Got a new customer out of me!!! You deserve the money for how much you spend on this routine!!! Keep up the great work! 14/14H because of you.
Hey Winio, you can now disable combat when mounted or @ flight form in the GUI. Thanks for your suggestion! I have allready tried some first steps with DBM... but i didnt like the way it worked. I might look at it again at the weekend.
Yiiihaaa! I am still struggling on 14/14 LFR... never went to heroic in this xpac. Maybe this will change in WoD. Have fun with Superbad!
Casting: Healing Touch > Vermin's Bite >Prowl > Savage Roar because using the POT would break your stealth. Tux
Is this routine good for Guardian druids? Does it implement proper tank switching? How good is it for the shaman bosses where we were supposed to switch between two bosses? How about wanting to make me move to awkward positions, eg. when I'm tanking Rook? Or being so stubborn about wanting to interrupt Sun?
Got some extra cash from work cause worked over and thought I might support you cause of your good work! This forum needs good routine developers. Gl in WoD!
So nun hab ich auch die Premiumversion. Hab ich mir da deutschen Support eingekauft? Mein Englisch ist so schlimm. Mach weiter so navi, großartige Routine und das seit der Veröffentlichung ;-) Grüße Siri
To switch you have an addon called DBM. You need to know the basic tactics for the bosses when you want to tank. It's not the purpose of the routine to make specific boss encounters. As Guardian, you will never let the CR do the taunting, it's up to you to decide when to taunt, because waisting a not needed taunt, can wipe the raid. We see enough tanks nowadays that put tank gear on and think they are tank. Learn tactics and then go for tank.
Hey, tank switching is implemented, but i would not use it. Really. It works for LFR and maybe normal - but i would never let it do taunting in HC. Some shit might happen that you have to taunt later | or even earlier... And the CR wont handle that. Regarding movement: If you use Dungeonbuddy: Dungeonbuddy will controll ALL movement. If it moves your character in a stupid way: blame Dungeonbuddy. If you are use Tyrael || Raidbot || CombatBot: You have to control the movement.
think this is the best for Guardian/Feral druids. just some questions and feedbacks : The question is, I don't completely get the purpose of "Use Burst Key" and "Use AoE Mode Key" options, does it mean that if you check these options the bot will automatically use Burst Mode or AoE Mode at some points? and if you turn these off, only you can decide when the bot do the Burst or AoE by pressing the hotkey? And the feedback, I think it's really great if you put a hotkey for turning on/off the "Use Targeting" option. Because sometimes you need to target yourself and you don't want the bot to do it for you, and sometimes when it's harder to decide who to target, let the bot decide for you. And those moments can be so close that you don't have time to alt tab and change the config. Like when you decide to tank 2 adds far away from eachother but the bot keeps targeting the one that is not in range (happened to me, maybe because the target had {skull} on him)
Vise versa. If you check this Buttons superbad will not use Burst or Aoe automatically. You have to use it manually at your choice. Good Idea.
Hi, first of all thanks for the great CC! Was just wondering why it often wastes a predatory swiftness proc, I've had to manually cast Healing Touch a lot of the time because it just doesn't use them sometimes. I believe it's best to use them when you are >= 4 combo points OR if the predatory swiftness buff has less than 2 seconds left.
Without a log i cannot help you. I guess you dont use Soft- or Hardlock and the routine cannot recognize the buff properly. But without a log i am not sure.
Hi again.. have run in to a problem with Superbad =) i need to be able to turn the use of all CD`s off.. for manual use. At boss Siegecrafter blackfuse HC.. i need to be able to use them on the stacks to be able to survive all 7 stacks. And having the bot using them Before is ensuring me a Death my Guild dont like =) And yes, i can Always turn the HN off and play manually.. but i dont want to =D Is this feture possible ? =) plz