So I installed silverfish to its correct directory, pretty simple stuff. or so I thought Anyway, the bot now does not work, and to complicate issues the little drop down boxes where you select the deck type show nothing but a blank list, when i run the bot it gets this error.
Here's a fresh attachment, and I dropped the silverfish folder at this location, don't call me a liar. C:\Users\User\Desktop\hearth\CustomDecks
Yes, So basically what happens is the bot works fine with the default AI, but it does make a good deal of poor plays. Once silverfish is properly installed, the bot refuses to function from that point on, even if silverfish is removed..
remove: - microsoft .net framework 4 client profile - microsoft .net framework 4 extended - microsoft visual c++ 2010 x86 redistributable - microsoft visual c++ 2012 x86 redistributable restart your pc, download the installationwizard from run it as administrator. after the wizard is done, run windows update. And install all updates for .net & c++ restart