You have to keep in mind that it's not permanently gone. If you look at the end of paragraph two you will see they say they are going to take action "in the near future". That basically translates to, "Yes, it's coming back ... soon(tm)." The grind nerf reduces exp and loot gained by the player excessively killing the same mob(s) over and over. It may not say anything about loot in the quote blue post above, but I read in another article about the grind nerf that it reduces loot and exp. That info is found on MMO Champion, here: Anti-grinding mechanic has now been added in (AOE farming no longer possible). It states that it drops you down to 10% exp and loot.
Let's just say I have inside info that even blizzard employees petitioned for it to be removed because it was absolutely ridiculous and streamlined players into experiencing the game in too specific a manner. I will be very surprised if they actually bring it back.
It kicked in after like 15 mobs, which could happen during normal questing - this is indeed not intended. Also, this mechanic is to prevent exploits (as you can read), it wont bother people who grind exp. I'm sure it will be for killing a single mob (not mob type) or instances only. However, it wont bother Grindbots since grinding is a totally normal concept for playing an MMO and thus Blizzard will not provent people from doing it if they wish to...don't worry.
i think thats not a problem because levling with grinding is only possible with level gear and even when they remove the possibility to level with griding u can still levle with dungeons
I dont really know what problem they have with someone using a group of people to mobtag to 100. Theyre still behind with garrison, rep and everything else there is. If someone is strong/good enough to handle big pulls in a dungeon, why should they be punished for that? It doesn't make any sense.
They consider that to be abusing game mechanics. But, then again, this comes from a company that puts in their ToS that they can ban you for any reason, or no reason at all. Blizzard has all the powers.