Farming around 20h/day same ini same dungeon ) So it was normal but only 72h on 4 Accounts ... One is still up
Oh okay did you use MOP accounts or just battlechest? And all grouped or all solo instance? Sorry for so many questions i'm doing dungeons aswell so was wondering
Oh okay thanks hope you're transfering the gold now if you still got it on the accounts. Weird it's only 72 hours tho.
I had no gold on these accounts .. I sell my gold every day.. They had maybe 10k together every char around 2k or something like this ..... I created 5 new accounts but blizz didnt acceppt my paypal and refund my money back .. i have to check whats going on there
heard about a lot of people having problems using paypal as pay method recently, try using your credit card if possible.
I dont have a credit card yet :/ but iam going to order one asap ... I got one account after 9 hours of status pending on paypal .. 4 got denied dont know why .... i created a new one now but only one!