totally off topic but HI SYNIK I MISSED U and @ megatron yeah well most ppl dont do that sucks to be them tough xD
I can`t donwload new HB with my acc. I bought full version and i cant donwload now.. Whats the problem?
Yeah, I bought the 30-day GB to evaluate it before Cat. and decide if want to buy the lifetime. Was just at the point of almost getting it to work (still on a mount) and... Given the short time left, and by the time the new bots come out I won't have time to use it when Cat. is out so I'll just consider it a waste/wash (bad luck/timing as I just bought it a couple days ago) and skip GB as I won't do another 30-day. Shit happens...
Yes it does, but you must realize they are making this bot better and more functional with the latest patches and cataclysm. Sure they could let you use it the bot still... but it wouldn't work properly. The guys here at HB/GB want a product they can be proud of... and a bot with serious function issues isn't that. Just think of the multitude of issues people would have if the bot was still operational.... this forum would be clogged with issues solvable with a major rewrite... so they skipped that part and are fixing it!!!
Why (exactly) should a major rewrite be necessary? The old world was shattered. Ok, it has to be remeshed. Takes no longer than a day (something that Bossland said a long time ago about the time it takes to mesh all existent continents). Other bots are up and running (they just had to updates their offsets with 4.0.3a). HB has so many issues (in it's old state) that never got (really!) fixed (RaF, questing (UseItem on objects, the whole thing in beta for, mh, 4-5 months?), ground mount farming mode (attacks mobs while it shouldn't), sucks in PvP with standard classes, etc.). If it is really rewritten it will probably only get worse (new code, old bugs, even more new ones...). Why I'm still using it? IB / Squire with exemplar's holy pve pala and bobbies shamwow cc. I have a licencse that covers GB as well but I'll never use that again (I've never seen a bot that looks so much like a farming bot like GB. Skyrocket up / down like there's no tomorrow and that's intentional... It takes at max 10 seconds to determine if somebody uses GB for gathering^^). I hope the new version get's rid of all the reported bugs (via bugtracker / forum threads) but I don't count on it