I'm still trying to figure out if I even want to play without my bot. >.< I tried playing by hand once and realized just how badly I sucked at playing. The bot makes me feel bad. lol
HB definitely attacks much more effectively and faster than i do by pushing the keys, that is why i love using "mr.autofight"
I have been hating Treyarch, Gameservers.com, and Activision. Black ops for PC has been one of the worst rollouts ever. If you are at all considering getting your own ranked server, do yourself a favor and dont. If anybody is located in the US and wants a ranked server to play on just let me know and I will give you admin and a reserved slot.
This game really sucks without using third part software. I mean, come on, who want's to play for three weeks to get to 80, then farm for another week or so, to get decent gear. THEN do some crappy-ass instance to get even better gear, so that in the end you can WTFOLLOLOLLPWZNROZ some 55 Druid in Un'goro? Fizzle that! This bot free's up as much time as it makes me spend on it. However, I access it using VNC's at school/work, and check on it. TL;DR version: I wouldn't play wow without this bot.
well i'm 5 boxing now! ^_^ got me awhile to bother figuring out isboxer 5boxing tauren paladins WIN! ^_^ seriously, the quest changes were quite something that interest me now, really. following zygor guide as well since it's update to date! Really nice!