Hello Guys! I have alot of bots on alot of servers( all Russian) and i just rememberd that Frost lotos cost half year ago abot 800 g stack. and 35 stack was about 28k gold. now 35 stack its just 700 g for vendor. because almost in all server Auction cost 1.35 g fot 1 lotos. And how about you? how much cost lotos, or eternal fire or eternal life? for me Life 1.5 fire 6 g. its terribl to be bot... but i dont have any choise. "I have that have" And sorry for my english
well its still good gold for me prices are still good over here not to low but not skyhigh like in the beginning ofc
Frost Lotus atm are going anywhere from 1.5g to 5g each atm -- when the asking price is less than 2g (and herbs are below 10g per stack) I simply send them to my alchemist (elixir master) and mass produce flasks these still sell pretty well.
Frost lotus is shit. 4.0 the prices started to plumit. Herbs are still going pre strong. (probs because i supply the 2 main AH botters on my server in regards to glyphs)
On my servers Lichbloom and others cost 5 g stack. some herbs 3.5. And the main reason why COSTs crach,because always in server have some ppl (BOTS ofcose) when saw price 15 g for stack on Auc, they put his price 6 g for stack , abot 300 stacks. and ofcose others bots dont have any choise and they put the same price. Bots Kills Auc
I do this too now, little do they know I'm also they're biggest rival (on another alt). So not only do i know they're bottom line cost (or thereabouts) I know I can undercut them
Very soon i will must sell lichbloom for vendor too (for vendor it cost 4 g stack) ) because "undercutters" kills auc. maybe when cost will At least 6 g for stack,i will again sell it on ah
Wont people still be able to use these to level a bit in Cata? I would hold on to them, or buy them all cheap off the AH and sell them back to them on Launch day for twice as much. Or Icould be wrong and you dont make much or a loss.
He is saying people running AH bots are killing the game. The bots run and undercut whatever the person is trying to sell so if he has a ton of lichbloom and some is posted for 5/g a stack it will post 100 stacks on the AH for 4.8 or 4.9g per stack. The bot is auto-undercutting everything regardless of if the price is way below the current market value.
Remember once people start leveling they may want flask, right now for me flask are selling really well but i have decided to only sell what i have already made and save the rest for cata release. It may turn out to be nothing but who knows, if nothing else and they dont sell i'll just use em for my bots or myself when leveling. Morga
Guess we'll see then. I have always had great luck selling old world mats and items on a xpac release. Morga