Custom Script and Profile For Coren Direbrew in Brewfest DESCRIPTION As we all know, there is no script or profiles in Dungeonbuddy for seasonal dungeons. Like Coren Direbrew. So I decided to see if I could fix it. So now i want to share with you what I have achieved so far. REQUIREMENT? Bot to use: Dungeonbuddy LOCATION Blackrock Depths (Eastern Kingdoms). DOWNLOAD View attachment Coren Direbrew.cs View attachment Coren Direbrew.xml HOW TO INSTALL First of all you must download the 2 files attached to this thread. And then put them in the following folder Coren Direbrew.cs - Dungeon Scripts\Classic\Dungeons Coren Direbrew.xml - Default Profiles\DungeonBuddy\Classic\Dungeons I didn't follow Highvoltz guide how to install custom Dungeonbuddy scripts and profiles. If you want to do it then I can not guarantee that the result is the same. His guide can be found here KNOWN BUGS Character will NOT find your corp
For these you can deposit them directly in the folders stated, they don't exist on the server and so won't be overwritten.
Hello Cisem, I'm trying to extend your script with starting the fight automatically by talking to Coren, however I have issues with finding out how to click the gossip on the second page to actually start the fight. CreateTalkToNpc only seems to click once on the first page and then closes the dialog. I also tried different approach with TalkToNPC which should allows passing an array of indexes, howevet this function only approaches Coren, but doesn't talk to him at all. Any suggestions?
Sorry man, that's out of my knowledge zone. By the way, it might be a bad idea to want to start it if you are a simple dps or healer.
Hello, thanks for the profile. Is there anything that I can do to run this profile once? I mean, ok my toon killed the boss so it wont queue anymore.