth but I have to change the above each time I want to run a node harvest route.
If im correct, Joes overwrites that file, with the stuff is set in Merchelpers.cs. Go to Joes/Helpers/Merchelpers and edit what you want. Harvest should be set to true (there are 3/4 options to set).