Few questions, As we speak is the bot stable or detectable (What i mean by detectable is are we obvious when botting) Second question, is there lot of premade deck to farm daily and get high ranks without too much problems ? (I want to farm enough so i can craft most cards and buy my naxx wing with gold) maybe even get portraits. Overall, are you guys pleased with this bot for the value or it still need improvements? Thanks guys!
The bot cannot achieve legend. I have gotten up to rank 8 with an eairlyer version of silverfish. Other then that the bot in its current State can farm gold, portraits, arena and can be detected as a bot by other real players because it does not act like a human would. the bot it self is not detected by any counter cheat. Hearth buddy is currently getting recoded into hearth buddy 2.0 and when that's done it will look a lot more human.
Awesome thanks! Would you suggest me to buy or to wait for 2.0? As right now id go for one month as i have no money on paypal for lifetime yet.
Since I`m considering buying a lifetime license, will this work for Hearthbuddy 2.0 or would I need to buy another license for it?
Regarding the resolution in the one of the topics , if you are using laptop use the biggest resolution available in HS that fits your screen via windowed mode.
Last question, does this bot work minimized? I often play games meanwhile and would not want to have it as main screen.
It is designed to work minimized , it might glitch when you are doing something else actively but it happens quite rare. By the glitch i mean => it will attempt to use a card several times but due you are clicking somewhere else as well it may get interrupted.
Regarding minimized. I have this running when background when i play games like league of legends etc which is alot of clicking, and i have never gotten the problem mentioned above, and i have 2 screens so i can monitor while playing league, so i dont think the problem is that big But i don't minimize it, i have it in the background maximized, but i guess we are talking about the same thing.