Hi, T0b1as, Please attach the full log that illustrates the problem—we can't analyze what we can't see. Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log cheers, chinajade
Hi, Polito, This article should guide you through correcting the problem: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:Lost the Buddy product key cheers, chinajade
Hi mop also LK profiles had just diseapirred from profile pack , i can use all the rest but mop aint even show as posible option . Log dosent show nothing but i add a picture. Please help
Now this is Ram racing Ok haveing issues with the Quest Now this is Ram Racing first quest in the brewfest holiday Quest pack. ok so i started the bot it gets quest fine an so on but when u mount the ram an start to run it just runs stright to the forest ahead of him its not clicking the Acution button at all or even running the line it supposed to log attached alos pic of where he is heading Edit: sorry also this quest back is Streaming from Buddystore also tried updateing the SVn kicks quest pack i have both doing samething also tried 2 diffrent Cr's Edit 2:all of Neill Ramstein Quest not working. Edit 3:None of the quests seem to be working for Brewfest.
Used this profile package on my first level 90 using HB. Just wanted to give me thanks. Noticed some bugs here and there, required some babysitting and resets of HB, but a small price to pay given that I had my first 90 within 5-6 days. Thank you.
Tried this out the other day and I think it's amazing! Question though, when things are said and done about how many quests will be completed total; considering Alliance, zero heirlooms and gathering.
Hyal Firelands Daily Quests \Reputation\Cata\Firelands\[Fly][N - Rep Quest] Hyjal Firelands Dailies [Kick].xml Daily quest Those Bears Up There http://www.wowhead.com/quest=29161 has to be done manually in the profile. Since its basically the same quest as in the Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick].xml profile The Bears Up There http://www.wowhead.com/quest=25462 the code from the leveling profile just has to be merged into the Hyal Firelands daily quest profile. PHP: <If Condition="HasQuest(25462) && !IsQuestCompleted(25462)"> <MoveTo X="5254.562" Y="-1536.917" Z="1361.341" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <!-- <CustomBehavior File="MountVehOnly" VehicleMountId="40190" X="5264.356" Y="-1510.762" Z="1365.41" /> --> <If Condition="Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid"> <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/cancelaura cat form\n/cancelaura moonkin form" WaitTime="1000" /> </If> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25462" MobId="40190" Range="8" CollectionDistance="2" X="5254.562" Y="-1536.917" Z="1361.341" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" /> <CustomBehavior File="SpecificQuests\MountHyjal\BearsUpThere" QuestName="The Bears Up There" QuestId="25462" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for quest to complete {TimeRemaining}" /> </If> Mybe also replace the first "MoveTo" with "FlyTo" Kmica
Hi, Bosh, You are showing a lot of the components of the pack as missing. We assure you, they are still there. First, let's see if clearing all your caches will resolve the issue. Instructions here: HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems If no joy, you Honorbuddy installation must be damaged in some way. Please first do a "clean install" from the instructions here: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:"Clean installing" Honorbuddy If still no joy, we must see the full log from the "clean install". cheers, chinajade
Hi, Ninth, and thank you for the kind words. We've no clue how many quests are in the pack. The only metric we track: the pack itself is half-a-million lines of profile code. cheers, chinajade
Hi, Kmica, In v3469, we made a blind fix with the changes you recommended. These changes should work, but are not currently tested. cheers, chinajade
Hi, I'm getting this error when I'm starting the questing bot. I tried with different profiles but the error still occurs. Warning: Errors in quest behaviors! [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Ape\Desktop\Honorbuddy\HonorBuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)'
Delete whole QuestBehavior folder and copy it from the HB zip file.... or check this out: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:"Clean installing" Honorbuddy Kmica
Previously there was a Sons of Hodir quest chain profile in your pack. Where is this located now or was it removed? It's not in the reputation > LK folder.
Hi, Dongsquadl0l, We do not recall such, nor can we find a Hodir reputation profile that has ever been in the pack. Perhaps, you are thinking of another profile pack. cheers, chinajade
If you bot this profile 24/7 can anyone tell me about how long it would take to get from 1 - 90 on the average? Also how many time through that entire time are the average Toon's getting stuck? Also is there a slighter longer way where there is a full proof 1 - 90 absolutely never getting stuck 1 - 90 profile?
Valley of the Four Winds - Xiao Every time I do Valley of the Four winds and get to Xiao, it will never accept the quests and move on. I have tried manually accepting all his quests and it still keeps me at him, I have also done the quests he offers and it still takes me to him. I believe I have had this problem on different characters too.
I keeping an issue where in the Valley of four winds there are snagtooth troublemakers on the hut where the quest NPC is, the bot keeps trying to attach them however they are unattackible given my character is inside, he ends up stuck and not doing anything. is there a way to bypass or blacklist this mob?
Hi, Meat31, Alas, this log was stopped before it could demonstrate the problem. We're going to guess that your caches are corrupted. You can find the instructions for clearing them here: HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems cheers, chinajade [size=-2]Ref: Meat31's original post w/log[/size]
Hi, Ckrewt, We are unable to assist with problems like this without the full log that captures the issue. Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log cheers, chinajade