Thanks for clearing that up. I just knew about the bans, not what they were. I appreciate the correction.
But we still need to see a report for NPH / LCP ban yet on the forums. From my personal experience, LCP thingy is just a myth. Have used only ONE single profile on several of my GB2 toons for over a year, everyday pandaria farming, before they got hit - obviously for different reason than LCP. Sorry.
Whats wrong with all the new things implemented? Dont these serve the same functionality? Buddy Store Buddy Store Buddy Store Or make your own Buddy Store
Is there going to be a chance to trial it? I had thought about getting this some time ago but the cost without a trial made me fix the copy of Farmer Joe I had.
For Those looking for gatherbro .... Farmer Joe can do this already Sorry phelon we need Only some more daYs to be ready for the store
Alright Beta Version of Farmer Joe was pushed to the Store i'm taking 7 more Beta Testers (active ones which can giev constructive feedback incl. useful Error / Issue Reports) I prefer Beta Testers with: - Skype - that know where to find the Log-Files of Honorbuddy - are able to speak / write a lil bit of understandable english - maybe have other WoW Client languages than english - different gathering toons (a mix of Herb/Mine/Skinning) The current version of Farmer Joe supports: - Mailing - Guildbanking - gathering Herbs / Mines - Skinning - Profession Training I'm currently working on: - Mobile Guild Banking - Mobile Repairing / Vendoring - Mobile Mailing - CoD Mailing - Zone / Continent Swapping
I can help you out with some of these. 2x accounts with skinning on one and herb/mining on the other. I have Skype and helped FPSware on his original beta test of the RAF 2 bot
@Phelon and @Stormchasing there are a couple of things about both Farmer Joe and GatherBro that I would like to ask/address. First, pricing. What will be the price of FJ versus the price of GB? Will either one require a monthly subscription? I'm sure they will both have trials, of course. Second, safety. I've worked with both FJ and GB. Neither of them require profiles and have a type of random navigational system based on cluster density, or something like this. But, will either of them be so fast that they catch Blizzard's attention at how many nodes are gathered per hour (NPH)? Will either of them run the same path too often, triggering the LCP detection? As for the beta info for Stormchasing - I have mixed miners, herbalists, and skinners ranging across various races and classes. I was also working with Fpsware while he was originally developing FJ. I have a Skype account. I know exactly where the logs are located to uplad when needed. I speak English very well. I only have an English based WoW client. I can test pretty regularly, but no more than a couple of hours a day as I will never farm more "automatically" than I would manually, just to avoid raising suspicion by Blizzard. Gatherer Toons (Race / Spec / Gathering Profession)*: Worgen / Hunter / Skinning (600) Draenei / Shaman / Skinning (600), Herbalism (600) Worgen / Druid / Herbalism (600) Pandaren / Monk / Mining (600), Herbalism (600) Draenei / Warrior / Mining (600) Draenei / Death Knight / Mining (600) Night Elf / Rogue / Herbalism (600) Worgen / Warlock / Mining (600) *All non-Druid classes have access to Sky Golem mount for Sky Golem gathering. All classes have at least 280% flying, while a couple (can't remember which ones) have 310% (Master Flying) flying.
@Stormchasing, I am able to beta test for you at least 6 hours a day on numerous characters. Have miners, herbers, skinners and can level a few more professions to test the profession training. I have Skype, I know where the logs are and I am a native English speaker.
@krob: pm'd @zeldrak: answered in skype (other requested informations will be written down here or in another /new thread) @backwards: not exactly what i'm looking for, i need one toon with one gatherprofession and skinning , FJ is not a grinding botbase which is hunting for skinnable mobs (that's another story and the code for this would only take 3 lines ... there are better botbases that will do the skinning part^^, FJ supports skinning of dead mobs but not activly hunting for them) but add me on skype (or shot me a pm with your buddy auth name) more instructions for testing will come
I've sent you a PM with my Skype details. I will be spinning up a new toon in the next few days that will be a mining an skinning which I can test with. Would be a chance to check out the training skills as well. Happy to do what ever is needed.
It's not on the store yet. If you've been given beta test access then it will be shown in your "My Purchases" section and be flagged as "Beta"