Keep your hand quickly.dont forget: we are customers and we dont have to wait long time.can you understand me? dont speak just work for us.because we paying your money...
I assume there will be a great deal of things to implement and also fix on both the WoD release and this new pre-release patch. It's not as simple as some people would like to believe though. There are incredible changes to the API which means not only do the developers need to update the base program then internally test to stamp out any glaring bugs, but then community developers paid or not need time to then readjust their routines and plugins. The two are mutually necessary, without a routine your bot does nothing. Generally these developers have lives too, rarely will you find someone who has been able to support themselves simply by coding plugins for a bot and thus work and family commitments will also have an impact. Be aware that while it may seem inconvenient to you, it's also an amazingly absurd amount of work for these people too. The unfortunate truth here is complaining or constantly asking when something will be done won't make it faster. I just hope we get a stable bot, working routines and that the developers keep an open line of communication to keep us updated regardless of whether things are completed or incomplete. Maybe I'll actually get some substantial work done during my end of semester exams too, that'd be a bonus.
Cmon, this IS honorbuddy you know. The developer's i support ususally have great communication and are working very hard to update their profiles for WoD.
Things you will see tomorrow 1: 200 threads entitled "Bot does not work" 2: People with only 1 post asking when the bot will be up 5 mins after DT ends 3: The gang of "Hey I paid 20 bucks for this 5 years ago have used it 24/7 but somehow I still think it's ok to bitch that a service I paid for doesn't work ALWAYS" 4: Bot White Knights telling the people that do 1, 2, and 3 they they are stupid 5: Peackeepers asking everyone to calm down 6: 1 Admin closing every thread mentioned above
Bleh u dont seem to get what it takes to update a a bot for a expantion. Its crazy how much work It takes and that is after it is re'd to begin with. We arnt taklkin about a awsome programer taking 10 hours you talkin it takes a small army HUNDREDS of hours
Having previously supported Millz and TuanHA I'm totally aware, both developers were incredibly helpful and friendly. I read through this thread though and a few people were mentioning that buddy customer support was slightly flaky, but as they said it seems like the support team has really lifted their game. Even still, it's not going to be as quick as some people expect it to be. I'm happy to wait if it gives some element of safety and quality.
^ this 6.0.2 comes tonight its like BC into Wotlk there is some sort of Pre something before expo And all of the class changes This is a lot of changes and require time but the buddy team are in the beta so a patch shouldn't take to long
My concern is I just paid to renew a month license, haven't chipped up the money yet for a lifetime license. So, will my license time be extended? A day or two I don't care about, but anything beyond that really isn't fair to me as the conversion rate is rather expensive, or at least to me it is. I understand why it is, I don't fault the devs for it, & I knew the patch was coming, just didn't know when it was when I reupped. And another thing.. if I haven't upgraded one of my accts to mop or wod, will HB still not work? I'm trying to think how to word this better. If an un-upgraded acct were to run HB, would I need to upgrade any addt progs? Thanks
Thanks Sil3nt, I've never done HB through a major patch before. And while the accts I want to run HB on are small potatoes in the long run, I'm worried about doing it on my main acct that I've bought a lot of extras on, so being paranoid right now.
You should never, ever bot on something you're afraid of losing. It's as simple as that. If you're paranoid, bottings really not for you. You have noone to blame but yourself if you lose your account.
No, I've done some dungeon botting on my main, just paranoid right now with the new patch/expac coming in so running it on my accts that I'm trying to level. Unlike some of you I'm not into the gold making right now with botting, I did it the old fashioned way of selling items/scrolls 8P From reading some of the threads here I wonder if Blizz may be headed for a ban hammer so trying to keep my main from getting caught up in it for now. I think I need to stay away from the ban board threads as that is what is making me currently more paranoid about Blizz, heh. So Ryf, appreciate the words of warning, but I never said I was blaming anyone so please don't put words in my mouth, kay? I have physical limitations that are getting worse by the day so running scripts keeps me enjoying WoW, & keeps me putting money for about 5 accts in blizzs coffers every month. And I understand the risks of running bots so I would never blame anyone but myself if I got caught.
Exactly this Not to forget that we release the new HB Version one hour later for everyone asking for it
What do you want to hear ? "At least 20 seconds ?" I get your point but this team has to check everythung, after the patch was released,and they only can see what they are working with after it happens, and then you can ask for an approximation ...
Look at it this way then. If you already used HB on your main to do dungeon botting, you're already caught. If you're afraid of the ban hammer and you botted on your account, you're screwed. You are either paranoid and you don't bot or you get banned like the rest of us. You may as well keep botting with the situation you've presented.