noticed when i got up today the bot was sitting in town moving items around in the inventory and i hadn't gained as much stuff as i had expected to, checked the log and for 6 hours it had been sitting there trying to move the same stack of alterations (starts around the 12:00:00 mark of the log) View attachment Exilebuddy 14944 2014-09-26 05.53.txt
Did you manage to take a screenshot of your inventory when you returned? Can you please post or PM me your BasicGrindBot.json settings for the configuration you were running. HandleInventoryItemsTask comes last when you leave town, so the only reason I can think of for an infinite loop like that, is your shard row/cols are overlapping with the top left corner of the inventory.
Re:Exceptions thrown from the CR due to memory going bad. My problem went away when I removed all the curse logic. Or perhaps it hasn't gone away and I have only reduced the chance of occurrence. Edit: argh.. happened again on a fresh os, default CR, on lvl 3 char on coast. I have cleaned up the CR, removing curses, and... will see. WIMM
What's the actual exception. It can happen with any component, it's just more likely to happen with the Life component (where curse info is stored) under certain scenarios where it's changing. If you're still botting in Beyond, I'd have to guess it was during a Beyond boss spawn? Watch it carefully and your performance graph (F1). Edit: One thing that could be done, if you just want the exceptions to be ignored, is try/catch the code that seems to throw, and if there's an exception, the CR itself can return true or false so it doesn't propogate though the bot and force a restart. I can show you an example of that after you paste me the exception you got this time so I can see which part needs to be try/catched.
Log not attached, chrome crashing while uploading and I spent 10 minutes trying to sort that (no.. i will not open IE). The CR is the default CR in #914 Error: > at ExampleRoutine.ExampleRoutine.<Logic>d__48.MoveNext() in c:\ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2740.914\Routines\ExampleRoutine\ExampleRoutine.cs:line 1435 Line 1435 is: var checkCurses = myPos.Distance(cachedPosition) < ExampleRoutineSettings.Instance.MaxRangeRange && (cachedRarity >= Rarity.Magic || Utility.NumberOfMobsNear(bestTarget, 20) >= 3); Has not re-occurred since removal of curse logic. WIMM
Since last 3 releases I've been finding my bot sometimes stuck mousehovering abilities or flasks, I think it tries to move on that direction but instead of clicking on terrain it clicks on the UI. I've tried multiple resolutions, first or second monitor and it happens anyway. I don't know if it is a known issue or something unreported, I'll get a log next time it happens. EDIT : Guess I fixed it by not having any mouseclick abilities being used
Yeah I've missed it and since I've never had main abilities on mouseclicks it was working fine, then a few days ago started happening now and then and I had no idea what it was