It is every time i go into arena though. Do you know if my arena partner can see me flapping like a chicken?
No red text in the logs. I can upload it later when I do some arenas. Also is there a possibility of having the choose your rotation settings be independent of the custom settings. So lets say when you select "Raid" the settings you customize dont also apply to "Arena"?
Nah, thats not possible in it's current state. Would have to save to different instances based on the current context, which doesn't work well on just 1 file. I'd need 4-5 different files for each context then. Best option is to press Export Settings and save it.. then load it again when u switch context. Also there won't be red text in the log, as I meant the red text in WoW ;p
No sorry no red text in wow. Mirabis do you have any insight as to what settings I should apply to be at least half decent in arena when using this?
Hmm the log seems mostly fine, did see something new though: [10:35:31.451 D] Frame lock was forcibly released after tick completed ( Prob a Tyrael update) - Can you decrease your Ticks Per second to 30 - 40 max. - Enable Hardlock and Disable Softlock If still lagging then follow the steps below (1) by one. - Disable all Rebirth/Revive checks ; if fixes ur lag, tell me - Disable Wild Mushroom bloom ; if fixes ur lag, tell me - Disable Wild Mushroom plant ; if fixes ur lag, tell me : ) If none of those helps, we'll have to run some more *different* tests.
It was specific to his issue, as he experienced extreme lag. BUT increasing the ticks per second higher then 30-40 is useless. Hardlock works better then Softlock most of the time, even though softlock just boosts the routine and will have less framerate impact, it's more sensitive for lockouts.
tyvm Mirabis. I've been running with hard and soft lock ticced. and with the slider at around 75%, wherever tyreal puts it with max performance clicked. ill tone it down a bit for tonights raid and see how it goes.
Enabling both Hardlock and Softlock = bad practice. I thought Tyrael even prevented people from ticking both ;p
Ok, I had previously stated there was an issue with leaves, both free and premium, casting dispels during Sha of Pride encounter in SoO. Was recommended to submit a log. Please instruct me on how to enable logging at the level that would be sufficient for this, as well as, where to find the file for upload. Thank you. -- Whats wrong with casting of dispels? Leaves knows when it should or should not (Premium).