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  • BGBuddy is literally YEARS overdue for fixes

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by evilme73, Oct 29, 2014.

    1. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      i could get on board with this. i did use it to complete the two pvp quests for the legendary, but nothing more. i suck so bad at pvp, even the bots do better than me.
    2. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      I've always been a fan of different bot bases. This isn't because I do not trust the HB team and their core developments, on the contrary I have the utmost faith in the dev team.
      Previously, I used maddog and his predecessor to fix the loop holes in BGbuddy, then maddog himself, followed by Phelon and now Millz.

      Do I believe BGBuddy is lacking? As always, if too many persons use the same profile - it becomes un-unique and through this repetition, is noticed.
      I feel that BGBuddy, as HB has evolved, does fall to the bottom of the priority list; name excluded, there are too many functions, features and methods, which take priority over the original means.

      I only ask that each poster, and the OP, place themselves in the dev's shoes prior to becoming overly judgmental. The community, and the accounts, must come first.
      If you feel yourself betrayed by the mantra, create your own. If you're unwilling to create your own, you are in no means capable of judging the devs for their lack, or disregard, toward your stance.
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
    3. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      correct, although the devs say there's only so much you can do when most players in the BG are bots.
    4. Gleeky

      Gleeky Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      It's a botbase, not a profile, and lacks the options for the user to be able to modify behaviours. Especially without access to the code, which is what the OP was requesting.

      You might feel that, I also don't place a particularly high value on PvP functionality in HB either, but to others it is their main priority, and like i said, it is shipped with HB on a par with all other products in the pack, with no "health warning" about its current failings.

      Of course they have to prioritize, and on many fronts they do this exceptionally well. The speed with which they have brought out beta builds following the recent patches is impressive. However, as customers of the product, we also have the right to comment and be critical of functionality if it falls below expectations. Its called feedback.

      Well people's accounts are not given a lot of protection if they use BGBuddy.

      This kind of comment frustrates the hell out of me. "If you don't like it, code your own" (I assume this is what you meant by the above). We are not all blessed with coding skills, nor the time to go away and spend weeks developing them. My skills lie elsewhere, I do not plan to develop sophisticated coding skills, nor should I have to to enjoy the base functionality of a product. I've learnt to create basic profiles and the like, but building something from the ground up is not something I have the skills or inclination to try.

      To me, as I stated, it's a simple matter of principle and product quality. If the base product (in this case BG buddy) is not fit for purpose it should either be fixed, or not shipped at all.
      Kowpye likes this.
    5. deknarf

      deknarf Member

      Mar 24, 2014
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      I'm sure the first bots, including this one, were bots that allowed one to "AFK" a battleground match :) Thus the name.

      That said, I just purchased the BGFarmer botbase as well, because I don't think that HB is expensive enough to be complaining about it that much ;)

      Also, doesn't BGBuddy work? I am pretty sure it does. Just not as good as you perhaps imagined! (therefore you have the option to purchase advanced botbases).
    6. samalone

      samalone New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      I think the community is great, and i think the developers do one heck of a job. The only little loop hole i see is the bots in bg's always having the same paths. i would think there would be 20 random profiles for each BG so they always go in diff directions. This way the bot itself looks like a better product. The 10 people being stuck in the same spot is kind of getting ridiculous. I would even pay for a better BG maps pack that has alot of diff paths for my bot to go in bgs maps.

      At the same time, these guys keep this bot going which is cool and all. I have no clue how much work it is to update it all the time so I am sure its crazy work.

      thanks for all the work .... i dont understand why people rage in forums you guys can take it easy a bit
    7. kravitz

      kravitz New Member

      Dec 9, 2011
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      It's a sad fact that people who continuously whine become "severely" disappointed over trivial features. WHINERS LIKE YOU OUGHT TO REVISIT YOUR STANCE ON SEEKING MEDICAL ASYLUM.

      Bgbuddy has always worked; though, a bit buggy at times. If you're having issues then seek support, try a different routine.
    8. Proletar

      Proletar Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      I agree 100%. BGbuddy is to obvious and you will get reported in almost every bg - which has a high risk of leading to a ban. I know nothing about coding nor do plan to learn it. I have very little use for BGbuddy. But at its current state, I would advice everyone to stay away from it.

      - That being said, Millz have a really good product, which I would advice everyone to buy, if they are planning on using the bot for PvP.

      I don't mind buying stuff from the store (other than second hand key problems) and paying for extra services for example Millz's product. But that doesn't change the fact that BGbuddy is risky and should either be fixed or removed.

      But as for now, Millz BGfarmer is the way <3
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
      Millz likes this.
    9. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      BGBuddy farms honor and we don't have an issue with bans. Even people who run over 12 hours per day, which I would never do and I advise you not to do, are able to run it. Is it perfect? No. Is it a fast easy and safe way to get welfare epics? Yes.
    10. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      You see that your bot is bad, because you are botting. Ordinary ppl really don´t know how bot behaves. I was in Temple of Kotmogu and 50% of team were bots, other half was yelling on them why they are not doing XY, but none really noticed that they are bot.

      TL;DR Botter see other bots, but ppl don´t see them
    11. gamerhead

      gamerhead Member

      Jun 13, 2013
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      I don't think bg buddy is as broken as ppl make it out to be. IMHO i think the main problem bg buddy has is overuse, when half the ppl in a bg are bots doing the same thing, of course it looks like a bot. Every bot base that is fully afkable gets stuck.....
    12. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      It is a botbase, you are correct ... and yet, it uses profiles. Open your Honor Buddy folder.
      Example: C:\Users\Blah\Desktop\HB\Default Profiles\BGBuddy

      Pick a profile and change it.
      Yes, the feature shipped with HB and yet HB always strains not do something "full AFK". In most cases, the bot was created to automate playing but with any goal, it is rarely perfect; there will always be flaws.
      There is a line between constructive feedback and whining; there is also a support tab - if you feel it "broken", offer logs and create a thread.
      As I said, previously, running the bot full AFK is never supported by any profile or botbase - with botting there is risk; what the individual user does to marginalize these risks is what separate the chaff from the wheat.
      I don't expect you to learn coding; this is why individual developers exist. They code, you support their ideas/ideals due to inability or lack of commitment. You mentioned "feedback" as your way of assisting the community. As much as you may not agree with the time spent into the product, others may not agree with your "feedback".
      I don't run BGBuddy because I don't like how it looks, pathing wise. Does it preform well when killing others and farming honor? Yes. Does it sometimes look like a bot? Yes. Are there ways to fix this with a little reading and tweaking? Yes. The reason these forums are here are to instruct those community members who may have issues with a bot, profile or routine.

      Just because you buy something doesn't mean it should include all the explanations; sometimes you need to take priority onto yourself to find the means to cope with a situation.
      Perhaps, if you spent as much time looking for a solution instead of expecting it given to you, you wouldn't have so many complaints but, instead, valued contribution and solutions.
    13. Gleeky

      Gleeky Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      I stand corrected. But all I can change there is blackspots, not pathing, doesn't solve the issues with the bot.

      Agreed, but BG Buddy puts you more at risk than it reasonably should in my opinion.

      Since when does 2 posts supporting the opinion of another original poster constitute wining. Don't try to shut me down with that twaddle. If you check my post history, you'll see that far from wining, I provide constructive advice and feedback wherever possible (with logs where appropriate.
      I'm not shutting anyone down or stopping them expressing their opinion here.

      Well we're in agreement here, the pathing is poor. The killing is mainly the routine, not the BG Buddy botbase, and yes it does look too much like a bot. Please advise me what are the little "fixes and tweaks" you speak of... Apart from buying a superior additional product (which I do own I'd like to point out). Again, it's just the principle I'm commenting on here.

      I don't use it, hence I don't have a problem. I do my best to advise new users not to touch it with a barge-pole for the risk related reasons you appear to agree with... A buyer might reasonably expect it to work out of the box and at the same time not put their account in excessive risk... Its a question of delivering a quality product, not expecting the end user to have to tweak it or buy supplemental products to get it to work as they might expect.

      We are generally in agreement here, but you seem willing to accept that it's ok that BGBuddy is sub par. Hence I go back to my original statement:

      "There has developed a kind of tacit acceptance in the community that BG Buddy simply wasn't up to the job"

      You prove my point.
    14. carloscx

      carloscx Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I bough honor buddy when it first came out and have botted for about 4 years, and I have never personally found BGBUDDY to be any more than a headache
    15. Valkafar

      Valkafar New Member

      Jun 7, 2012
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      ITT: A whole bunch of entitled pissy people who think developing a bot is easy and a whole bunch of white knights who go way to far in defending them. Also BGFarmer advertising.
    16. shelaine

      shelaine New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      sorry, but BGfarmer is even more crappy than bgbuddy. it keeps running in circles (wtf, really! this is the worst, most obvious bottish behavior i have ever seen around here), running against walls and literally everything in its way, - nope, thank you.
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
    17. Rockcrawler

      Rockcrawler New Member

      Aug 4, 2014
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      If you watch your bot(s) in AV or IoC you can see the bot trains. If you read the blizzard forums you'll see frequent posts about the bot trains in these 2 BGs. I've personally black listed these BGs to avoid player reports.

      I do agree that BGBuddy should be updated to have random paths as one poster pointed out.

      I'm not a programmer by trade; however, I wrote a fishing bot years ago. Every variable called a random number generator appropriate for that variable. For example, bobber down...call random number generator for right click variable to catch. Obviously when fishing you probably have a 3 second window to right click, so my variable was was set to wait between .25 second and 2.5 seconds.

      It would be nice if BGBuddy had random number generators or a list of about 20 X,Y,Z coordinates to choose from for basic movement in BGs.

      I have a lifetime subscription to HB. I feel the cost was reasonable. I be willing to pay for an updated BGbuddy from HB. I'd like an gui that allows for way more functionality than kill Balinda/Galv, then ride to base, wait for tower caps, then attack NPC boss. For example, lets say I want to back cap...give me the option to configure this. I'm willing to pay for this and I think other BGBuddy users would as well.
    18. Hell-Razor

      Hell-Razor New Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      I agree with the OP. I dont get why it is so hard to fix... They recoded a shit ton for the 6.0.2 patch, why not fix a smaller issue (in relation to how big HB is vs a botbase)?
    19. Hell-Razor

      Hell-Razor New Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      .. BUT in the end how long have people been complaining? And how much has been done about it? Ive pretty much given up on botting honor.
    20. Kuat

      Kuat Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      You mean paying customers, right?

      How dare we ask for a functioning product!

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