Hello everyone. has anyone heard anything about blizz locking the new races to where we can't Race Change right away after the Cata launch? (To the new races) I have looked around some, but no luck.
thats gotta be false.. try a forum like mmo champion..Ive heard you can race change as soon as servers go live!
I wasn't sure either way. I am hoping it is possible. I am faction changing after the launch, and wanted to be able to choose Worgen. (The only race that I like for Warlock) I will continue to Browse, but any more info you guys have found would be great.
Blizzard: Never mind, you can race change to new race/class combos immediately after all lol It was at the very bottom "Note, you will not be able to race change to a goblin or worgen until after Cataclysm hits the live servers on Dec. 7 at 12:00 a.m. PST."
Yeah, Aliena (Mandy) on Tankspot already answered this question in her video a couple of weeks ago She is gorgeous
Bout time they did that. Class firsts make much more sense - before, you'd get two firsts at a time. Kind of lame.