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  • Spending more time setting up the bot, than actually getting benefit from it.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by aystro, Feb 22, 2010.

    1. aystro

      aystro New Member

      Feb 15, 2010
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      I have been using the bot for 3 days straight now. I just applied the meshes and the profiles on the forums here, since they should be more reliable than my botting knowledge. I used it for pure leveling from level 1 and I have to say it has been a menace. The best thing about the bot is the trial. I tried it out before I bought it and the first 4 levels went really well. Even though it made some very strange movements up and down, making it obviously look mechanical, and some times it had trouble with targeting. Any way, after those 4 levels I thought why not just buy it and save time later on, which I did.
      However the same profile&mesh from the forums (which tons of people have been using apparently?) did very very poor in the later levels. It got stuck, it got attacked by mobs and the bot didn't seem to notice it and just acted like the character wasn't in combat, some times the bot froze and gave errors, which I reported with the 'send' button. The e-train plugin is terrible, once the bot realizes that the character needs to train it starts running and then just stop in the middle of the road, even if there are no obstacles! And 40% of the time, he does get to the trainer , but then doesn't actually train the spells (???).
      BUT I didn't give up that easily. I tried out all the possible profile&meshes on the forums for the corresponding levels. They are on the first page of the profile section. And the same problems arose.

      The best I got out of the bot ( accident or not ) after being level 4, is botting one whole level on it's own, before it gotten the message similar to 'is the character on? i am not moving'. Usually I need to baby sit and check every 20 min if everything is running fine. And move the character my self, restart the bot, then get some message that ' too many sessions' launched, and other random errors which I'm getting bit tired of to be honest.

      To sum up, the bot is a lot of hassle. And maybe I am an exception and everybody else just clicks the start button and then goes afk for a couple weeks to play with their level 80, but I am unable to this. I was expecting from this bot to be self sufficient, and it didn't realize this in my opinion.
    2. xvampx

      xvampx New Member

      Feb 3, 2010
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      do you use a custom class?
      if not GET ONE,
      what profile are you using?

      more details...
      else we cant help you :)

      and etrain isnt bad, it runs there, but it takes a while untill he learned all spells because of a pauze in the code, else it wouldnt work. so it can take a few mins to learn your skills.
    3. theholyone

      theholyone New Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      did you fill in the settings correctly? and yes it can be a hassel the very first time, but you'll get the hang of it now.. im managing 6 accounts atm and each account takes about 30 minutes (due to lag etc) to empty bags and start the bot all over again, but after its set up you really shouldnt have problems with it. also make sure you WATCH it START up PROPERLY before you attempt to go AFK.
      last note; if you stop the profile or do anything else, make sure you re-open a NEW HB, because it solved a few problems for me
    4. xopherw

      xopherw New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      most people will suggest hand leveling your toon to at least level 10 before afk botting. as far as the errors you are reporting, noone here can really help you if you dont post your logs. please delete your logs, restart HB and get your bot to perform the strange behavior and then post the new log.
    5. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      First off.
      Get yourself a CustomClass from the forums (When you install it to your Customclass folder, ensure there isn't two copies of the same class)
      Next eTrain isn't compatible in all the start areas atm, But, it works best on the human starting areas. eTrain can bug out sometimes on the way to the trainer, if it gets attack it thinks that its at the trainner and bugs out (Currently being worked on for a fix, but the auther of eTrain is away at present)
      The profiles are good, and you made the right choice to try a few out

      Abit about some of the errors you seen.
      Session limit is due to starting the bot up to fast after an error/crash or simply restarting the bot, this should last too long, takes about 60seconds, this is a fail safe to reduce trouble.
      'Am I moving' This can be caused by the bot straying off the meshes path, Maybe chased a mob? All you need to do to sort that is move back into the meshed area (check distance from hotspot on the bottom of the bots window)

      As for click and goto 80, well its not really advisable to run the bot for a few weeks str8 as this will get you noticed.

      So to recap.
      1)Make sure your using current version
      2)Find yourself a nice Customclass
      3)Open up the Class.CS in notepad and see if there are anything you need to configure.
      4)Download yourself a profile to suite your needs
      5)Openwow login and load your toon
      6)Start the bot
      7)Click 'Load Profile' and load the profile you wish to use, Make sure your in an area where the profile is made for.
      8)Goto the plugin Tab and select which plugins you wished to be enabled.
      9)Click Start bot.

      Hopefully everything will start running abit smoother for you.
    6. DarkBen

      DarkBen New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This bot has a learning curve, you should know about what is best for you. A profile, a CC, everything is direct afected by you gear / profile / cc, and specially if you are a meelee class, you need a good gear.

      Once you find the combination that suites you, you will fall in love for the bot. Or in certain cases like me, i?m doing my own Custom Class, to adapt the bot to my play-style. :)
    7. Anegus

      Anegus New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It's not going to work like a real player. It's a bot and a pretty good one, but to you it will always look strange. You'll see all kinds of strange pauses and what not, but you are looking for them. To most people they aren't even going to watch you more than the length of time it takes your character to pass through their screen.

      It's not going to be as fast as hand botting either in most cases. The point is that you don't need to watch it or save it or anything like that. Start it and let it go.

      Stop trying to make it act perfectly. It will occasionally run into things and get stuck, but for the most part it works well. It will work even better if you create your own meshes and profiles. Tweak them and correct them until you are satisfied. This nor any bot has been so perfect that you could just fire it off and leave it 1-80 without any interaction. It's just not going to happen.

      I have levelled 3 characters to 80 in the last month and there were problems and things that I needed to fix, but there is no way that I could have level 3 characters to 80 in a month. Also most CC's are pretty primitive in their very early levels. In the case of the druid CC that used it didn't start getting good until level 20 when I got catform. Bride of the Death Chicken has been updated for the early levels and I've heard is much much better now.

      I'm sorry you thought it was going to do all the work for you, but its not. This isn't an EZ button that you push and out pops a level 80 of your choosing.

      Also you will learn a lot the first character you bot up. The next one will be even better because you will establish which profiles work best for you and your characters. You'll learn when you need to pick up flight paths, upgrade equipment, and train. I used to use eTrain, but I too had occasional issues with it. I just started training every 6 levels or so. In fact I didn't figure out that my last 80 hadn't trained at all from level 72-80. I was wondering why it was going so slow.

      Keep at it and you'll see that it is an awesome bot.
    8. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You make a fair point - the bot will not level to 80 while you are afk.

      In our defence, that is rather a big challenge.

      If you disable all plugins, you may find the bot works fine.
    9. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the original definition for HB was this:

      "A bot to level up your character via killing monsters and/or botting in AV"

      I still use this core definition today.

      1) Does it kill monsters?
      A: Yes
      2) Does it bot AV?
      A: yes

      everything else is just eye candy and is free of charge even w/ the additional addons. if you're finding problems, post a log, not a novel.


      how i would have posted your concerns:

      1) I am new and I need some help configuring the bot b/c sometimes it does "xxxxxx" that I dont like
      2) I would like some help seeing the difference in XXX CC vs XXX CC for the character I have selected
      3) I have selected a plugin that someone made and I am having trouble (plugins are like addons, they are NOT supported by HB, but are accepted)

      the bot is self sufficient once you get a good CC to run as. I run 5 bots atm... and they are great. I am running 1xHB (of the 5) and it's L7x ... i have left her afk since L56, besides to move her to northrend

      Note: it may look bottish from you screen. log in a trial acct and follow your bot around, does it still look bottish from 50 yards off? At most it will look n00bish if it pulls too many mobs, but thats all i've seen... or AWESOME if its geared for it.

      With GB my warriors can take 3 elites at once with a simple macro...

      with HB my drood can kill 3 mobs at once that are 2-3 levels above it (boomkin spec)

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      Last edited: Feb 22, 2010
    10. Deadweight

      Deadweight Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      He's likely using Hawker's Dwarf/Gnome 1-61 profile, which has a ton of issues with it. Don't expect it to get better, there are a ton of terribly mapped areas, graveyards that aren't matched at all, and areas where you are bound to pull far too many mobs.
    11. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      this guy is just LoL...
      peakaboo likes this.
    12. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Don't like a profile, make one, nuff said.
      peakaboo likes this.
    13. peakaboo

      peakaboo New Member

      Feb 10, 2010
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      I have found mords and hawkers profiles very good for minimal effort on my part , sure i baby sit them when its in areas i havent checked before but so what, and i have aletered some things - next toons i bot on this profiles should be faster and better :p
    14. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      LOL guys. come on, I don't make profiles but I also don't [complain] about them either :p

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