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  • Blizzard claims to see Honorbuddy on my computer?

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by rowman598, Oct 9, 2014.

    1. rowman598

      rowman598 New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      All my accounts on my bnet were banned, after I made a ticket, I got it to a 3 day but they also say it is the final warning.

      This is what concerns me

      It says this in the email...

      "The game client may monitor your computer's RAM and/or CPU processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with the game."

      So they can look at my computer and see if honorbuddy is running when i play?

      They said this is my final warning, it is also the very first time i ever got a suspension or ban or even a scolding from blizzard.

      First email says this
      "Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

      Blizzard has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software."

      And talking with an agent of blizzard she said they can scan my computer for any program attached to wow. So they claim they can look at my computer to find honorbuddy running while I play.

      My Ban Form
      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? I was using Honorbuddy to prospect disenchant and mill in town.

      2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: current release, the newest available.

      3)If so, when was the last time?: was yesterday and got disconnected while using it, and Banned.

      4)What profile were you using?: just a disenchant mill prospect everything one

      5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: I was on my pally sitting in front of the mail box.

      6)What plugins are you using?: no plugins

      7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: i would say 30 minutes or so. I never ever use it for more than an hour at a time and I switch toons and accounts.

      8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 100% and I talk to people while it use it

      9)How many auctions per day did you have?: no auctions associated with any account that runs HB

      10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? none

      11)Was your account involved in gold selling? never

      12)EU or US realm? US

      13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? It is paid and 10 years old with no prior incidents whatsoever


      ps.and ofc tell us if its a suspension or a ban

      *thx CodenameG and for the idea and the creation
      niallr and christiantroy for suggestions
      and Hawker for the edits
      Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
    2. Weird0

      Weird0 New Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      fill out ban form, and if the agend was speaking the truth dont you think everyone would be insta banned ?
    3. rowman598

      rowman598 New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      I filled out the Ban Form and included it. It concerns me that they claim they can scan my ram and cpu to find concurrently running programs attached to my wow.
    4. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Its a common mail from the blizz Customer Support, but no - they cannot see if you bot or no, but only do some tricks online with your toon, to witness it botting. And if they were sure, you would never ever receive 2nd chance.

      You were reported, usually by some concurrent, you fight with in the Auction House, etc.
    5. spinellus

      spinellus New Member

      Sep 9, 2014
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      I don't know nothing about you but I find strange that someone would have more than 1 account (and pay for em) when you actually bot (100% supervised) for 30 mins a day...

      I'll look for someone who knows you bot an then he reported you (my thoughts)
    6. rowman598

      rowman598 New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      it was 30 minutes on that day per toon to mill and de stuff and a few days before, when I do gather i have 8 toons I gather on and I don't run any of em more than an hour or so then I'll change toons. and this is over several accounts.

      Hadn't been gathering since it is the end of the exp no reason too. Ah is way too cheap, its better to just vendor most things now. Ive been dumping my inventory before the patch. Haven't been using a bot hardly.
      Maybe it was someone I know, I'll think about that.

      When I go afk I will stop all actions. and if I leave the house or sleep, I turn the game off. I try to be careful and watch them at all times, and answer all tells and respond to ganking with a main.

      There was this dude on timeless isle and he was pissed cause i tagged mobs before him. I wasn't botting either. Most likely it was him. He was very pissed.
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
    7. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Btw, by saying all the wow licenses got banned, what you mean? These accounts involved in shuffling in front of the bank for example, or all other too, which are not related to shuffling at all?

      Have you got hit on any of your farming accounts? And what way you do transfer your farmed mats to the shuffling accounts?

      This is important enough, because in certain scenarios, player reports are not involved in the bans.

    8. Machinist8989

      Machinist8989 New Member

      Sep 11, 2014
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      exactly this point, back in the day i think warden? did actually do this but why isnt everyone banned then, makes no sense, unless blizz is allowing the majority of botting to continue secretly and only going after extreme cases such as people who never log off the bot, obvious grinders who get reported and gold sellers

      i had a rep tell me he couldnt restore a item (epic tabard from trading cards) so i got mad and provided screenshots of the valid precode and claim code, along with email logs of me buying the code etc etc, you couldnt make this shit up, they restored it but said the screenshots was invalid as they could be photoshoppped, how the fuck can screenshots of long valid randomized codes used on my account through there website be invalid, its genuine. they are complete idiots, i just think they are lazy and incompetent, the amount of smileys they do now is like they are 11 year olds.
      Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
    9. DrFeedo

      DrFeedo New Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      Never craft in towns!!! AH flipers using TSM sniper and if they spend 12 hours infront AH they spoted you crafting millions of thingys and you got reports... If you smelt get anvils and go somewhere etc etc use imagination.

      And good luck in future
    10. Sucubich

      Sucubich New Member

      Dec 29, 2012
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      If the game client monitors the processes on the cpu/ram then this is a violation of privacy and is illegal!!!
    11. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      They don't as far as I know.
    12. micron85

      micron85 Member

      Jan 9, 2014
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      blizzard wouldn't dare do this in the U.S. they would get slapped with a multi billion dollar lawsuit from some rich kids parents
    13. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Why didn't anyone tells the devs about the terms of service agreement, instead of wasting time reverse engineering.
    14. mnime

      mnime New Member

      Dec 25, 2013
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      Ok you guys really need to read some of the things you just ignore and press "Accept" after every patch :D
      The Warden scans your computer for third-party programs related to botting or cheating in WoW or Diablo or even StarCraft. It's known for a long time and many ppl tried to sue blizzard for doing that, but blizzard said that Warden only scans for programs related to their games and only send those logs back to the company and nothing else.
      You might wanna read some of the Rules you've accepted before you play these games :p

      In an effort to combat the efforts of those individuals who are willing to violate the EULA and/or the TOU, Blizzard Entertainment utilizes an "anti-cheating" utility that runs as part of Blizzard Games. This "anti-cheating" utility performs limited scans of:

      (i) the Random Access Memory ("RAM") that is occupied by a Blizzard Game to confirm that the Blizzard Game's program has not been altered or "hacked" in violation of the Blizzard Games Terms of Use;
      (ii) the Blizzard Games "process" to determine if any unauthorized third-party programs or computer code has been attached to the Blizzard Games process; and
      (iii) the Windows Process List to determine if any confirmed hacking or cheating programs are presently open in violation of the Blizzard Games Terms of Use.

      As you can see blizzard will scan your Windows Process List! But I'm not sure how safe HB is against that.
      So bottom line, You get banned because someone reported you, Since you mentioned that you did nothing suspicious, it was definitely someone who knew you were botting, then GM scanned your logs and seen HB running on your pc at that time.
      GMs are not scanning every player at every time. They don't have the time to do that, they even mentioned that in many posts. But if someone report you, they might scan your log. Again, I'm not sure how safe HB is to those logs but according to the number of bans even when a safe and completed version is released, I say blizz can log HB.
    15. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      I can put in my TOS I will shoot everyone that agrees to it.
      Am I allowed to do that?

      No it's my ''terms of service'' not the actual law the terms of service never go above the law.
    16. mnime

      mnime New Member

      Dec 25, 2013
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      you can put whatever you want on your TOS but you have to face any consequences it causes. If you kill someone according to your TOS, it's fine, but the family of the victim will sue you and you will be sentenced to something (Jail or even Death depends on the laws). Many ppl tried to sue Blizzard on this case, specially The Electronic Frontier Foundation that have labeled Warden as spyware. But they couldn't get anywhere. I say blizzard has the upper hand here. according to wikipedia Blizzard sued MDY Industries for making WoWGlider that they think it interferes with the game. The court actually awarded blizzard $6.5 million dollars.
      This is the exact results of the court :
      MDY Industries was liable for contributory copyright infringement for selling software that caused Blizzard's customers to breach their End User License Agreement and Terms of Use contracts with Blizzard.
      As you can see the company has been found guilty because they crossed the lines of TOS :) so yeah, TOS is the Law.
    17. zerotolerance

      zerotolerance New Member

      May 25, 2014
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      you're a moron, and OP is a liar.

      If they logged players using HB, they can easily create a automated job to go scan and pick out the players using HB. We would all be banned. It's not detected, and idiots like you spread rumors like this.
    18. Ghaleon

      Ghaleon Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      Well to get back on topic here.....rowman598 its really your fault that ALL your accounts got banned. Its been stated over and over and OVER the ages of HB....if you are going to bot DONT LINK ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS TO ONE BNET ACCOUNT!!!!! Thats the BIGGEST mistake anyone can do in the botting world. The basic set up is "Main account" never touches HB account 2 and 3 and whatever others you have on there OWN account and bot with them. So if 1 gets a ban, the others are usually safe.
    19. Weird0

      Weird0 New Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      you should rather read up how much validity eula/agbs have when they violate a law
    20. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      If ur in Usa u are not being activly scanned blizzard got in ALOT of trouble for that bunch of years back

      Outside us who knows its all grey zone then

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