REV 1.1.3 waiting for approval Fix dispell bug using BossLogic The problem was: CR dont dispell if you Enable UseBossLogic in Utility Settings section of config. Sorry for this problem!
Its just the normal list that comes with the bot. Routine works great! But a move user friendly GUI would be awesome. Thanks for the work on this! <3
I will develop a new GUI after all routines will be patched and full functional for Draenor and at level 100. atm there are more high priorities Most important is a strong and stable CR.
Talents: Current Gear (got 3 553 items yesterday): Glyphs: Penance/weakened soul/holy fire Settings attached. But like I said I only changed the playercount for the AoE heals. Cascade/Holy Nova Of course I only reach 15-20k HPS in heal intensive fights. Like I said, Norushen or Protectors. It is really funny because no raid wants to take me with them. Yesterday I got in a HC raid and they were like "528 ilvl? kick him". But I told them that I can handle it and they should have a try. I was on rank 1 in every. single. fight. But Malkorok I had to heal by hand. The CC currently goes crazy if someone has low hp but a green shield, spams flashheals. Imho @ Malkorok you should mainly use PoH / Cascade. If shields are green you can go back to normal routine (smite/heal/shield singletarget). I can post some recount data later.
@malkorok you must disable heal flash heal or put flash heal very low and put PoH and cascade to spam!
I think that doesn't work. Because I believe that the CC currently has no detection of the shield. A player could have 1% hp but a 100% shield. In that case the CC currently emergencyheals that target like crazy.
I'm also not 100% sure because it is kinda hard to debug. Because the CC doesn't target anyone you can't be sure who it is healing currently. But in the beginning of the fight when everyone is @ 100% hp and 0% shield the CC starts with a normal rotation, Shield on Tanks, Penance, Smite, Smite. And as soon as someone drops in HP below 40% it starts spamming flashheal. You would assume that if he trys to top a shield with flashheal he would stop after 1 or 2 flasheals. That lead me to the conclusion that the CC doesn't work with the shields.
Ok ty for this report. Are you sure NPC healing was disabled? Because NPC healing enabled avoid this mecanic!
It is very possible that npc healing was enabled. So I have to disable npc healing for the Malkorok mechanic to work?
remember: we are in a prepatch and many... many things changed and will be change in draenor. So please be patient with fix and if sometime you can find a bug. The most important thing is that here you have a developer who listen and try to help. enjoy with kingwow!
Another little thing: Sometimes he doesn't keep track of the healthstone cooldown and spams it like crazy. It doesn't really interrupt the healing, so no big deal.