With honorbuddy down i dont have time to level a new Rogue for Cata, i was thinking about buying an account but im guessing its very easy for someone to get it back. Is there anything i can do that will secure it and that person cant get it back if he has change of heart? Thanks guys.
you can move it to a new b.net, then xfer the character, faction change 2 times ... but they can still get it back =( best thing to do is get a copy of their ID so if they take it back, you can have your lawyer call them
ill sell you my rogue for the right price, i simply dont use it as i play my mage back with my original realm, message me on here mate
Bossland had some trick to be 100% sure, can't remember the threat tho. Something about lawyers and saying ur calling the cops, just make sure it's their real name.
His trick is yes, to call the police, but he lives in Germany, and in Germany you own your virtual property, so if he buys an account from someone the ownership of that account changes to him. However, back here in the states, Blizzard can legally state you do not own your account or anything in it. Therefore, you cannot call the police about theft of property that you technically do not own.
xcon, its best to PM him that, but yes, account selling via threads is prohibited. But PM's don't stop you. Now, boss has said that its best to take accounts to ebay
As long as they keep it private i don't see why it matters. Also, yeah if your going to buy from a website, make sure you get secret question/answer, change to your email but don't change anything else (address, phone number etc) Get the address/phone number of the seller and compare to the account. Also, get a photo copy of the sellers ID.