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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. dshiizznitt

      dshiizznitt Member

      Feb 14, 2010
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      cant wait to try the new release!
      is there a way to completely disable heroism? ive been using shamwow for raiding and id like to be able to manually hit heroism at a certain time in the boss fights
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      On the RAF tab, clear the 'Use Bloodlust / Heroism at Bosses' checkbox. If that is cleared and the CC is still casting, please post your complete debug log file so I can look into it for you.
    3. lukeyboy89

      lukeyboy89 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bobby i'm about to take advantage of the blizzard black friday sale and purchase 4 new accounts. I wanted to 4box shamans through instances using IB. Now i was wondering what spec would be most effective for the said 4 shamans considering i won't have any BOA gear? At least 1 would be resto obviously but since your the shaman expert and you made the CC i want your opinion on the other 3.

      Also could you possibly link talent specs that would best suite your CC for instancing? As well as the glyphs you recommend for the CC not a natural player.
      Last edited: Nov 24, 2010
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      When I multi-box to level chars, I try to keep the character configs and gear selection as similar as possible primarily so I don't have to deal with variation in gear choices, etc. In that case, I would probably run 1 resto / 3 eles while leveling since while leveling all four basically wear the same gear. If you can get AutoEquip setup how you want for each unique char, that becomes a non-issue so running a 1 resto / 2 ele / 1 enh may work better for you. In either, the reason for going with the ele's over enh's is for larger mana pools for off-healing described below.

      A: Resto with RAF Combat Style set to Healing Only.
      B: Elemental with RAF Combat Style set to Automatic
      C: Elemental with RAF Combat Style set to Automatic
      D: Enhance or Elemental with RAF Combat Style set to Combat Only

      The Healer A is setup as Healing Only, but will still DPS as described in the release notes if you have specced either Telluric Currents or Focused Insight and no healing or dispelling needed at the moment. If you don't want the Healer to DPS at all, be sure to omit those talents from your Resto build.

      In the new version, if you are an Elemental or Enhancement Shaman using the Auto setting for RAF Combat Style, then ShamWOW will detect if the healer dies and switch to Healing Over Combat and begin off healing as needed and DPS'ing when possible. It automatically switches back to Combat Only when the healer resurrects. The comp above would have B and C setup like this and gives you some decent backup healers with good mana pools due to gear. The new version also works well in a multi-healer group so having two off-healers detect the situation at the same time will work well.

      The D slot should be Combat Only since you already have 2 chars that will switch to off-heals as needed. This will keep one with no dps loss in the event of a healer death. In the event of a tank death, it would already be in melee range of the mobs so its auto-cast of Earth Elemental Totem would be in the best spot to pickup tanking.

      You'll want to equip the Glyph of Thunderstorm on your Elementals. The spell is used to regen mana as needed and knock back attackers if they are in melee range. Disabling the knockback would prevent problems that can occur in aggroing a lot of adds by knocking one off a ledge or cliff into an area that hasn't been cleared. This can happen in several, but RFC, RFD, and the Deadmines come to mind.

      Unless you are choosing races for other reasons, if you are creating Alliance characters I would roll all Dwarfs. Shaman can only cleanse Curses until your Resto specs Improved Cleanse Spirit and can do Magic also. As Dwarves, ShamWOW will cast Stoneform to self-cleanse Poison and Diseases which mitigates not having the dispels from other classes available in group. Otherwise, I would keep them the same race unless you have your RAF Summon available to get them in the same start area then choose based upon what racials you would prefer for end game play or farming.

      With that setup, you should likely be able to IB level without doing a corpse run since you are guaranteed to have 4 rezzers and 2 off-healers in any instance.
      Last edited: Nov 24, 2010
    5. Madpanda

      Madpanda New Member

      Nov 20, 2010
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      Hello @bobby53

      I am new to all this and had a very long read of this page and i am going to try this out if it dose what everyone and you say then omg this will be so kwl.

      I will post back and click the star if i find this to be as good as you all say it is.
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi Madpanda and welcome! If you encounter any problems, be sure to post a complete debug log for the quickest response. For details on the information needed you can checkout the Frequently Asked Questions page [CLICK HERE] (post #2 in this thread.) The components involved evaluate a lot of data and make a lot of decisions, so I typically can't assist users without it. I look forward to hearing back from you after HB is back up and you have a chance to run for awhile. Thanks and best of luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Nov 24, 2010
    7. Daydreamer

      Daydreamer New Member

      Mar 6, 2010
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      Can you post a picture of yourself? I really wanna see how you look Bobby :)
    8. lukeyboy89

      lukeyboy89 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bobby, i have an idea for a plugin. I'm not sure if its even possible, but forcing BG mode to queue as a group instead of solo would be amazing. Your shamans outheal most regular players so having 2-3 of them in the same BG would be quite nice.
    9. ZyTE

      ZyTE New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Wtf man crush ?
    10. richarddoran

      richarddoran New Member

      Mar 11, 2010
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      Wow, I am totally going to roll some dwarf shamans as soon as HB is back up! My last resto shaman, I dinged 80 in pvp on a saturday, and by monday night, I was in full wrathful, all the wrathful offset gear, trinkets, etc, all from HB and shamwow/squire. I tried to play manually and failed miserably, shamwow is so much better than me....
    11. lukeyboy89

      lukeyboy89 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Also to add to my above question, which PVP geared is best suited to a resto shaman now (assuming he has full wrathful + offpeices + wep/shield etc)? I currently have the full spirit set with reforged spirit > haste and have like 38k mana unbuffed. Is spirit even needed at all? or should i just get the ele pvp set with haste offpeices/weps?
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Agree. I'll look at adding that for you.

      For my new 80 Shaman that don't have ICC gear, I got the Wrathful Gladiator's Ringmail set and reforged Spirit to Haste as you described. The spirit gives in combat regen when Resto via Mediation, and gives me +Hit while DPS'ing as Elemental. That has made this a much more versatile set for use in PVE and PVP than pre-patch. For pure PVP however, you should give the Wrathful Gladiator's Mail set a look and reforge Crit to Haste.
      Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
    13. lukeyboy89

      lukeyboy89 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Awesome dude, now if only HB would update i could start those 4 shamans xD

      Also is there point in me getting the PvP battlemasters trinket? is it supported?
      Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You need the new release for the Battlemaster trinket which should be available within 2 days of HB's release. That release will be out approx a week later will support the Of The Horde/Alliance trinkets and some other new PVP abilities.
    15. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I'm having shaman withdrawals. I can't wait to get back to using your ShamWoW CC bobby.
    16. cryogenicrooster

      cryogenicrooster New Member

      Nov 3, 2010
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      Well I've had such epic success with this CC on my other sham already. Bobby is awesome to say the least. I've decided to roll three more shamans for a 5 man dungeon group (3xHB with this CC, I'll tank and a friend to fill up the last spot). Thanks for all your hard work.
    17. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Yo bobby! Hope your holidays were good. Hope the fam is doing well also. A test version of HB is out and your CC still seems to work pretty well. There's no IB, so I'm just using MrAutoFight in the meantime. I can't wait for your updated CC. I'm really excited about it. Hope to hear back from you soon about development.

      Edit: Bobby, I think it may really need to be updated this time. I don't know if it's something with the newest release of HB, or a CC issue, but now HB isn't even recognizing your CC. It only loads the old one that has no config with it... My shaman is broken now. /sadface

      I posted with logs on the HB bug thread as well because there are other CCs that aren't loading anymore either.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the update Zeldrak and thank you for directing me to your log files. I checked them out and in the latest [TEST] HonorBuddy release there seems to be an API change that wasn't communicated in advance which breaks the CC. In this circumstance, you'll typically encounter the issue before I do since there isn't always a dev pre-release (since there was pretty quick turn around on HB Build #3449.) I'll check in with the Dev team on plans for the changes functionality and follow up with a status update tomorrow. Turning in for now.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
    19. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Much appreciated chief. Rest well, and I'll just put my shaman on manual play for now and not worry about HB. Seems the API change has affected other CCs as well, so I don't know what to do at the moment. Anyway, thanks for the quick response. I'll be looking forward to it.
    20. trichomer

      trichomer New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      The default wowshaman CC is working tho .
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