I play on Tich. I know how volatile the player base is. If you were running with a guild in a private run, you either: ran your mouth or had a bad attitude, told someone you were botting, or someone wanted your position in a guild. You were reported by guild mates. No ban-wave. If you were in a Raid Finder, it's risky enough on it's own to run the bot here. Especially with the way bots are better than 99% of the player base. Someone saw or even suspected you were botting, and they reported you. Tough break. Sorry man. #1 rule - Tone it down in public. Keep a low profile. Don't get caught botting with obvious bot behavior, like being a meter champion. #2 rule - Don't talk shit and get a bad rep with others. Don't speak at all. #3 rule - Never tell anyone you are botting. You WILL get caught after a while. People WILL report you. Even your "friends." And after you're banned you will be paranoid and suspicious of them. Don't do it.
I always steer clear of guilds now, I was called out for being suspect for meter topping in a Flex raid once 6 months ago and I just told them I've been playing that class since vanilla and have perfected my rotation without clicking with the mouse like some do. It wasn't even a competitive raid, just a supposed fun group but unless they are friends I never join Guilds to progression raid...It would be super fun to find a group of Botter's to raid with though
I got banned last night too, doing fucking pet battles. But I am pretty sure it was for previous offences which include using the dungeonbuddy for lfr. Oh well. It was good while it lasted.