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  • ExilebuddyBeta #914/#915 Feedback and Discussion

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pushedx, Sep 23, 2014.

    1. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Download - Please download a clean copy of Beta for each version. Do not "update", because the changes will break other versions. Before reporting issues, please make sure you are using a clean copy.

      Please attach a full log if you have any problems. I've made sure as much debugging information is logged as possible to track down various issues that might happen. I need the full log though, and not partial snippets. If you do not feel comfortable posting a full log, you can PM me it instead with a link to your thread.

      New user guides have been made that contain all the up-to-date information regarding Exilebuddy. They will be opened for discussion "soon", but are being updated as needed based on Beta changes. I know it's a lot to read, but please read them before asking general questions as they should contain all the information you need to know. If anything is missing though, I'll get it added.

      Exilebuddy Project Guide - Read this for an overview of the Exilebuddy project.
      Exilebuddy User's Guide - Read this for an overview of how the Exilebuddy GUI is setup.
      BasicGrindBot Guide - Read this for an overview on how BasicGrindBot works.
      ExampleRoutine Guide - Read this for an overview on how ExampleRoutine works.
      Exilebuddy Plugins Guide - Read this for an overview about the plugins that come with Exilebuddy.

      Beta #915

      This version should fix the two main issues with the TravelThoughBossArea task.

      • TravelThroughBossAreasTask should now clear the previous location to avoid getting stuck near corrupted area transitions.
      • TravelThroughBossAreasTask now attempts to reset logic after death to handle issues in boss areas where the character is placed in previous areas.

      Beta #914

      This version contains the bulk of the remaining changes to Beta. Almost all the fixible known issues have have been addressed with these changes. There are certain issues that will have to remain unfixible for the foreseeable future. More information about those will come with the official stable Release for 1.2.

      The largest change is the removal of Functions.MoveTowards in favor of the PlayerMover class (as we had before). The idea behind the PlayerMover is to allow users to implement custom moving. If you want to use leap Slam for movement, you could write a new IPlayerMover and use that skill to move when applicable. Likewise for other things such as Whirling Blades or Lightning Warp. Using skills such as those does come with a lot of desync or other issues, so it's your job to work though those if that's what you really want.

      A lot of new plugin examples have been added for users to reference to. Most of these were present with the previous Beta, so they are being included again for users to get an idea of the possibilities with Exilebuddy. The new plugins guide gives a brief overview of everything, but users should reference the code or ask when in doubt before using plugins they do not understand. If you're going to use the AutoResync, I'd strongly suggest not trying to bot too much unattended, as /oos commands are tracked by the server and prolonged use might make your account stand out more than a normal player who doesn't play nearly as long.

      As many issues relating to low FPS as possible have been addressed, but low FPS will not be officially supported. However, using the new plugin to change settings, the bot should at least be usable for movement compared to before. The stuttering in town cannot be fixed, so it's advisable not to do town runs under low FPS since it'll look bot like. There is a minimal FPS required though, as anything under 10 FPS affects the bot/client too much, but FPS between 10-30 should mostly work 'ok'. No other changes can be made to improve lower FPS support, so this is as good as it'll be (unless you try writing your own bot code to use instead).

      Various bugs mentioned should now be fixed as well. The boss area logic has been updated to process multiple locations to avoid getting stuck at corrupted area transitions. The act 3 town issue when using Clarissa has been fixed by simply not using her to stash. The issue where the bot tries to open a locked strongbox has been fixed by checking for the locked chest property. CRs should implement logic for killing all of the special strongbox monsters for better support as well. In certain areas, these monsters spawn across many rooms or run far away, so there are cases where the bot might miss a strongbox opening.

      Lastly, the ability to read the quest tracker entries has been added to the API for users interested in trying to work with missions. This allows users to work with the current state of missions, as otherwise, there is no way to figure out what needs to be done as missions aren't included in the normal quest system (just a generic mission state, no specifics).

      • LokiPoe.InGameState.QuestTrackerEntries added for users to process mission quests, which are not a part of the normal quest system.
      • Added a new GemLeveler plugin example using the new API.
      • SortInventoryTask moved after HandleInventoryItemsTask to avoid double sorting.
      • Added a ChaosChanceRecipe plugin example showing adding more complex functionality.
      • AutoResync will wait a full delay before auto-syncing, and reset on new areas, so /oos isn't triggered right away.
      • OpenChestTask now checks for locked chests first.
      • MinTimeBetweenResyncMs can only be set >= 10000.
      • Added BasicGrindBotSettings.EnableEarlyExplorationComplete and ExplorationCompletePercent for preventing full explores of an area.
      • ExplorationCompleteTask now exposes a static Completed event handler that is called when exploration has been completed.
      • GrindZoneChanger plugin example added.
      • AutoResync will stop triggering past 30m in an instance.
      • AutoResync plugin example added.
      • WaitForStashTabContents updated to try and detect slow loading pages that otherwise cause exceptions to be thrown. Removed InGameState.WaitForStashTabContents.
      • Added UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask, which uses Loose Gate and Sarcophagus blocking area transitions.
      • SellItemsCoroutine now only uses weapons vendor in act 3 to avoid issues moving from accessories to stash.
      • AreaStateCache now stores a list of static locations with the same name.
      • StaticLocations is now a List<Vector2i> rather than a Vector2i.
      • TravelThroughBossAreasTask updated to hopefully avoid issues with corrupted area transitions in The Upper Sceptre of God.
      • Added a LowFpsHelper plugin to assist users who try to run lower FPS.
      • LokiPoe.LowFpsMode has been added to help address some issues with low FPS settings. Low FPS is not officially supported, and there are some aspects of the API that are affected by it in unfixible ways, but the biggest issue has been identified with movement and a workaround added.
      • ExilePather.GetPointsOnSegment, ExilePather.Raycast, and ExilePather.FindPath now take LokiPoe.LowFpsMode into consideration to not leave the framelock to perform pathfinding operations. ExilePather.WalkablePositionFor is an expensive function as it is, and is not meant to be called a lot, so it does not check the flag.
      • ResurrectTask will now try to resurrect one more time for each mode before giving up.
      • PlayerMover class added. IPlayerMover is the interface used to change movement.
      • Functions.MoveTowards -> PlayerMover.MoveTowards.
      • DualTotemRoutine is not included anymore, as it was just to test a concept, and is not usable.
      • SkillGem.Level is now an int instead of uint.
      • Tooltips updated for ExampleRoutine ranges.
      • Vaal auras are excluded from normal aura logic in ExampleRoutine.
      • DominusFight plugin no longer executes when not in an overworld area.
      • Settings helpers removed in favor of a generic versions, SetSettingsDelegate and GetSettingsDelegate.

      Known Issues
      • Exceptions thrown from the CR due to memory going bad.
      • Lack of support for skills granted though items.
      • Various chest opening issues in Docks.
      • Movement issues in City of Sarn.
      • Various stuck issues behind large chests/strongboxes or various tents in Act 2.
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
    2. asdrubal

      asdrubal New Member

      Jun 6, 2013
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      Hi pushedx, I got a few issues with Dom. I usually farm Piety but the new version broke the plugin, so decided to try Dom, but got in a loop; Dominus plugin kept resetting the explorer, and he went back to entrance, got to door, reset and so on. Log is attached.

      Attached Files:

    3. mshk

      mshk New Member

      Sep 23, 2014
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      after enabling the early area exploration completion setting bot randomly goes to ledge even though i set to to farm the other area, then it changed to upper prison? idk why
    4. asdrubal

      asdrubal New Member

      Jun 6, 2013
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      well I'm just gonna save some time here and ask you to post your log as that may seem quite impossible to solve without it, it's really easy to find it.
    5. mshk

      mshk New Member

      Sep 23, 2014
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      attaching my log

      it actually does that even without the setting enabled

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
    6. asdrubal

      asdrubal New Member

      Jun 6, 2013
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      Try turning off GrindZoneChanger for now and see it the problem persists
    7. mshk

      mshk New Member

      Sep 23, 2014
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      yeah i figured, turned that off and it works fine now
    8. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      How do i utilize the chaos plugin ? just enable the plugin and off it goes
    9. Camuroi

      Camuroi New Member

      Aug 18, 2014
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      just a little Feedback: I had to delete the DualTotemRoutine for the Bot to load the ExampleRoutine.
    10. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      People gotta learn to read.

      @asdrubal it's due to ledge and some other areas having weird transitioning. Enable the zone changer when not trying to progress, only when grinding.
    11. seankim

      seankim Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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    12. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      why is [ExamplePlugin] running?

      U sure dude? I don't see a loop.. i just see it casting auras, probably because you respawned, and I see the bot stopped.
    13. seankim

      seankim Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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      i tested
      - ExamplePlugin on
      - ExamplePlugin off
      - GrindZoneChanger on
      - GrindZoneChanger off
      - GrindZoneChanger ExamplePlugin on
      - GrindZoneChanger ExamplePlugin off
      all same issue. bot is lost path (exploring loop)..

      here~ :)
      View attachment Exilebuddy 5152 2014-09-24 00.55.txt
      Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
    14. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      GrindZoneChanger, and ExamplePlugin has to be off. try it again and post log.
    15. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      weird your stuck detection is getting triggered a lot. Turn if off and see if that helps. If it does help, with the stuck detection plugin, only use the how long in game, don't use the bounds or other option.
    16. seankim

      seankim Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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      OK:) thanks for your advice!
    17. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Did this update include the mapping example that we can play around with ?
    18. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      For most of the issues posted, please read the new guides, especially the plugins ones before using things. GrindZoneChanger is the same was it was before, which is a basic example showing logic switching between 3 zones. For a real grind zone change, you need to change the logic to do whatever you want for typical grind zone changing logic.

      Thanks for reporting. I think I know what the issues is for this. The new fix for the corrupted areas doesn't clear the previous location, so it doesn't have a chance to find the next location. A fix will be in the next version that should hopefully fix this.
    19. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      I'll have to run that boss and die to try and reproduce to see if it's something that can be fixed. It'll be on the todo list soon.

      Not yet, but that example is going to be pretty simple. Assuming you have a map in your inventory, the logic is roughly just:
      • Take waypoint to map room.
      • Interact with map device.
      • Pickup map from main inventory to cursor and place into the device.
      • Activate the map device.
      • Take a portal into the map zone.

      I might actually work it into a plugin for BasicGrindBot, since the Task system allows things to work a lot easier than expected.
      Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
    20. Emmitt

      Emmitt Member

      Jul 24, 2011
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      Just wanted to throw this out there: chicken opens, closes then reopens menu to logout.
      Happens every single time, so I am not sure if it is one of my settings or if it is something else.

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