i downloaded Silverfish,extracted and copyed in coustom deck folder,but when i do that i dont see any deck...its empty but when i delete that i see only Triton.bot...plz help,first time useing hearthstone bot...8(
I would say u installed it wrong maybe to may silverfish folders? it sould be like this Hearthbuddy\CustomDecks\Silverfish\ What evers in the zip put in here unless its a folder that called Silverfish if so then place the folder in Hearthbuddy\CustomDecks\ When done open the data folder or the logs folder and if it not like this its wrong. Hearthbuddy\CustomDecks\Silverfish\Data Hearthbuddy\CustomDecks\Silverfish\UltimateLogs
i deleted everithing and start from begining and now is working 8))) now i will test to see if there is better win rate or its same....8))) tnx so much,finaly after so many hours i get help 8))) ty once again <3 <3 <3